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  • This last week my hubby and I have done the deed four times. Normally it is not that high. He is loving it!
  • We have sex once maybe twice (if I'm lucky) a week, and he finishes before I do 85-90% of the time. He's a wonderful and talented man; however I would prefer it once or twice a day. But all in all I've enjoyed an insatiable lover or two in the past, and I wouldn't trade what I have now for anything.
  • We have sex once maybe twice (if I'm lucky) a week, and he finishes before I do 85-90% of the time. He's a wonderful and talented man; however I would prefer it once or twice a day. But all in all I've enjoyed an insatiable lover or two in the past, and I wouldn't trade what I have now for anything.
  • I'm married - right now my hubby is away - but we usually have sex at least once a day and often two or three times. Don't ever let anyone tell you marriage kills your sex life. poo!
  • I've been with my boyfriend now for 5 months (we were friends before that for about 2 years though) We have sex about 3-4 times a day if we are together the full day, 1-2 times after work.. (in case you are wondering, yes I do get sore)
  • On a not so good week 10-14 times a week ( including other forms of sexual intimacy ) .And between 15-20 times when are in exceptionally good moods. But our sex last so long we can't fit anymore into a week we've tried we both get exstremly sore and tired and fall asleep afterwards which is really bad for our work schedules.
  • when i was in a steady relationship (not too long ago), it was twice a day, and he worked days and i worked days and nights.. but we could always fit in a quickie, and not necessarily at home. but i always had a higher sex drive than him and could have done with a lot more. i once had to lock him in the bedroom so i could get a quick one before he went off to work, if i didn't, i wouldn't have got it!! terrible the lengths a girl has to go to!!! :-)
  • me and my dude make luv like 6tymes a day well used to now i ween'd him down to like 1,2maybe 3 times a day..he has a really high sex drive...he luvs makin luv 6,7,8,9,10 + a day so ya i have got reeeeeeal sore but men dont care thay want that
  • I've been with my man for two years today, and on average, it's about twice a day when we work. As it's our anniverary, we spent the day in bed today!
  • i have sex 3-7 times everyday ;)
  • As often as possible.

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