Yes, many times. It works great for that purpose.
Ice man
Thanks, so have I. If I'm not mistaken that's what it was originally designed for.
No~Have no use for super glue could not get it to stick so I gave up on it and use JB Weld. Excellent product. But not for a cut!! Feb. 05
Ice man
Thanks. Is that the stuff that comes in the two sided syringe ? -
No 2 tubes It is brown when cured. I think you are thinking of epoxy. Great big letters on pkg. says worlds strongest bond I use the fast cure one sets in 6 min. cures 4-6 hours One tube is black and other one is yellow mix equal parts.its still epoxy.KwikWeld Feb. 05 -
Ice man
No I use miso paste.
Ice man
Really ? I've only ever heard of it being used in Japanese cuisine. Or are we talking about something altogether different? -
Never heard of it could you please give more information. Where to purchase! Thanks Feb. 06
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