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  • Not on your life from my partner. The second time and my hand would have touched face. Hard. You're not overreacting. He's a verbal abuser and is using the joke excuse so you'll put up with it. And once you're used to it Wham! out come the big guns and possibly fists. Get out now.
  • he has bad issue problems and i advize to dump him. he has low self esteem and is taking it out on you. you dont need him in your life. i know from personal experience hon....
  • With friends like that, you really don't need foes!
  • Sorry but he would only have called me any of those names once and he would be flying off the end of my foot.
  • Calling abuse and disrespect a "joke" doesn't make it less abusive or disrespectful, nor does it make it a joke. If he thinks calling you such things, and causing you the distress that comes with it, is funny, he has a disturbing disregard for your feelings. Kick him to the curb, no joke.
  • Its easy, dump him. I know your saying that deep down he's a nice guy, or he stands up for you, etc, etc etc. You don't have to prove anything to him. Move and change your phone number if necessary. No, you are not over-reacting. He is dangerous.
  • LEAVE! Easier said than done, yeah, but... aarrghh.... just LEAVE!!!
  • This is blatant disrespect. Even more, it is a control technique, using these words to drive your self-esteem down so that he maintains power over you. Tell him once, and firmly: I do not want to hear these words from you again. If I do, it's over. And carry out the threat. that is the only way he will have the opportunity to learn that you do not treat women like this. And if he doesn't learn, then darling, you deserve better. My husband of 27 years has never called me so much as a name other than my own or a term of endearment. Such men DO exist. And you deserve one.
  • thats the most horrible thing to do to you,no one should do shouldnt be with him he obviously dont love you if he calls you everything under the sun
  • SORRY..he is worthless.. so pls don't wast Ur time with him any mo.
  • It isn't easy. Been there done that. Sometimes after years of a relationship you realize that the name calling doesn't stop and the longer you stay the hard it becomes to leave. You deserve better and there is better out there. Unfortunately, if this is a habit of his and he doesn't care enough about you to respect you and not call you names to begin with then he surely won't quit. If you think that this will pass, leave him, give yourself time to be single, if you two try again and he has changed, then great, if not, then find someone who will treat you better. Ask yourself this, if you had a good friend who did nothing but call you names, would you still hang out with them? Probably not. If you wouldn't want a friend like that then why would you want to date someone like that?!?!?!
  • Many times the truth is said in jest. Call him every nasty name you can think of and then at the end say "Goodbye".
  • I think he has learned this behavior from his family and whether he means it or if it is just a bad habbit, dump him fast.
  • there's nothing funny about demeaning a woman. you should find another person that can at least spell the word respect and let him prove it to you through his actions. this guy you're with now? if he thinks he's being funny, then tell him to go find a bitch, slut, whore, ugly, fat, skank, smelly, or trampy girl and let him enjoy what he deserves.
  • No. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life being disrespected. I don't say these to someone you love even as a joke. YOu should call him names too - I'm sure he'll really like that.
  • You're not overreacting. He's a bully. Name calling shouldn't be a joke to anyone. NEVER accept anyone to call you names no matter how funny they think it is to them. If you don't find it funny, then stay away from him. You deserve better than that. Your boy-friend should call you loving names not hateful names...he doesn't love you the way you deserve to be loved. There are many ways to love someone. His way is not the healthy way. Try to picture yourself 10yrs from now. Do you think you can take another day or 2, with him treating you this way? If he doesn't change (which is very likely), then find a safe way to leave him. Let him know you can't take it anymore of his verbal abuse. Wish you luck, girl. I know it's not easy to leave the one you love, but trust me, you can fall out of love and love again. There are a few men out there who know how to appreciate women. You just have to know where to go at the right time and place...he'll come to you.
  • Nope. I wouldn't take it as a joke. Know the best way to tell someone you "don't get the joke"? As you're walking out the door. If you stay with this guy you WILL regret it. He may be the best lay, tell the best jokes, have the cutest eyes you have ever seen, feel like he knows you... He's calling you names and then trivialising it! This guy is a jackass! If my BF started calling me names, I'd get him back on track so fast his head would spin. No person deserves to be called names like that, especially from someone who you are suppose to love, and them to love you back. If you stay with this guy he will break your heart more than he already has. Trust me on this. It's a boundary thing. If you tell him it's okay to call you a bitch, the next time he's going to do something worse. And then when you don't stop that, he'll go onto the next thing, and the next thing until you end up on the Oprah Show. You teach people how to treat you. If you don't teach them you are someone to be respected... they won't respect you. Plain and simple.
