A profile page with our followers ,points,questions and answers on it. Everything the old site had..
ThriftymaidAnd a notification system on the site as well as a private messaging feature. 11-22
One click to "NEW QUESTIONS". One click to "COMMENTS ON YOUR POSTS".
We want Answerbag back. :) 11-22
Looks like they just added Likes which was my request. Now I want to see which of my questions & answers were liked. So another one for the profile page.
What TBO said plus the private message system. That also appears to be missing.
On-site notifications that work someone like the old site. Every question and post needs to be date/time stamped. Saying "some time ago" makes me want to scream. I don't; I just leave. The logo is almost enough to keep me away. I hope no one paid to have that created. I've heard quite a few people refer to it as the dough boy; that was my first thought too. There needs to be a way to contact the owner/admin. We need to be able to edit and delete our posts/questions/answers too. I would like to spend time here but so far I find it irritating instead of fun. How about you, unicornman. By the way, Hello!
I too noticed that "some time ago", Thriftymaid. What is that all about? I did notice that some of the old questions have been resurrected, but not with the original posting date. I believe that if a question was posted on October 13, 2011, it should be dated October 13, 2011 like it was on the old site. I don't like this "some time ago", I prefer everything to be more specific. -
My understanding is that they were not given any content from the old site but they captured some of it from a historical cache or something. I'm not very techy myself. I know some ABers are still unable to log in here with their old signin. It worked for me but I'm trying to get them to come and create a new profile and use old avatars...........we would recogize them. I would know a picture of boots was you. ;) It's nice to see you. I hope the site grows into one that is easy to navigate and draw a log of the old gang back. Thrifty 11-22 -
Queen Chelsea
Hi Bootsie say hi to Kenzie for me :) -
Hi Chelsea. Nice to see you back on here. Kenzie has rejoined as well. We are still waiting for the new site to reintroduce the Friends feature on here. :) -
Nice jugs 1
Hi yawl.... :)p
Great suggestions from everybody. I hope you're listening, new AB!
I thought maybe you were the new AB. Do you know why owns and/or runs this site? 11-22 (Not dating theposts drives me's a deal breaker) -
Unicorn Man
Haha, you know it's funny, TM - (good to see you btw) - I once made an enquiry about buying the domain, but the price they wanted - well let's just say it wouldn't be what you'd call thrifty to buy it!
All the features the old Answer bag had, messages to friends, asker's pick, posting pictures,passing comments below answers....hope it all comes back...hey UM,remember me?))
Hi Veena! Good to see you here again. I don't even think they have restored the friends feature yet, let alone messages to friends. I want both those features back as soon as possible. -
Yes J****, good to see you again;)) I asked a question about it,I'm clueless as to how to make friends on the new AB. -
I remember you Veena. I'm glad to see more and more familiar folks. I guess we should all keep asking for the features we want. The blog area has had a few messages from admins so yall check in there from time to time too. :) 11-22 -
Unicorn Man
Hi Veena! Of course I remember you sweetheart - great to see you again! :) -
Queen Chelsea
Hello Bootsie :) -
Queen Chelsea
Hello Veena :) -
Welcome back, Chelsea. :)
Add friends, personal messages, uploading images into our profiles, points and asker's picks, and the categories of the questions properly arranged like they were on the old site. In short, as TBO says, everything the old site had.
Unicorn Man
Hi Bootsie! -
Hi Unicorn Man. Good to see you again. :)
Where we can answer with pictures as well as a answer with it .. I want to see more lively page where we can see everyone who is here .. this feels so strained
Agree with you. Hopefully we'll keep seeing progress. Who knows, this may be someone's evening hobby so I'm trying to not be too push. Well hell! I fail at that................... 11-22 -
Unicorn Man
Yes, I agree PJ - maybe in time new AB will catch up to what old AB had going on. And should they ever close down, I hope they at least have the decency to let us know in advance, unlike those ratbags running old AB.
I'm so glad answerbag is back. I would like to see the personal messaging and being able to make friends.
I totally agree, jennac. :)
Notifications for comments and answers to our questions, and private messaging.
Definitely private messaging. That was one of the features I used a lot on the old site. We definitely need that back. :)
A ChelseaLee section, only questions about me and how awesome and wonderful i am
Lol:) -
Nice jugs 1
I'd second
The ability to see every question we posted without going from category to category...
Hey Unicorn Man, did you know somebody posted a question about you?
Uncensored honesty and frankness.
I tried to bring that to the old site with the help of my feisty niece (Kenz the Frenz), but somehow we ended up on the wrong side of a few on here. For some reason, certain members of the site's higher echelons didn't take kindly to us exposing some of their dastardly deeds. We could never understand that because where we come from, our sometimes brutal honesty is greatly respected. Why shouldn't such honesty be respected on websites as well?
A working feed page so we can see members coming down the page , so we don't feel so all alone in here .. hurry this is boring
The ability to answer with videos would be cool.
Nice jugs shoe I'm thinking..... Hehe
I still have my boots avatars, so you should still be able to upload your shoe. :)
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