$17 an hour
I own and operate two small businesses from my home ... so I get to keep everything left after company expenses ... usually, not very much ...
Not quite as much as I feel that I am worth.
prior to terminating myself, quite a bit
It's all volunteer work...I get paid in hugs:)
As a graduate student, 960 a month. Its adequate.
minimum wage + tips = roughly $17-20/hour
$100 in an hour, usally with different people every night though, and Im the boss......................Im kidding I dont do that
$15.00 an hour. This includes vacuuming and taking out the trash.
$19.50 / hr. Not nearly enough for the crap I have to put up with!
I get paid 9.45/hr. I'm a college freshmen and it's a part-time job, so its not too bad; I need to find a second job.
As a childrens entertainer, ( clown, face painter, balloon sculpter, costume character, magician, ect.) anywhere from $150.00 to $275.00 an hour. These are a small sample of me at work.
I volunteer a lot, hoping to reach a greater goal, so I guess just the pleasure of helping out. But when I do work, not enough...could use more, but I'll live!
As a consultant to real estate investors....$35.00 to $50.00 an hour. But I don't work every day either, and I live and pay New York City prices, so don't think I am a rich Answerbagger. LOL. I'm upper middle.
I am a Transportation Broker, I average 55k a year.
$25/hour as a tutor
$9/hour full-time. I teach preschool.
I make around 36k for about 9 1/2 months of work. I'm a teacher.
Around $20 doing programming, with C++ and Java. Overtime is $50 per hour, but this happens only when finishing projects. The work is hard and pressuring, but the stakes are higher in my works. I do work only part time.
for what i do too much, but I get no hours
I make 26.54 hr Plus I volunteer working on cars for the Elderly who can't pay for it
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