A cottage...yep...and since my house is a cottage, I am a very happy camper. :)
My suits would be a modern apartment. Although small, I like how everything is close and tight now that I don't have to go for a long distance to get something I wish for.
I want to live in a cottage so I can start a cottage industry, and be able to make my own cheese. LOL Cottages are cool to live in. Here's a cool cottage.
a cottage, I mean, they seem so relaxing! And you do not have to worry about loud noises from the city, trains, and just down town!
My house in the city is great - though one day I'd love to have a place out in the middle of nowhere. I doubt I could ever go back to an apartment and be happy. I'm too loud!
A cottage.
4) None of the above..A big ol log house would be perfect though.
A cottege. I even have the plans I want picked out.
A cottage would be the perfect house especially one in the countryside. The nature would be scenic.
I lived in a cottage for a while. It was lovely but maintenance costs were high and I kept hitting my head on door frames and light fittings, so I prefer where I live now, a detached house.
I prefer a detached house. I like my privacy, and I like a yard.
Cottage. Could it be a log cabin?
2 for living and 1 for holidays. Apartments are alright, but I'm used to living in a detached house. A cottage would be nice to have.
2. When we went to buy a house, having four walls that were all mine were high on my list. I could also live in a cottage, providing there were enough space for everyone.
When I was younger, I dreamt of living the life of a hermit in a cave on the side of a mountain. Bought a house a few years ago. Still, a cabin in the middle of nowhere, nobody around, all alone, complete solitude, is still the dream.
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