Because they feel guilty and want to find some way to take the blame off of themselves, because they dont want to admit that they made a mistake.
because it's a way for them to do what they really intended to do anyways without taking the blame for it. i say, if you put yourself in that situation, you are still to blame. you won't willingly do anything while drunk that you wouldn't eventually do while sober.
Because they think their spouse or partner is going to buy that load of sh## but it wouldn't work here.
Because alcohol impaires people's judgement thus making it a somewhat legit excuse. The only catch is that no one forced you to drink, and if you knew alcohol could impair your decision makinging abilities that bad, and you got yourself into a situation where your faithfulness would be comprimised, you're still to blame. By the way I just want to mention how spectacular it is that we have a category devoted entirely to intoxicated cheating. Kudos Admin!
It's a great way to get what you want and not have to take responsibility for one's actions. I can't believe that line works.
I think it explains much but it doesn't excuse anything. If somebody took advantage of you as you were drunk, and you did not want it, it is rape, not cheating. If you cheated on your partner as you were drunk, you were probably in a situation where cheating was easier, but you were usually responsible for bringing yourself in this situation.
The King doesnt need an excuse...its good to be the King
I read that as intoxicated eating!! LOL!! Sorry! My friend got pregnant for intoxicated cheating with a on again off again boyfriend. The good news is they had a beautiful baby boyβ¦. the better news is after being off again for about 3 years and fighting over custody and child support they realized that after 10 years of that they love each other! Doesnβt always happen for most but for some it does.
I don't know. But it isn't. And if my significant other tried to justify his cheating with that excuse, it would be just as painful as if he would have been sober. Its definitely not permissable.
It is as good an excuse as any. It takes the blame off the offender and puts it on an inanimate object. You can then say that it wasn't you but the drink that did it. It is, of course, a load of crap.
This brings to mind one of my favorite sayings..."A Drunk Man's Words Are A Sober Man's Thoughts." The character of someone who cheats remains the same, intoxicated or otherwise. I agree with the others-it's simply a way for the cheater to "try" to justify their actions. In reality, this sober individual is just as much a cheater!!
Because you're drunk? Do people think being drunk is an 'excuse' to slam their cars into walls, cars, and people at high speeds? Certainly not... They were drunk. It's grossly irresponsible, you almost certainly 'chose' to drink, but the results of your drinking are not entirely your clearly thought-out choices... They are choices made by you while you have a (proven) significantly reduced level of control over yourself... Again, it's a bad thing to do under ANY circumstances, but when you're drunk - you're too drunk to necessarily realise exactly what you're doing... I think the car example is pretty good for explaining how it's a partial excuse...
Don't go for that, no matter what. Drunk excuses nothing-ever! The drinking was the choice of the person who get drunk, right? So they then made their decision to deal with the variety of consequesces that could arrive later. If ouy have a drinking/cheating problem-drink only with guys if you are a guy (a straight guy) And only with girls (if you are a straight girl) or here's an idea...DON"T DRINK IF YOU CAN'T KEEP YOUR PANTS ON PEOPLE!!!!!
As the above posts so amply demonstrate, being drunk is not an excuse because one puts himself in the situation. I would change it to being drunk is no excuse when the drinking one soberly chooses to engage in will foreseeable reduce the inhibitions which normally prevent one from cheating. So, for example, the married man who goes to a bar full of promiscuous women, gets three sheets to the wind and ends up waking up next to one of those unchaste vixens is culpable because he put himself in a situation wherein it was foreseeable that a significant amount of alcohol would substantially increase the likelihood of philandering resulting from impaired judgment. Conversely, consider the following example as an illustration of when cheating due to inebriation may be excusable-- when the alcohol could not foreseeably contribute to the infidelity: A married man is sitting at his house imbibing large amounts of gin after getting fired from work while his wife is out of town and has been for the last month. Unbeknownst to him, his morally-compromised buddies (who apparently have little respect for the institution of marriage) have sent over a high-priced call girl to alleviate his work-related anxiety. The man, who had no intention of cheating, is quite drunk when hears the door bell ring and goes to answer it. When he opens it, he sees an extremely attractive woman standing in front of him in a garter belt and stockings, beckoning him to have sex. His discretion severely compromised due to alcohol, he indulges. Now, all will say that the first man is to blame, and, though we might agree that the second is as well, we would say that he is not as culpable as the first, if at all. This is because he did not place himself in a situation in which getting drunk would foreseeably contribute to cheating. He had no idea (and no good reason to know, as his friends are all broke, but one of them hit the lottery, let's say) that he would be placed in a position where his drunkenness would appreciably contribute to his infidelity. I think that is the moral intuition most of us are trying to capture. Of course, my two examples are on oppositte ends of the spectrum, and this whole inquiry is, by necessity, a matter of degree and imbued with shades of gray. However, when assessing the extent to which alcohol extenuates infidelity, this, to me, is the proper analytical framework.
