yes. yes I do. In fact - although I feel a living creature needs to be a mammal at least, to be respected as having a personage and rights - still, when I catch a bug, I gently carry him to the door and put him outside. Life is life. And unless it's a matter of survival (genuinely), killing isn't a right anyone has.
Why just a mammal. Because we´re bigger and stronger than the rest? So to you, that means nothing else matters? But I guess you did make a point with the bug. And you´re right, life is life.
It is.
Not if it's done for hunger, infestation or self-defense.
It would be sad if you were killing a pigeon for self defense. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Inasmuch as if you were attacked by a flock of pigeons.
I wouldn't kill a pigeon
No. The definition of murder is when one PERSON kills another PERSON. Shooting animals is called HUNTING.
What's the difference? -
Linda Joy
If you don't know the difference between a human being and an animal then please don't ever invite me to dinner!! -
lol :) -
Linda Joy
I don't want to eat human. thanks anyway. I do like animals, but my lease doesn't allow pets. I don't eat much meat, mostly for health and financial reasons rather than any moral objections. More simply put, I'd taste a lot of things I've never had before, but most likely wouldn't fund the industry.
Flying rats
Wow. How many more creatures do you think of to be rats? And what´s wrong with rats? You dislike them because they carry disease. They deserve just as much life as we do. -
Archie Bunker
Well, the list is long and distinguished. And deserve? Well, there's a reason that they're at the bottom of the food chain. Rats are vermin and I see no reason that they cannot be killed. -
I see no reason why we cannot be killed. What, because we are at the top? That makes us more viscous and vile than we ever have been. Just because we are at the top doesn't mean nothing below us is labeled vermin. Let me ask you, do you have any pets? -
Linda Joy
The disease factor is an issue for me! So are the feces and chewing of the electrical lines in the walls. But with good husbandry they can be used to feed snakes as well as fight disease and experiment..
Killing any innocent organism is murder.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Do you know where your food comes from? -
Linda Joy
Go look up murder in the dictionary. -
bostjan64, who said I wasn't vegan? Who said I ate meat? Linda Joy, you have a point there. But different people have their own different definition on what murder is. -
Archie Bunker
If you're a vegan, then you are eating the food that herbivores are supposed to eat. Are you going to let them starve cause you're eating up all their food? -
Do you not know how much food there is in the world? They wouldn't starve, it's called regrowth. If you don't know that you can grow a plant, I feel sorry for you. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Vegans still eat innocent organisms. When was the last time you saw broccoli kill another living thing? Maybe you have your own definition of "organism," but the one in the dictionary is "an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form." Not sure what that leaves people to eat, aside from rock salt. -
Well than, what do you eat? There has to be some sort of sacrifice, I know. I just like animals and don't want to do any harm. Eating a plant is the most harm I can do. -
And I like plants, just which do I choose to chew and swallow? -
Which would you choose? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
1. I don't define murder as "killing any innocent organism." 2. I eat a lot of beans and rice (I'm what some woild call "lactovegetarian"), but that's another conversation. 3. I believe that the moral differences between eating plants and eating animals is too nuanced to be explained in comments in a sidetopic over a question about pigeons on answerbag. 4. There could be situations in which killing and eating a specific plant could cause great harm. -
You do make a good point. Killing animals and plants would be a much deeper conversation. So i'm going to make a post about it. You should answer it. -
It would be cool to hear your opinion. -
Linda Joy
Enjoyed this thread. There is a difference between killing and murder. That's why we have two different words. The error is in using murder loosely when it is a serious offence and should be reserved for one of the most offensive of crimes. Killing an animal is not even close to the same thing. If animals didn't have a monetary purpose they wouldn't be mass produced and cared for - for a profit. They wouldn't have a life to begin with. Giving them a purpose actually gives them life. There is also a distinct difference between pets and livestock. -
Army Veteran
Don't look now, but plants are alive just like animals. You can't have natural growth without life. Plant two identical plants - take care of one but not the other and see which one dies. The Vegan lifestyle is a choice based on a misconception. -
Linda Joy
Yes, but you took both of those plants out of their natural habitat where they survive quite well without human intervention. I've also pointed out that most humans kill either plants or animals to eat. But then again you can't know the reason every vegan chooses the lifestyle. In most societies food is chosen based on availability. Only recently has the foods of the world become accessible to the common man. And not everywhere even now because of people with power issues, but that's another rabbit. Sorry -
Linda Joy
I can't give a thumbs up on a comment, but I do know how to cut and paste and I think this deserves a repeat! lol "bostjan64 1. I don't define murder as "killing any innocent organism." 2. I eat a lot of beans and rice (I'm what some woild call "lactovegetarian"), but that's another conversation. 3. I believe that the moral differences between eating plants and eating animals is too nuanced to be explained in comments in a sidetopic over a question about pigeons on answerbag. 4. There could be situations in which killing and eating a specific plant could cause great harm." -
Linda Joy
Some people in Africa eat cookies made of dirt. Some say its better than an empty belly.
My wife hates pigeons. I'm sure she would love to kill them.
