Seems to me I answered this question once before, but its not here. Is this a duplicate? Its not new.
I've yet to meet and bed a woman who has a chest that's 36 JJ or bigger, so, nope.
not yet
Thought I was almost finished with one of my goals only to find out this morning that is not the case. That feeling of relief was short lived. The thought of 6 more months is sickening. Nothing matters anymore, nothing. By the time I get around to living I'll be dead.
Not sure specifically what my goals were but managed to meet the examples you mentioned (house, special vehicle, over seas travel, and avoiding falling off a toilet seat). Other than that I am comfortably retired, my wife can be a bit ornery at times but she's very intelligent and puts up with me reasonably well, own a nice enough house, adult kids are great people as well as being productive and educated, have a suer cute grand kid, and am able to afford a little reasonably good (not great) wine. So far, so good.
Not at all. I don’t even know what they are anymore.
My most important goal has been to raise a good person, and my daughter who is now an adult is a great person.
I haven't achieved anything. I have high hopes though. :P
not yet
Not yet. I don't like apartment buildings. A home would be important goal. Never had a vehicle. I had traveled in Canada where I live. Peru I will visit before I leave earth. I don't drink often. when younger it brought trouble.
I want my S/O to meet my pets and like them enough to keep them around.
Ice manHow many pets do you have ?
Propagation of the species. Check.
Almost...I can't figure out why Kelly Hu stopped answering my phone calls...,g_1:maxim:eu4qS-GziTk%3D&usg=AI4_-kSjg_PxtJ0Bs0tjeGMRmDPYwMhYvQ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjGkLiT4__eAhUFheAKHR1QCGAQ4lYIJygA&biw=1024&bih=635&dpr=1
Ice man
Oooo-la-la !! ( lol). -
Long time no see...How you doing, my friend? -
Ice man
Thanks for asking. I'm fine, just been super busy since the middle of August, and I've got another month & a half to go (mid January). Then, with a bit of luck, I'll be able to hibernate for the rest of the winter. How about you ? Staying out of trouble ? : ) -
All is well here...I still drink beer and an occasional apple pie. -
Archie Bunker
She quit answering your calls 'cause she's with me now. Better luck next time, sucka! -
@Archie Bunker...Lol...You got game.
I never became a motorcycle racing champion, but I did own a motorcycle shop. I also have a farm. All from hard work and determination to succeed. The only thing I ever inherited was a used push mower.
I am such a day at a time fellow with wide and varied interests and a very simple life. sometimes I wished I could offer more to a long lasting intimate relationship. I would like to own a Tesla Vehicle, perhaps work for the forward thinking company or Spacex, To be kind and loving with all that I meet if possible no matter how different a world view.
I became a model at age six and an actress at age thirteen, and I retired wealthy young. Now, I am rearing an adolescent daughter. I have moved back and forth between Japan and the USA as I like
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