  • Call him "Twat boy" & see how he likes it. lol..Im 100% serious.
  • i would say you are not over reacting because no guy should not talk to any women like that at you don't have to take it but if you can should talk to him about it and see if he understands then see how it goes for use two from their
  • you are not overreacting. and he may say its a joke, but its not and he is the joke. leave him asap
  • uggg. idated someone that use to hit me in the head and crap and think he was messing around but he was being an ass..and he'd put me down and htink he was this big hot shot. you need to tell him and his ego to leave you alone..and do so by leaving him. cuz he probalby doesn't even realize what hes doing cuz hes so use to it..and that makes it worse. so i'd leave!! hes not worth it no way no how. even if you think you are getting something good out of it when this door closes another one always opens,even if your not aware of it. so do yourself a favor and say byebye to him .. ..also, although it wasn't easy, i did manage to get the courage to break up with him(that guy i mentioned above), and like someone i look up to has said to me before, "if i can do it, so can you." ;-) - oncei tried and couldn't, and then later i did. usualy things that are tough like that work that way..they may take a few times, but eventually it works. w/ someone already being as rude and crude and your guy is though, as some others have mentioned it could get worse, so its a red flag and maybe just ditch him without eve nsaying anything. i'd think about whats best w/ that, too.
  • LOSE HIM!!!
  • Even if he is joking when he says those things (which I don't believe is the case), then he has a very unhealthy sense of humor. After my divorce many years ago, I promised myself that I wouldn't date or spend time with people if I didn't feel good about myself when I'm with them. Ultimately, I am responsible for my own feelings, but since I can't control what other people say or do, I have to know when to walk away. With my (current) husband, I feel like a goddess! As it should be if I'm to spend the rest of my life with him. He would never ever, even as a joke call me names like the ones you mentioned. I could never have people in my life like that. I hope that you nip this in the bud now. I wouldn't want you to hear these awful things so often that you start believing them.
  • drop him. he's totally disrespecting you and doesn't care one whit about your feelings, regardless of what he says. it sounds like he has very little respect for women in general, not just you.. but either way, he's not worth your time.
  • drop him. he's totally disrespecting you and doesn't care one whit about your feelings, regardless of what he says. it sounds like he has very little respect for women in general, not just you.. but either way, he's not worth your time.
  • If you tell him you don't find his humour funny and he keeps doing it, he has no respect for your feelings and you need to lose this jerk quickly.
  • If it's joking, it's inappropriate joking. Abusive joking even. You're not overreacting. You still called him your "boyfriend". You're UNDERreacting. Tell him he needs to go find himself a new <insert abusive term of your choice here>.
  • &quot;Some of the most serious things are said in humor." I don't know where I heard that, but it certainly rings true. I think your bf probably has some issues when it comes to his respect of women. I wouldn't be surprised if he's been burned badly in a relationship in his past. Are you overreacting, probably, but that's not really the issue, is it. I'll just say this; Don't let your emotions dominate over reason. Get to the bottom of the problem. Find out what's going on underneath. Then go from there. In the mean time, lay down the law. "I do not like it, dude. Either show me some respect, or get to steppin'" If he's still around after that, and shows an honest effort towards real change, he loves you, and as long as you continue to support each other you have a good, healthy relationship. Otherwise, why bother?
  • i think everyone might be over reacting , now its just an opinion i dont want anyone to be cuzzin me out for this but maybe it is a joke. im friends with a girl that likes me and she jokes around like this at times and i return it and we both kno we are joking maybe he says it way to often and out of hand, if so then u should leave him, but if you do feel like its serious comfront him and tell him that you want it to stop that you dont like those types of jokes at all and that you really want him to change his ways of joking around with you, give him a few days for we men are stubborn at times and it takes us a while to get ride of a bad habit. if you continue to feel bothered then i would advice that you tell him your down with the relationship, and that he should talk to you when he's a little more mature. Goodluck and i hope everything turns out okay.
  • Boy if that is what your boyfriend calls you, then what do your enemies call you?
  • Don't be a doormat. Dump him.
  • Dump this guy like he was a hot potato...NO ONE should put up with that kind of abuse.
  • This is verbal abuse. It is emotional abuse. The question is are you settling for an abusive relationship? Statistically, verbal/emotional abuse can escalate over time to physical abuse. You want to take that risk??