it is so not an excuse. even though the person's decision making skills were impaired...he or she should still not have gotten that drunk in order to prevent anything like that happening, even if they didnt mean it
that is not an excuse!
it's not an excuse but getting drunk you just lose site of your inhabitions
regardless if you are drunk or still hurts the spouse the same.
I wish I knew Being drunk or high on drugs is never an acceptable reason for cheating. Yes I will give you that being under the influence of liquor or illicit drugs gives people the courage to do stuff they normally wouldn't do but it is still not a valid reason for cheating. Unless you are stone cold passed out on the bed or floor and are not able to control what is happening (in which case that would be rape) you are still in enough of a right frame of mind to tell someone no if you honestly didn't want to have sex with them.
I don't care if you are intoxicated or not, you're out the door either way!
Because they think their partners are stupid enough to believe them.
That is the most stupid ass excuse i have ever heard.When you start drinking you should be responsible for what you drink and whatever happens is always your fault.For the people who think its ok then you are a f**king idiot.
are you implying that it isn't?
Let me tell you a story. I had a friend one time, we'll call'm Mike. Well Mike and me went out to the bar drinking and we got pretty wasted. Well we shot some pool and a few drinks, and when I wasn't paying attention that sum bytch sucker punched me in the face! Now I'm a pretty nice guy, and I asserted myself and I politely instructed him that if he did it again I would have no other choice than to kick his ass. Well, he drank a bit to much courage and did it again and so, I put a whoop'n on him that even Chuck Norris could be proud of. So bad in fact I put him in the hospitol for two weeks with his jaw wired shut. When he got out of the hospitol he had the nerve to come up to me and ask me why I kicked his ass and not only that, he had the rocks to use the lame excuse that I shouldn't have kicked his ass because he was drunk. I told him straight up, "I don't care if your drunk or not, nobody held a gun to your head and said drink this here beer or else! If you can't handle your liquor your gonna pay for the consequences of your actions, even if that means I have to put this here foot to your ass"! If someone uses that lame ass excuse on you, their playing you for a sucker. So don't let them suck you in.
Because they say that it was the alcohol acting, not them.
Well i didn't mean to kill anyone when driving impaired...same shit. They know it's wrong and are getting a secondary emotional pay off.
Some people may believe that since they were drunk there was no real attachment to the person they fooled around with. Therefore the S.O. might be more willing to accept the excuse of their partner being drunk or intoxicated and engaging in a one time thing as opposed to their partner spending time & effort in becoming mentally,emotionally and physically interested and involved with someone other than their spouse. Either way, we are all responsible for our own actions. It's simple: Do onto others as you wish them to do onto you.
Because they really couldn't care less and are just saying it because they believe they have a chance of getting away with it.
Coming from someone who has done it. it is an excuse. I was the girl who said i would break up with someone in a heartbeat if my guy ever cheated on me, my opinion of people changed after i had heard they had cheated. I was the most against cheating person that i knew... and then, i did it. I was ridiculously drunk and i hooked up with a friend of mine. I am completely in love with my boyfriend and i have zero feelings for the guy that i hooked up with. i never believed people when they said that, i always thought that they must have at least thought about it before.... no. my guy is perfect and i just made a huge mistake. It is something i will never ever get over, and i will definitely not put myself in a situation where i could screw up like that again. People make mistakes, but if they make the mistake twice it wasn't a mistake... you have to learn from stupid decisions.
i cheated on my girlfriend lastnite.i realize that i had all the power to say no,but i went ahead with it anyway.i was drunk and that is not an excuse.i feel dirty,i have never done it before.i love my girlfriend very much and i dont know what i will do without her.i really messed up and im paying the price of guilt.i dunno y i done it...stupid stupid stupid ediot!
in love affairs never tell your partner the whole truth about your negativity
why do some people think that being intoxicated is an excuse for anything?
