• I think It's going to be spiderman vs Mysterio Or spidy vs monster octo octavious.. Have you seen spider man 3?
  • My guess is that the astronaut Mary Jane was going to marry, John Jameson, will become a villain. (He was a villain in the comics). The Venom symbiote will probably be back. Gwen Stacey will die.
  • I have to check the web-site out. They don't know yet. They're still clearing out the cob-webs on the web site.
  • i dont know but they killed off james franko! or HENRY and he was hot!
  • The special-effects guys learn a few new tricks that look really neat and Toby needs to pay his bills. THAT is what Spidey 4 will be all about. And after S3, they will have to actually try to do worse.
  • G'day Hellaphunt, Thank you for your question. We don't know yet. There is an option for a fourth movie which will be taken up now Spider-Man 3 has been a hit. However, the treatment for the current movie was not written until after the release of Spider-Man 2 and it will take some time that a script is finished that everyone is happy with. I have attached a source for your reference. Regards Reference Wikipedia Spiderman 3
  • According to, it will probably be about Lizard and Carnage.
  • not sure, but Bizzaro would be nice
  • as venom died his son carnage who is two times stronger than is born in space. He comes down to earth because he had a dream of his dad (venom) getting killed by spiderman (peter parker). carnage then makes assistants who are the reptile like monster, hobgoblin and vulture. carnage who is the red slime and gets into a 6 centimetre meteorite and hits the earth like what venom did when peter parker (spiderman) and mary jane are on a spiderweb and venom came on earth without anyone noticing like what carnage did. then peter parkers parents are alive and peter parkers dad gets the red slime on him carnage. then they start terrorising the earth and venom can split into two and once he took up the whole sky whith carnage's face scaring people then carnage made mary jane unconscious and when she woke up she told spiderman that she had powers and wouldn't use them in in her life and in front of peter parker then peter parker said to her "we could of been heroes together" then mary jane felt guilty but then she deafeted carnage and spider man deafeted the reptile like, the hobgoblin and the vulture.
  • I'm guessing Carnage and Lizard. But after that thrid movie I might wait for the DVD. Spiderman 3 was terrible.
  • i think we will learn, he is a gay!
  • my guess is that carnage (possibly played by jim carrey), will team up with the Lizard, and the movie will focus on a "peter and mary jane go their seperate ways" story line, but of course they'll end up reuniting in some way. ive also heard rumors that madam web will make a cameo
  • I know that Carnage will definitely be in spiderman 4, and the Lizard might be, Sandman will definitely be, since he did'nt get killed in spiderman 3, He will probably ally with peter in spiderman 4.

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