• What sort of answer are you looking for? LOL :-) They are mainly used for competitive swimming for both genders, for recreation can buy the fashion suits.
  • 5-21-2017 I certainly want boys and men to wear SOMETHING, but I don't care much what.
  • What other things ?
    • Ice man
      Have a look at the rest of this guy's Q&A's. This one is "peado"..
    • Lilo Avli
      I don't like him. He is weird, like me.
    • Ice man
      Really ?I'm being very serious. would you encourage and coach an adolescent girl to engage in sexual intercourse with her little brother and then come back and report all the details back to you? Seriously This Sammy piece of shit did.. He went on to tell her how great his sex was with his own children. Would you do that ? It's one thing to joke around between adults, but scumbags like Sammy here should have their balls cut off and shoved down his throat. How would you feel if this peado went after your daughters ?
    • Linda Joy
      Good watching out Ice man. Thank you. Did you flag it as offensive?
  • There is no excuse for Speedos.
    • Lilo Avli
      How else would budgies get smuggled ?
    • Mircat
      There's no room for budgies.
  • I see nothing wrong with. As long as the guy is in good shape then I say show off that nice bulge! Both my son and hubby wear speedos and get of compliments from my friends.
  • its their business
  • I think it's self-confident if guys have a good or at least an okay body to wear them, especially if they shave and wax for the smooth look. Just as many men like to look at women in swimwear, many women also like to get a pleasant view.
  • If they are confident screw what anyone else thinks
  • Did you really have sex with your own children and encourage a young girl to have sex with her brother?
  • I would guess they are exhibitionists...much like gals that wear thongs and string bikinis. I have no problem with nudity.
  • I built a shed over my speedo.
  • Speedos make for great targets for sling-shots.
  • Speedos are made for swimming. Are you aware of that? You should spend less time here fooling around, and more time taking an ENGLISH class so you can learn how to communicate properly.

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