  • Wow, your boy isn't much of a friend is he. Dump his ass! Go get yourself a real man who knows how to treat a lady, there's lots of us out there.
  • I'm sorry you have to put up with that.No one should. I'd be telling him that this ugly,fat,Bit*^,of a smelly skank of a whore Is kicking the TRASH to the curb..Bye-Bye...
  • Oh my god. Who does this so called "Boyfriend" Think he is. You should think to yourself for a moment Do You Love Him? Dont stay with this guy if you don't. I wouldn't tolerate it. I would say who the F*** are you calling slut. I am soo much better than you are loser. Why you hiding under a shell. Its time to show this guy what your made of. jump in b4 he does. Do it back at him. Say heyy bast*** how u been? I dunno think. Show him how it makes you feel. That tramp. I dont even know this guy and like im getting worked up about him.............
  • tell him he has a small dick and then u will see who is laughing...... lol
  • At best, your boyfriend lacks class, dignity and repsect for women and himself. At worst, he's emotionally abusing you. I doubt you are any of the things he calls you. Don't you think you deserve better? Follow the tons of similar advice listed here and LEAVE HIM.
  • I don't think you're over-reacting - in fact if anything you need to react more and leave him. You clearly have enough sense of self to know it's unhealthy and abusive and yet you're still referring to him as a present-tense in your life. Make him the past and move on. Would he be laughing if you started calling him names that you knew would offend him? Of course not. You're worth more than this. It's verbal abuse and if you stay it's sending him a sign (even if unintentionally) that it's okay to treat you like that and that you don't have self-value. You know it's not okay so get rid of him - don't even bother trying to change him - it won't work (no offense to you or him). You may love him - or a part of you might, but honestly, verbal abuse can turn to physical and sexual and by calling you names like that, it's a form of sexual abuse - it's verbal sexual harassment which is abuse. Alarm bells are ringing here for me big time and I'm hoping you do the right thing for you, for your future and for your safety and health and leave this guy.
  • how old does he think you are? i mean seriously those things hurt. emotions can change variously and if your boyfriend is not carefull on day he might end up in a court house for verbally harassing someone. think abot it and good luck!
  • I say to talk to him about it and if he says that he is just joking then just tell him how you feel and that it really hurts your feelings and that you dont like it...Be honest with him
  • WEll even if it is a joke it is still disrespectful!I do not think you are overreacting.
  • If you have communicated that you do not find it funny, and that it hurts your feelings, and he STILL does it, he is an ass. Leave him, and do it now. He does not respect you, and never will.
  • I dont think you are over reacting! Who would ever think that those mean names are a joke! If he wants to say something funny he should say I AM AN IDIOT !! Dont let him calll you those mean names!!
  • Kick him to the curb, this is not a joke!
  • You definitely are not over reacting; in fact I think you should be reacting more and leave the SOB!!!
  • Thats not a bf, thats a clingy jackass. Any guy with some sense will not even joke with that card. I can see your question is a week or two old, how is it going?
  • I think that he's just trying to cover up. I wouldn't call him a 'boyfriend' but maybe a 'boy-fiend'. I think that you have the right to be angry at him because if he really does like you, he should at least have some respect for you. He should also know what offends you, what you like, what you don't like, how sensitive you are, how much you mean it if you tell him to stop. If he calls you weird, it would be better than if he called you a slut. To me, that is unacceptable and I would dump him if I was you...
  • No I would take it seriously. It's a sign that he has issues. If he's going to verbal abuse you what's going to stop him from physically harming you. I'd get out while you still can.
  • My boyfriend calls me names kidding around too and I think its okay as long as he actually is playin around. Call him names back with a smile on your face but I dont tolerate him calling me names in the heat of an argument cuz that hurts. But if certain names really bother you like fat would irritate me then just ask him to refrain from that but tell him its alright to kid around with certain names that dont offend you.
  • Abuse is cyclical... he'll put you down then build you back up with "sorry's" and "just kidding." This is why it IS hard to leave an abusive situation! . This is what makes abuse so dangerous, is you WILL start to believe him that he's joking or will change. . You will start to believe him when he tells you that was the last time he'll hit you too... . Please find the strength and help (friends, family, counselor...) and get out of this relationship.
  • Absolutely not. I would dump 'em.
