One word: BORING My friends and I went to see it and we fell asleep half way through. We were lying on the floor (which didn't help). After they saved Jack the movie goes no where worth going. Although I can say Orlando looked great.
Both of the sequels were entertaining, but they came nowhere close to the genius of the first film. The plot got more and more contrieved as the movie went on, and towards the end I just went, "Screw it, I really only wanted to see this for the visuals," and just sat back and enjoyed it mindlessly. And the visuals were great - Davy Jones, all the different pirates of the world, etc...a feast for the eyes, but not the brain.
I absolutely loved the POTC:AWE. I really thought it was a fun and yet dramatic movie that fit really nicely into answering a lot of the questions I had during the other 2 movies.
I enjoyed it despite it being a little dry (Jack's endless hallucinations) and a little bit too long.
Yes but the first movie is still superior.
Until I decided that the best movie for me was Sweeney Todd (2007), Pirates of the Caribbean 3: Ar WorldΒ΄s End was number 1.
yes but its not as good as the first one its a bit farfetched for my liking but a good film all the same
It's one of my favorite movies. I liked it so much I went out and bought the DVD. What are you doing? No what are you doing?
arrr, yes
It was OK. The first one was the best of all. And I liked the part in the second one when they have to escape from the cannibals on the island. Overall I thought it a bit confusing and far fetched. Not to mention everyone else I talked to about it thought the ending was romantic, but I thought it was stupid.
I watched some of it the other day, but had to turn it off because it got too long and boring.
I was getting into it a little bit, but it got late and I fell asleep. Then I had to return it before I got a chance to watch it again.
I liked it apart from The Jack's Hallucination Scene. That I found Boring.
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