• Mathematics! Well Twhupfold, it is the only language that has no arguments because it is the only language that can give a definite answer to any difference of opinion.
  • Body language.
  • whatever language the target speaks....
  • I think I heard that a form of Korean was the most efficient language (assuming both people are fluent in it that is), but as LadyLuck said, Body Language is incredibly powerful and efficient, even very slight changes in facial muscles convey entirely different emotions that people often instantly pick up on
  • ShaNaƒ (Sheineiff) is the most efficient language. It is a constructed language based on the vocabulary of English and the grammar of many different Romance Languages. Data is delivered extremely fast through Sheineiff, and its around 100 speakers are able to communicate much more rapidly than the speakers of any other language. Google it for more info. I think there may be a Wikipedia article on it...

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