  • Mind games. We can all call names! He's a loser, a prick, a tosser, losing his hair, getting fat, has bad breath, breaks wind toO often. Don't cry, I know how you feel! He can call you what he likes but you mustn't believe what he says. Say things like << You were nobody until you met me>>. << The day I leave you will be the worst day of you life>>! m XX
  • I dealt with the same problem for a year and a half before I ended it. He started off by just emotionally abusing me and then it eventually led to physical abuse. I now have permanent scars from all of the abuse. Dump that hoe. But be prepared for second thoughts. You may feel bad at first but in the end you'll realize you did the right thing.
  • Your not over reacting. This person is abusing you. You should not allow anyone who thinks so little of them selves to take it out on you!. I've been there and it's a ROTTEN place tobe. Stand tall, be proud, be strong your none of the things that he has called you,always remember that. And no, I would NOT take it as a joke!!. Be good to your self sister!!.
  • If i was being hurled with those insults by even a friend, I would be thinking twice about our relationship. You should tell him that it hurts you, and even if it is a joke you don't find it at all funny. If he dosen't take note, I would be walking away and saying goodbye to him.
  • Three words in case you are still trying to make up your mind after all this good advice: You deserve better!
  • I am in the same situation. He also slept with his ex-girlfriend numerous times and now he's talking to a girl that he has said he had a crush on. He says he doesn't have a crush on her anymore he just wants to be her friend. He says I'm stupid for feeling uncomfortable because it's not the same situation as with his ex. He said that he just wants to have friends. I'm confused. Anyway good luck. If anyone has any thoughts...please
  • Do you laugh? Then it's not a joke. Jokes are funny, not cruel. Time to drop the loser and get a man who treats you right.
  • You're not over-reacting. You know what you do and don't like. If the man you're with can't or doesn't want to make that change, you should consider another prospect.
  • drop this guy! he obviously doesn't know the definition of a joke. all of that stuff that he calls you are hurtful, disgusting things to call this guy. stand up for your self and do yourself a lot of good and walk away. there are plenty of other guys that can and will appreciate you and treat you the way that you must be treated. thats the only way that he will learn. don't even think that he will change. he won't.
  • I am going through the same shit right now. Worse thing is that now he hits me. He pulls my hair Threatens me that he will leave me. I am tired of this shit!!!!!!!!
  • I think you are overreacting after all there are always two sides to every story and perhaps you've given him reasons to call you these things.
  • How would you feel if you heard a friend of yours being talked to in this manner? I think you would tell this idiot to ----------------------- and then--------------and after that--------------------so be a friend to your self and tell him to -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------him self.
  • it doesn't look like a joke.. he doesn't respect you in any way..
  • Just exsplain to him you don't like it is he stops great if he doesn't he is verbally abusing you and you need to leave him before it start in to phisical abuse good luck
  • Yeah,...that's not cool. Those are horrible things to say. You can develope low self esteem by hearing that all the time. That's not a way to joke around. Is he jealous? Does he ask things like, " where were you?" or "how come you did'nt answer the phone?" pathie, auntie em, gospel girl are right, take thier advice.
  • Hell no....I'd take it as a total lack of respect. My wife and I are seperated.....and she has done some very, very mean stuff to me...and I never (till this day) have ever called her any of the above. I'm not saying she didn't deserve it...but I never did. I always felt that atleast she deserved the respect that all women do.
  • Tell him it upsets you, be honest. He probably doesn't realize he's upsetting you, and if he does and still does after you tell him, it's time to get a new boyfriend.
  • try calling him little dick, minute man ,he couldnt even satisfy himself, homo,momas boy ,and after he hits you say its only a joke if there is no respect there is nothing
  • Honey this is verbal abuse. Don't put up with it. Whether he is joking or not it can be very harmful to you mentally and in the long run cause you to be very insecure. You need a real man who will take care of you mind, body and soul.
  • Methink only a fool confuses contempt with love.
  • Run, run like the wind. I had a b/f who called me slut and whore...I was always so pissed off at him. And eventually it became too much for my 19 year old self to handle. My 42 year old self would now kick him to the curb.
  • i do not think that you're overreacting. if you take it seriously then he should respect that and stop calling you names like that.
  • Have some self respect yourself and call it the end of relationship.
