• At 2 a child should be starting to put two or three words together. Are you saying he doesn't even say any words? Do you know if he has a hearing problem? Has that been checked out?
  • I have a great-nephew that had that problem, but the reason was because he was not given the OPPORTUNITY to speak. He had an older sister that spoke for him, and my niece (his mother) would give him what he wanted if he pointed and grunted. When his sister was prevented from speaking for him, and when my niece forced him to start asking for what he wanted, he began speaking. He still has problems today, a few years later. Get him examined by a doctor, first, to rule out hearing and/or speech problems. Then look into environment.
  • Some children do start very late to string words together. If he does not say ANYTHING maybe you should have a hearing test to set your mind at rest. If he is a late starter the time will come when you will wish he would shut up occasionally. I do hope it works out well.
  • I would consider it a blessing. My cats are very quiet, that is why I love them. Take him for an evaluation just to make sure that he doesn't have an underlying condition.
  • Yes, that would be a cause for concern. What does your child's pediatrician have to say? It could be hearing, many things.
  • Einstine didn't talk until he was 4.
  • I would be concerned if a child didn't talk at all before he was 1 year old. I would suggest getting him an educational toy that would help him with learning how to talk. I hope this helps! ;-)
  • Nope. Could be that he just doesn't have anything to say. Do you have a monitor in his bedroom? You may be surprised to hear him talking to himself while he's going to sleep, or just after waking up. Maybe he's a perfectionist and doesn't want to speak until he can get the words right!
  • my son will be 2 at the end of july, and hes the same way. I've had his hearing rechecked, and we've started speech therapy with the baby signs and they seem to be helping. he dosnt like the teacher, so hes started saying 'no'. We've also been taking him to the park more often and let him play with kids that are slightly older than him, and hes starting to make more noises that sound like words. Our pedi. said that as long as everything else is developing on track, like running, jumping, climbing, other large motor skills, he should be fine.
  • I have a 2 1/2 year old that just started talking he hardly said any thing either,but now he jabbers all the time don't understand him half the time,but thats ok.My daughter talked before she was 1 very clearly,I just think every child develops at there own speed.
  • Absolutely. has your child ever been to a pediatrician? If not, go now.
  • My sister was 2 years old 3 days ago. She can speak about 3-4 words in a sentence. You might want to have him/her checked with a doctor. He/she should be saying simple words. Try speaking to him and see if he hears. Others are late bloomers.
  • My three yearold cousin does not speak clearly either. He didn't speak at all (just baby talk) until he was at least two and a half. He's getting along very well now, and is speaking more and more clearly every day. It will come. Some kids have problems even at 4 and 5.
  • No. I didn't talk until I was 3. My daughter didn't talk until she was almost four. My wife didn't talk until she was almost three. It's ok to be a late talker.
  • No, kids develop at different speeds. Once size does not fit all. He could be waiting to say something important :) I would start to be concerned around 3 or 4 but get some professional opinion if you are worried. Though don't let anyone scaremonger you :)
  • I didn't talk until I was older than 2. One doctor said I was autistic. Another said I had cerebral palsey. Turns out I was just gathering my thoughts. Keep an eye on the situation, but if everything else seems normal and your child interacts with people, I wouldn't worry about it. Do consult your physician if you're worried, though.
  • As long as his hearing checks out OK I don't think you need to worry. My daughter could count to twenty when she was 2 but my son who's about 2 1/2 has issues with pronunciation, almost like he doesn't open up the back of his mouth when he says consonants. My nefew did the same thing.
  • I read that Einstien didn't talk until he was 3. I have an uncle who would not speak until age 3, then just started one day with complete sentences. Just because he may not be verbal yet, he is still taking everything in. As long as everything else is going okay, don't worry.
  • As a person who works with special needs children I can tell you that more often than not there is a medical reason for your child's not talking. You need to see a Pediatric audiologist. Once any hearing issues are ruled out then you need to see a Pediatric Ophthalmologist. My son was the same way and once we figured out that he was only seeing shadows we put him in glasses and started speech therapy. He is now 13 and an A-B student. Take action now, if you don't it might have bigger issues later. Also try to stay away from the school dist. and speech. It is in your child's best interest to try and take care of this before he starts schools so that he doesn't end up in special education. If every thing checks ok, hearing, vision and speech is not working then contact your local university and see if he can be evaluated through their education dept. If not then you will need to contact your local elementary school. Under PL 94-132 written in 1975 and update to IDEA in 1997 all public schools are responsible for identifying and providing a free public education in the least restrictive environment to all persons between the age of birth and 21.
