a rubber ducky. i'm actually not kidding. its a funny gift but something sweet.
a key chain, cologne, music CDs... anything that makes you think of him when you see/hear it
Men DO like flowers too. Buy him a single red rose.
It really doesn't matter what a "just because" gift is, It can be the most simple thing, Personalized key chain Cap with a favorite group or hobby Card even a candy bar anything that shows you were thinking of him will get you alot of sweet smiles and hugs.
ok if he drinks beer or just if he drinks there is a company thats makes this original art deco look Pilzner's beer glasses. The company is Ritzenhoff and they definately are a fun collectible for the avid collector or anyone who appreciates fun and artsy glassware. I have given one of my guy friends this as a "just because" gift on several ocassions. He loves them!
Ive given my bf a bed spring before now as a 'just because' gift. totally random, but it was a part of a private joke between us (we broke his bed :S ) anyways he saw the funny side and he's kept it and still laughs about it now! also, ive sent him cards in the post just to say 'i love u', a random purple ronnie book of poems,packets of his favorite cookies, homemade cakes, a glow in the dark sheep..... anything that you see that reminds you of him, or you know will make him laugh/smile is a winner, and it doesnt matter how in/expensive it is either(the bed spring was a freebie from a 'Dreams' store), use your imagination!!
I give my boyfriend lots of different things...if I'm shopping and see something that reminds me of him I'll get it for him!
Even though I have never met your boyfriend, man-law says that I must advocate him and be his mouthpiece. He would really like an 18 volt DeWalt cordless drill. :)
Subscription to popular mechanics or wired... I would love that!
... try some of these books ... .
Well I got my boyfriend a card and made him a cd with some songs that he likes to give him next time I see him but I also got him a mini Mush A Belly stuffed monkey that gives kisses.
Something made from your heart, something from you like a card just to say i love you
Give a card and the foods he like..that's very sweet!
Fancy chocolates never piss anyone off(and you get to enjoy too)
personalized card made from you especially. and one of his favorites (shirt? accessories or so on)
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