  • No - because all of those names, even said in jest, are a sign of disrespect and show that he is very insecure about himself and is deflecting his own feelings about himself unfairly onto you. The best way to deal with the name calling isn't going to be yelling and getting mad at him because that is only going to promote his feelings of insecurity, instead, the best way is to get him when he is feeling comfortable with you and for you to show him how you feel when he says that and tell him that you think that he says all of those things because he is insecure about himself and that it is okay he feels that way, you will always love him and be there for him. He may scoff at first but over time, he will come around when he sees you are serious. In the mean time, when he says those things just look at him like you are completely confused because he is acting so childish. don't let him see that he is getting to you.
  • I know exactly how you feel because my ex husband was the same way!!!! He always said he didn't mean it but it hurt non the less!!! I left him 5 years ago and my life has been so much better ever since! I have confidence again and life copuldn't be better. It was hard to walk away because we were together for six years and had two kids together, but Im glad I walked now! The truth is no one deserves this abuse (mental abuse is the worst form of abuse if you ask me). Walk away and find a life without him and Im sure you to will shortly see life is much better with out him, and you will soon relize there is much better men out there! Good luck sweetie! =)
  • You are not overreacting. He has no right calling you those names. I would react the same way. No one is joking when they say something like that.
  • Call him the same or close to it and when HE complains- tell him - you dont mean it!
  • Say this to him : Get Lost You Needle D**K Moron !! He's an abusive jerk, and, if you stay with him, the next thing you know, he'll be smacking you around and saying "I didn't mean it."
  • how old are you? you should get rid of him immediately and maybe you should see a therapist to find out why you are attracted to him.
  • ..... wha ..... I'm speachless ... Can you please tell me why you are still with him after he called you that the first time????
  • id say those are signals of abuse, you should pull out of that realationship or make some changes... tell people you know about, and i would advise council with friends
  • Dump him.
  • He is the joke. Laugh and leave Kiddo!
  • You are not overreacting. I've been through the same and heard the same "just joking" excuse. I'm sure you have already told him that you don't appreciate the name calling and that it is offensive to you and, let me guess, it hasn't stopped? If your b/f considers that horrible type of name calling a joke, he has a sick sense of humour. You do not deserve such treatment nor do you need to tolerate it. Not that a person that acts like him deserves this last chance but I suggest saying this to him...."Think before you speak." "I won't tolerate the name calling and do not find it funny in the least." If he laughs this off and he probably will, and continues this behaviour, don't give him another opportunity, you deserve better. Toss him to the curb and someone who has more appreciation for your feelings will soon be making you smile.
  • My simple answer. If my husband or any man ever spoke to me like that for any reason, I would have nothing to do with them ever again. You don't deserve that. You should leave him.
  • I'd mention that of all the women he could have picked he picked this bitch, slut, nauseum. Then I 'd tell him JOKE'S OVER or else hit the bricks.
  • i had a boyfriend like that once and you need to notify him that it bothers you and if he doesnt listen and keeps doing that then he is totally inconsiderate of your feelings.that is one thing that can hurt and it is not very good in a relationship either to be called ugly and fat and stuff. another reason that guys seem to do that is to make you feel unwanted so you dont feel confident enough to flirt or anything like that. but you have to watch because those ones get overprotective and jealous and i know 2 men like that.
  • He's an ass. They make better models. Trade him in for a new one.
  • Your boyfriend dosn't respect you at all. AT ALL. Tell him how you feel, and if he dosnt change for the better, LEAVE HIM. Because these things WILL GET WORSE. If you let him get away with insulting you, he will eventually become comfortable being physically as well as verbally abusive to you. You are in no way overreacting, and I would not take it as a joke. (I'd slap him)
  • Your boyfriend dosn't respect you at all. AT ALL. Tell him how you feel, and if he dosnt change for the better, LEAVE HIM. Because these things WILL GET WORSE. If you let him get away with insulting you, he will eventually become comfortable being physically as well as verbally abusive to you. You are in no way overreacting, and I would not take it as a joke. (I'd slap him)
  • dump the guy with every mean name you can think of make him cry the best day will be april fools day and say you are joking if you are a nice girl dump him and say he has hurt you feeling and doesn't deserve your respect
  • i would tell this guy to go to hell, if you stay with him, you will start to believe what he is saying, move on , THIS MAN JUST ISNT FUNNY!!!!
  • No I wouldn't take it as a joke and if that's his idea of a joke, he's not funny.
  • sounds a bit of an idiot to me! sorry to be harsh! tell him it hurts your feelings and you would appreciate him not calling you that!
  • Don't allow it, it's WRONG! If he can't respect you find someone who wll.

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