You never heard of squab? It's a delicacy for a lot of high-end people. Unless you prefer to eat a pigeon raw, killing it is the best way to go. Did you know cows are shot as well (At least they were at the processing plant I saw.)? But it doesn't sound like you like any other meat, either.
I take it you have never worked in a building pigeons have invaded. Everything is covered with pigeon poop! They soon become used to those things used to scare them away and just sit there. It might not be murder per say, but it comes pretty close.
Linda Joy
One pooped on my head when I was working in the airplane hangar. -
LOL good for you Linda! I don't know why but with a lot of airplanes stored in a hanger it seems like pigeons poop less on blue planes than any other colour.
I know it's not. Murder: "the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another". SO: anyone who thinks that is murder has - unilaterally - redefined the meaning of the word. *** Is it an immoral killing? That depends on why the pigeon is killed...but whether or not it is immoral, it is (literally, by definition) not murder.
Feral pigeons can carry up to 60 different varieties of pathogens at a time, (more than rats) placing us all at risk of catching a dangerous disease or a life-threatening illness. Psittacosis - is caused by the bacterium C. psittaci which is highly infectious and able to spread rapidly. Causing High temperature, Tight chest and difficulty breathing, A persistent dry cough, Chills and fatigue, Blurred vision, Aches and muscular pains, Coughing up blood. It can lead to more serious respiratory disease and cause death, inflammation of the brain tissue, and irreversible brain damage. Histoplasmosis, - caused by the fungus Histoplasma, highly infectious, symptoms are A dry cough, Fatigue, Dull headaches, Muscular aches, Chills, Fever. Most recover within two weeks, unless complications due to weakened immunity. Cryptococcosis - is caused by a fungus named Cryptococcosis neoformans and can present itself in various forms, attacking different parts of the body depending on the type. The pulmonary form of the virus attacks the lungs and leads to respiratory difficulties and infections, with common symptoms including: Tight chest, Fever, Chills, Dry cough, Headaches, Fatigue. If left untreated or not treated quickly enough, cryptococcosis can spread around your body to the brain, kidneys, and skin. Unfortunately, if this occurs, the symptoms become much worse and your chance of death increases. As well as the above signs, the more severe symptoms include: Hydrocephalus, Failing sight, Papules across your body, Ulcerous sores, Nausea, Confusion, Double vision, Cold sweats, Swollen glands, Skin rash, Weight loss, Internal bleeding, Abdominal pain and swelling, Numbness in extremities. In the most severe cases, cryptococcosis can turn into meningitis which can cause life-threatening blood poisoning or result in long-term, permanent brain or nerve damage. E. coli (Escherichia coli), as it is most commonly associated with food poisoning. However, it is also carried and spread by pigeons. Unlike cryptococcosis, most cases of E. coli infections are not life-threatening. Most people who ingest the bacteria are able to fight off the infection on their own in less than a week. However, those who are more susceptible to illness may find themselves with lasting complications in the form of kidney failure. Symptoms, Fatigue Shakiness, Abdominal pain and cramps, Diarrhoea, Nausea. Salmonellosis is very similar to E.coli. The infection comes from the bacterium salmonella, which is also a common cause of food poisoning. Most people who contract the bacteria are able to fight off the disease themselves in less than a week. The symptoms of salmonellosis are the same as those listed above for E. coli. The primary method of transmission is droppings. Pigeons congregate and perch on buildings, windowsills, and ledges across our country and wherever they go, they leave their droppings, also commonly referred to as guano. Over time, these droppings dry up and turn to dust. These contaminated dust particles then become airborne and are inhaled regularly by passers-by as they’re kicked up via footsteps or the wind. Once contaminated particles reach the lungs, they are absorbed into the bloodstream. Now they’re in your blood, the bacteria or fungus can spread around the body and cause an infection or disease, like the ones mentioned above. This can also happen from directly coming into contact with pigeon droppings. Droppings are a nuisance; they get all over your windows, and on the ground below. If you attempt to clean pigeon droppings on your property, wear a face-covering to prevent inhalation, wash your hands, and disinfect the contaminated area.
they are vermin around here. Ive been in many roofs full of pigeon shit. They should never have been brought here.
As someone on here says, it’s only murder if a person kills another person. When a person kills a pigeon, it’s called animal cruelty as it takes away the pigeon’s right to live. It is morally wrong for anyone to kill an animal or creature but if it’s dangerous and attacks or kills a person, the animal or creature should be muzzled and put in either a cage or in its natural habitat. Pigeons are innocent and should be left alone. Leave them be and allow for these pigeons to have dignity. They are free to fly around and walk along the ground.
No, not if you shoot it for food. 12/8/22
Murder is a legal term, not a moral one. It means the intentional unlawful killing of a person. Person is another legal term, with a complex definition. Pigeons aren't considered persons by the law, or by anyone I know. There are some truly awful people I wouldn't sacrifice a pigeon to save...but there's nobody I would kill just to save a pigeon.
Pigeons are vermon around here they all should be shot along with the idiot that brought them into the country in the first place.
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