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  • Ultimately, she could die as a result. Happens more often then you think. As well, the knowledge that she has killed her own offspring is a huge burden for some women to carry for the rest of their lives.
  • The worse thing is regret. This is a decision that can never be undone. Once you go through it there is no going back. Be absolutely sure that it's what is best for the person making it. Look at all the options. It may seem best today, but tomorrow it may seem like a mistake. Get support too. There are consequences to this that one may be unaware of. The procedure itself doesn't take that long.
  • There are risks. Infertitlity, infection, death, physchological consequences. The worst thing that can happen to one woman may seem like less of of an issue to another (although death does seem final... I don't know the percentile, but it could happen). As for how long the proceedure takes, I am not sure. From what I have heard, it is not a long proceedure.
  • These days a woman may have to make several visits rather than just one, and it can require a lot of time for travel if there are no clinics immediately available in their area. The time required may be considerable. It depends on the laws in your state and the facility that is used. Sometimes there is a waiting period required and sometimes there are additional procedures that must be performed. The best way to predict this would be to call the local Planned Parenthood and ask. While a woman in need of an abortion is typically in a tragic situation to begin with, the procedure itself is safe and with few side effects. The medicated abortion available early on in the pregnancy is not pleasant but at least it is not invasive. The in-clinic procedure is an invasive surgery and it's not fun. However, the risks of this procedure are GREATLY exaggerated by anti-choice activists. The risks and side effects of abortion are considerably less than the risks and potentially life-threatening complications of pregnancy, just without the happy result of a baby. Probably the most unpleasant aspect of the whole experience will be the clinic protesters who are ubiquitous in many states, and tend to be nasty people that use horrible mysogynist rhetoric on anyone entering the clinic for any reason. The clinic escorts try to reduce the effect of this as much as possible, but it's definately troubling.
  • You may remember that I left an answer to another one of your questions. I wanted leave you a few links that you might find helpful. I also want to remind you that I am here to chat. Please just leave a comment on this answer and I will give you my e-mail. I also wanted to remind you that I am not able to read all of the information offered at these links, but they seemed to be very helpful. Please know that I am still praying for you and I hope you are okay.
  • Abortion methods, like most surgical procedures, carry a small potential for serious complications, including perforated uterus, perforated bowel or bladder, septic shock, sterility, and death.
  • Here is another link that might be of help to you also:
  • Changing her mind when the procedure has started and it is too late to stop it or if it is a later term abortion, seeing the body of her baby. I don't know how long the procedure takes.
  • The worst thing is the knowledge that one is taking a human life. The second worst thing is the fear of being pregnant and not thinking rationally about other options. The third worse thing is not being able to change what happened, which can cause a life-long psychological effect. A legal abortion is not fool-proof. Infections, sterility, and evn death can occur, but the guilt is always there.
  • Worse case scenerio, the woman dies from complications...excess bleeding/infection. Another sucky scenerio, those religious activists protesting outside, it can be mentally intimidating, for someone who's making a tuff call. Its a very PERSONAL choice, and procedure does not take long. Mainly its a waiting game.
  • Finding out there were twins.

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