I looked all over the net, and even consulted a book I have been reading called "Auschwitz" by Laurence Rees but I could not find what happened to her after she was released. There were threats to send her son to a Soviet Gulag if she did not inform on her husband, but I do not know if she and her family were sent into exile. She should have been tried and jailed for her part in the Auschwitz horror. She was no passive participant. I can only think she got a new identity for information supplied.
I have searched extensively about Hoess`s four children, not five, and Frau Hoess. Under certain restrictions imposed on me by the family I can tell you this. Hedwig sought a new life in Germany where she re-married and moved to America. All her children live in the States now. I`m afraid, that`s all I am intending to discuss at this point. (Also, as for picking clothing and other pieces of items from the dead is open to debate)
I have also visited the Hoess villa twice and extensively rearched the area. The villa was not just seperated by a fence, but also a dirt mound where Rudolf Hoess instructed a team of inmates to plant trees. The trees still stand there today, but the mound has long gone. As regards to the smell, this is open to debate. In my professional opinion the killing at the Krem, which was no more than 200 yrds from the Hoess villa, was not produced for mass killings like those used at Birkenau site and I very much think that there was not a bad smell. Please understand that the area between the Auschwitz.I Krem and the villa consisted of adminstration offices and the Hoess office and I have found no evidence that windows in this area had to be shut due to the bad smells. Evidence I do have is ash which settled in and around the Hoess villa, pending on the wind. I have documents relating to one of the gardners of ash settling in the garden. Hoess was concerned about this. As for Frau Hoess part in the running of the camp and her proposed trial, this is also open to debate. In my opinion she played no more a part to the holocaust than many of the SS wifes, or indeed many of the Germans or Nazis that knew about the concentration camps.
will Hedwig Hoess ever write a book on her and hosses life and have the mother and children of Hedwig Hoessof ever visited auchwitz after the war
Confidential sources tell me that she presently resides in the vecinity of Melbourne,Australia, where she arrived with only two of her children in the summer of 1964. Worked at a local butchershop for 12 years before cutting off her pinky. Inquiries by Simon Wiesenthal in the nearby capital of Sidney prompted her go underground soon after. A source described her appereance as haggard,with a hump that looked like a big sack of dead cats on her back. the last documented sighting was reported in 1987,when she was seen dining al fresco at a ceviche joint in Brisbene. I have no way of confirming this report but it has the flavor of truth.
There is no debate about the smell. Watch the interviews in Shoah. The villagers in the town and all the surrounding areas could smell the stench. You can't tell me the Hoess's didn't. Moreover, ashes flew all over the place.
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