I experimented with shaving my chest once. Didn't dig it.
I don't shave but trim :P
I shave my armpits in summer, simply to reduce the speed with which sweaty smells build up. I don't shave my face.
My husband does ;)
I don't shave but I do trim other parts other than mai face. I've trimmed my pubic hair and mai armpit hair and mai chest. I do it once in a while.
As you aim your question at MEN, rather than less mature males, I can assure you that the only mature man that I know who does this is so immature that he hardly warrants the name of man. Ooops, here goes, -2, -4, -3, etc.
The top of my head (but not a close have, only a no. 2 at the very shortest). And I used to shave my chest. I'm not a particularly hairy man so there's no real need.
Only my nutsack.. :)
I was never what you may call hairy and have never shaved anything besides my face.
Other than my head, no chance.
My ex did
I shave my head and some people have refered to that part of my body as being my butt. Mr Bill
Yes, I like to stay trimmed
My husband has never shaved any part of his body other than his face, except I have shaved his toes when they would have some hair growing on them so I could henna his feet.
Yes, There is nothing worse than sweaty balls.
Nope. Shaving my face is bad enough.
I trim. Putting a razor close to that area makes me nervous.
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