It's like the water always turning in the same direction when you flush the toilet. : -)
Nosmo King
Silly me, I should have thought of that. Lol:) -
Ice man
Gotta run, big pool tournament today but I'll check back tonight. I can't wait to see how he comments on your Q. ... -
we are dough
You can swim....? -
Ice man
Yes, yes I can. -
we are dough
Got a stammer after your swim....? -
Ice man
More of a shiver. The pool tournaments aren't always heated ...
Since losing both my hands, I am grateful for any help my troll can give me....
At least posting sick lies about yourself is better than posting sick lies about other people, especially about harmless people who haven't done anything to offend you. -
we are dough
I told you once, but even though I am sure you have already seen it, I will show you again: For your information, that kind of post is a violation of the site's terms of use. Assuming you read the terms of use when you joined, you will be familiar with the following excerpt which is relevant to this case: PROHIBITED CONTENT You must not post to the Service any Content that, as reasonably determined by Answerbag, is or appears to be the following: 5. untrue, misleading, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, invasive to another person's privacy or protected data, hateful, or racially or otherwise objectionable; I don't think I need to quote any more, that excerpt covers it sufficiently. -
we are dough
I noticed that myself when I first joined the old Answerbag. Before you ask "Why do you think that is?", I don't know why.
Nosmo King
What makes you think I was going to ask "Why do you think that is?", Bootsiebaby? -
Because you always ask that. Lol:) -
we are dough
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