Because they are low life cheaters and will use anything as an excuse to get away with it. They just hope that the partner who is getting put through the turmoil of being cheated on might soften enough to forgive if they know that their judgement may have been slightly impaired. But as I said before, if you are sober enough to do the deed you're sober enough to know what you're doing is CHEATING.
Everyone on here is angelic..have you never done something while intoxicated you regret.. If it happens once forgive twice no mercy
Because when you are drunk everything seems like it's not a big deal. But if they really had morals or if they really loved you enough they wouldnt do anything to hurt you. And everyone knows getting cheated on hurts.
I think people use it as an excuse to do what they really wanted to do in the first place.
Its an excuse, but it still doesnt make cheating right.
There are people who use it as an excuse for loss/lack of self control. They might use different words that sound better or worse, though.
There doesn't seem to be a better "excuse' for cheating than when drunk.
Its a pretty lame excuse, if someone buys it then they are pretty naive.
I think that people are generally attracted to other people besides their GF/BF. Normally, they wouldn't cheat but when alcohol comes into the picture, they feel like they can use that as a excuse. And it is true, we are more relaxed and the inhibitions are minimized. However, it is no excuse because you are still conscious when you are drunk. If you cheat when you were drunk, that means you thought about it when you were sober as well.
Because apparently alcohol slows down your responses and makes you think less clearly, so if your drunk and are not thinking right then you just accidently kissed that other boy or girl and wasnt thinking...cough cough. Or at least they like to say they accidently did because they were drunk. Main point: its a stupid excuse.
Because they have dated stupid fucking people.
I think people think that because you don't have good judgement when drunk. :P
Well they might not of chosen to cheat because they were drunk. HOWEVER! They made the choice to drink, and get drunt knowing that while they were drunk that something like that might happen. You don't put yourself in a compromising place when you are dating someone, so there is no excuse for it.
(I apologize in advance for my blatancy) . . . Because they're a ****ing IDIOT!!
Yeah, i completely agree! Drinking is no excuse at all!!! There is no reason for cheating!!! Just tell your spouse how you feel instead of leading them on to believe that they're the only one for you! And stop hurting them! You know i always wonder if people enjoy hurting others.
Because they are weak and confused.
Because it seems to all too often to be the convenient excuse, ready and waiting in the shadows. But don't buy into it. It's crap.
Because they don't want to be responisble for their actions..
because supposedly it "impairs judgement" but i think it's just a cheap excuse
because it's an excuse, 'i was drunk and didn't know what i was doing.'
Now im not defending intoxicated cheaters, if it WAS an excuse then people would be cheating alot more and just rubbing it off as having to much to drink. However i have done this myself and i can tell you i was not thinking the same. If i were sober i know for a fact it would not have gone passed an accidental kiss because as soon as that would have happend my cohearent mind would have pictued my girlfreinds beautiful face and i would have mentally smacked myself back into the bigger picture. But after haveing to much to drink, stuff like that didnt pass my mind until the next moring. If it were a good excuse i wouldent feel as guilty but i do. You guys are right its not an excuse but it definately helped me make the biggest mistake iv ever made.
I've had friends who are with someone who get really drunk and someone hits on them and they tell them they are taken. There is noooo reason to cheat on your partner. Also, if you feel you might do something stupid, don't drink too much or so on. Simple as that. Take responsibility for yourself!
Because they'd rather put the blame on anything else than their own irresponsible and selfish selves. You're still you, and your actions are still your own while drunk. So it's a horrible excuse.
its not. when people are drunk they act in diffrent ways and it is possiably theuy act on implusses. also if there partner isnt there they will try and get someone to make up that. on the other hand if there is problems in the relationship the person would find someone to try and not have those problems
because if you cant really remember it....... it never really happened durrrr
being drunk is no excuse AT ALL they know EXACTLY wha they are doing they just dont give a fuck about the conciquences at that time. alcohol should be given up by all "drunk accident" cheaters and if they wont do that then they arent worth the time of day!
Thats not an excuse, if they use it as one..just tell them that your free to do what you want when your drunk to.
i have no idea but it happened to me while i was pregnant with the cheaters kid. I found out when i was 8 months pregnant with his kid that i had contracted an std which i did not have previously. I was shocked and devastated.
he told me he was drunk and that he cheated with the town slut twice. I don't know why i stayed with him or why i put up with his ass, i guess being 17 with a kid on the way and no means of supporting myself made me do it.
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