  • Sorry that should be pl 94-142, tried to edit and it would not let me.
  • Tried to edit but it will not let me. It should be pl 94-142. The pl is public law.
  • I have 7 children and with the exception of the one with a hearing diability they all talked well by the age of 2. However, my grandson is 29 months old and can only say 2 or 3 words and those are not very plain. I am concerned about him, although I do understand that children develope differently. If I were you I would talk to my pediatrician about this concern.
  • I didn't talk until after my 2nd birthday, and I'm fine.
  • MY child is 2 1/2 and only has 6 words. would talk to the Pedi and get hearing checked. You can also ask about speech therapy or assistive devices. You need to have this evaluated, it could be nothing or something more. If there is no regression I wouldn't worry about autism, just some other delay.
  • What kinds of sounds does he make? vowel sounds like aaaa ooooooo eeeeeee, or does he make some consonant sounds like babababa, gagagagaga, mamamama, papapapa??
  • I am a special needs teacher, and I can tell you this... all kids are differant. Not speaking at all, not making any sounds as far as a jabbering sound should be checked out. However, my son is 2 and he jabbers all the time, but only says NO consistantly. Boys develop slower than girls do in general too. Just watch him, maybe he's just the quiet type? I'm assuming you take him for regular check up's? Your doctor will know if you need to do anything besides what you already do.
  • watch.
  • I would question my pediatrician. Hearing issues/problems can effect language development.
  • i would be.
  • Listen to your intutition. That said, I try to allow my child to learn, move and grow at his own speed, without allowing fear to interfere. My husband didn't talk at all until he was 3. When he finally started, he spit out full sentences. He now has his PhD. Try talking to your child in full sentences, and when he wants something, say to him, what you would want him to say to you. For example if you know he wants some juice, say "can I have some juice please mommy?" and then give it to him. My son is 22 months.
  • Does your child have older siblings? I have noticed with my own children and others that the ones who have no brothers or sisters talk sooner. My 2 1/2 year old is just starting to talk good, before if he could grunt and point and convey his message, that was good enough for him. (It drove me nuts) I work with alot of older moms and they say that second children always talk later because the older ones talk for them. I also agree with getting the childs hearing checked if he is saying no words at all. Hope this helps.
  • No seriously dont worry, I had so many comments made to me when my boys where this age about how they should this and how they should be doing that, all it did was worry me, we spend to much time worrying and comparing what they should be like and not seeing the things they are good at. Really try not to worry my little one who was behind in speech until he reached school is now 12 and never shuts up lol, I'm sure he will be fine
  • Def. have the childs hearing checked...Get down to the childs level and sound it out make him/her watch your mouth. They should be able to repeat.
  • Einstein didn't speak until he was four years old. "Normal" isn't necessarily good. I see this question was asked almost a year ago, has your baby spoken yet?
  • No... he's probably thinking of what to say.
  • I had a nephew that didn't talk until he was almost 4. Now he doesn't stop! I wouldn't worry. I heard that Einstein didn't talk until he was nearly 5.
  • There's really no reason for concern at this point. I know first hand that it can be tough when ppl badger you about your child- so bad that you start to have doubts you wouldn't normally have. My boy will be 2 in a month, and he's not talking much- he knows a few words, but he usually wont say them, and after ppl kept harrassing me about it i had him evaluated by an early intervention program. the doctors told me that it was perfectly normal, and that all children progress at their own speed. try not to let it bother you too much.
  • No no no. Not yet. Two of my brothers didn't talk for a long time, and when they did, they didn't talk clearly for even longer. Now when he reaches close to two and a half to three start watching him for carefully. Does he use other means of communication, like pointing or staring. Will he or she try to verbally communicte at all other than whimpering or crying. By three your child should be verbally expressing him/herself in one way or another. If not, I would talk to a doctor about speech therapy, which we even considered. But unless there are some serious signs of impaired hearing or vocal expressions I wouldn't worry.
  • You should be concerned, by 2 they should have a vocabulary of about 200-1000 words. Talk to your pediatrician. By 2 they start putting together words like drop it, stinky kitty and love you.
  • My cousin didn't speak until he was 3, and when he started he spoke in complete sentences right off the bat. He has an IQ well into the genius range. Reason? His older sister spoke for him. I don't know if you have a reason to be concerned or not; but I wanted to let you know that there isn't *necessarily* a reason to be concerned. Nevertheless, having a pediatric specialist check him out doesn't sound like a bad idea.
