Adrian. He's in my math class.
I called a potential customer one day, and his name was Beverly, and I had to stop myself from laughing.
I once knew a guy named Jennifer, we called him jen, or sometimes Jenny, and I work with a Guy, we call Veronica... its on his work and everyone calls him that, though i'm not positive if its his real name or not
My name is "Lacy" and I have actually met a guy with that same name.
muffin +5
Marion. It was John Waynes name
Johny Cash once told me a great story bout a boy named Sue...that's tops for me. +2
Leslie & Kelly!
Leslie, Kelly, Skylar, Marion... there's lots of them. lol.
Stacy. Like Stacy Keach.
Ashley (felt sorry for him)sike!
Sandy (sorry guys). Actually it was a boy's name before a girl's name. Same for: Kelly Shirley Lindsey Shannon Dana Carol Leslie Kim Beverly Ashley Courtney Beverley Carroll
Chris Brown
Evelyn. Like Evelyn Waugh. or Lauren.
Kym is one.
Kerry (my cousin's husband!) Marion (Marian is the girl's form!) - think John Wayne - no wonder he changed that!
Some guy here in town is named Rosebud. Why his mom named him that, no one knows :D +4
Ice-T's real name is Tracey, there was a British wrestler named Shirley, and most of the unisex names such as Lesley/Leslie. Also, although it is spelt slighlty differently Jesse used to amuse me, as Jessie (pronounced the same) is a girl's name in my country, and is sometimes used as an insult to denote that a man is a bit effeminate: "he's a right Jessie that one".
Sasha, Leslie, Adrian, Sandy, Michelle, Kelly
ashley lol that is my friends name
Stacey and Hillary.. urghh the latter being hugely girly i reckon!
One I dont care for is Marion
Anne (dutch people sometimes call boys Anne)
Lynn Nolan Ryan
Beverly and Evelyn. Both neighbors, both British.
I know a guy named Leslie.
I know a man named Stacey. He has a daughter name Tyler. the man who taught me martial arts was named Kelly.
Derek Jeter
i used to know a guy called shannon
Celeste. +5
Ashley, Beau, or Angel
My old boss' name was Julian
A boy named "Sue"
Logan always seemed like a girls name for me.....I met a girl Logan first...I suppose that's why
There was an NFL player named Blenda Gay.
GayLord Focker
Hilary. Toni. There is a lawyer in England called Gareth Pearce and she is definitely a female.
Skyler... My friends Male Cousin Singer David Bowie (from the 70's or 80's - Not sure) Named his Son Zoe or Zowie.
Sasha he was German .
I cant believe this didnt make the list.....Chick..... Ive known one guy named chick and seen another on tv.
Surely you jest. You don't mind if I call you Surely do you?
Geraldine. It was my father-in-laws middle name.
Leslie, Ashley, Courtney, Lindsay. Actually I think these used to be guy names, but somehow switched to girls names.
Kim. +3
Stacy. He's my sister-in-laws father.
I knew this HUGE biker..really scary rough guy..his "biker name" was Gator...his REAL name...Ashley Darling, I swear to god...true story.
Someone I knew dated a guy named Lynn
Evelyn (Evelyn Waugh) and Joyce (Joyce Kilmer)
A guy I work withs middle name is Alexis. !
I've heard both Elizabeth and Amanda. Seriously.
Polly!i know a guy called that!when i first met him i excused my self to the ladies room and burst out laughing. =]
Friggin Ashley
Étienne. Lulz French people.
Wilbur -- what were his parents thinking?
I have a great granduncle named Chelsea
"Mari" in French
kerry or kelly
Evelyn - like in Evelyn Waugh
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