  • my cousin didn't talk untile she was 2 now she talks all the time. my other cousin was the same way he didn't talk untile he was 3. when the child has something to say they will say it.every child will lean this at there own pace. don't rush them.
  • Dont be to concerned. Kids will start doing things at there on rate. The charts they use now days are terrible. If hes not talking by the middle of the year talk to his doctor.
  • I was about to mention that, The Albert Einstein syndrome, where these children might not talk but do everything else normal . I suffered with my own son, was told not to worry and then you have doctors who said I should " super worry". My son , since age 2 has been with early intervention who have helped him but as I see it, he was and is going to eventually talk when HE is ready. He has started to say colors, numbers, now that he is 2 1/2 going on 3 in 3 months. He sings his own lyrics and is very much a mommy's boy!! I was advised to talk to him slowely, to talk to him at his level, and to let him try to talk, even if it isnt what it should be and then praise him and that helps the child want to talk more and believe me it worked!!
  • I wouldn't be. My son is about the same age and just baby talks. He's an only child and so he's not around alot of kids to pick up speach from. My mom says only children and boys talk late. My sons doctor said that too.
  • My son will be three in december and only says momma. He was 2 months premie. My sister (9 years old now) didnt talk till she was 4 years old and she was also 2 months premie. Babies start talking when they do. I wouldnt be concerned with it but i would talk to his doctor about it and get him tests to make sure its nothing other than he's just not ready. But other than that I wouldnt worry one bit...he'll talk when he's ready and probably non stop :P
  • Well it looks like there may be a problem can i get more info i used to be a doctor i could help but looking at what you have said it looks like he either has hearing or speach problems
  • A two year old should have about 50 words. If he isn't talking at all, you should be concerned. You need to talk to your pediatrician.
  • Stay in touch with your doctor and just take things 1 day at a time. In the meantime, make sure the water you give your son does not contain fluoride!! Fluoride can seriously effect the brain, lowering IQ and causing other mental problems. Find out if your public water supply contains fluoride, and if so stop giving it to your son immediately! Buy bottled water, and make sure you look at the really tiny writing on the front of the bottle which will tell you whether or not it contains fluoride. God bless!
  • my son is 2 and I was worried about hime talking too, then all of the sudden he started saying little words here and there! they will do it on there on time don't worry! does he have older brothers or sisters? I ask this cause I have three older girls and the first one didn't talk for what seemed forever, then my second and third were talking right before they turned 2!
  • ...He doesnt say mama, or dada... Ya know sometimes they just DONT WANT to talk, but they listen....they hear, and they take it in. Maybe consider yourself lucky... LoL...cuz next thing ya know... mama, mama, mama....hey, mama......mama, mama...mama!!! MAMA!!!!!!!!! Im sure the baby is fine.
  • don't be to worried i mean every child is different but you could always tke them to a speech therapist
  • It's not uncommon for baby boys to take a long time to begin talking. But if you are really worried or he appears delayed in other areas, you should take him to the doctor.
  • my Son and my Neice are the same age (almost 2) and she can talk extremely well however my son says much fewer words. I think boys in general have different areas of the brain that develop first like motor skills. I find my son is very good at understanding things though. I have picture books and when I ask him where things are he points to them. Have you tried this with your son? maybe it will help and you might be suprised what he already knows ;)
  • It is hard to give you an answer when I can't ask you questions, but I will try! First, a hearing screen is always a good idea, especially if your child has had frequent ear infections. Some people will say things like, 'he can hear because he responds to such-and-such'. Hearing for speech sounds is different than environmental sounds, so don't let his ability to hear this-or-that deter you. Also, give "credit" for vocalizations that are consistently used to communicate, even if it doesn't sound like the adult word to you. Consider other communication skills. Can your child understand and follow two-step directions? Does your child point at things? Do they make requests & communicate with you in other ways (vocalizing, gestures)? Don't be freaked out by the person who suggested autism. There will be more concerns than not using words if a child is autistic, like lack of eye contact and social interaction, delays or regresion in other developmental areas or being "in their own world" (just to name a few). Think about how you communicate with your child. If a child is able to get their needs met, using words will not be as important to them. Do you label things? Try to use short, one or two word utterences when possible. Do not listen to people who say that their child didn't talk until they were 3 or 4 and now they talk up a storm; that is NOT normal. Many two year olds can start to put two words together, but many do not. You should definately be concerned if you consider your child's total communication and feel they are lacking in other ways. You should also be concerned if there are no words by 2 1/2.
  • i would ask your doctor about it

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