• Cats can be trained to use a litter box.there are some disadvanges.but i love cats and dogs equally.
  • Depending on the amount of time you want to spend with the animal is really the determining factor. While dogs seem to be easier to train, it actually all boils down to what breed it is. Cats can be similarly trained to do many of the same tricks as dogs. For instance, my nephew wanted to train his dog (terrier mix) to fetch, rollover and sit. To make a point to him, I bet him I could train my cat to do the same things. Though taking some time and a little different strategy-my cat does all three is litter trained and his dog still poops on the carpet. (And from what I have gathered from him will always be afraid of a tennis ball.) Also contributing to pros and cons are allergies. Certain types of dogs and cats don't affect human allergies (poodles and blue russian cats being examples. Remember too that good grooming of dogs and cats is a must to help alleviate this problem. Long haired dogs and cats need lots of brushing and maintainence. So do short faced animals like persians and boston terriers. Other items to weigh are living conditions and work schedules. If you are living in a small apartment a smaller breed of dog or cat could be better, however you must remember some small dogs are yippy barkers. If you have a house or place with a yard a medium-large breed dog can be suited to you. This still involves interaction with the animal. A smaller breed of dog (chihuahua or pomeranian) needs to be socialized so as not to get so nervous or yippy- yet these dogs can still be that way no matter the training. Large and medium breed dogs (bulldogs, dalmations, german sheperds) need to be exercised and kept busy so as not to become bored. A bored dog will DESTROY fences, patio furniture, and can become diggers. Cats, depending on each individual, is much like a human. There are breeds that are less meowy, more docile, or very active-however, much like children you can't always be sure of what you are going to get. {Personal note: I have four different breeds of cats and all their temperments and sociability are just as different.} I am not saying I am an expert. These are things I have seen and noted over the time I have spent working with animals. I hope some of this information will help.
  • I live next door to my sister. She owns two cats, and I own a dog. Cats seem to be very expensive and fussy. Also the cats are housebound the whole time. If my sister goes on a holiday, the cats are put into a caterey (?) I got my dog, a fox terrier cross from the RSPCA. He is one of those dogs who follows you around the house, sleeps on the end of the bed and requires little maintenance other then baths and clippings. I had to go into hospital once at short notice so I left the dog in the house. (I left the TV running on the discovery channel and some of the lights on but when I got home he wasn't any smarter)(Poor attempt at humor) My sister and some friends dropped in and walked him, sat down and watched some TV just to keep him company. When I got home, there where no signs of stress. I had left him in a kennel once when I went on a holiday, but would never do it again. I'd leave him with friends as he gets along with everyone and is great with kids. Theres a funny saying I heard once, "you own the dog, the cat owns you"
  • There are many advantages to a cat: They are very affectionate, they are not very noisy, they don't need much attention (except when they want it), they are easy to care for, and they will give you many endless hours of fun as you watch them hunt, play, and perhaps even sleep ( upside down and sideways) Disadvantages of cats: They do like to be with you when you are studying or doing somthing you don't want them involved in. You should clean their litter box (however you can teach them to use the toilet - which can be a plus) Advantages to dogs: You also get endless love and affection, they can be protective and help keep thieves away, they are funny Disadvantages to dogs: They are noisy, they need walks all the time (even in the worst snow storm or rain storm), they need to more care generally (more vet visits, brushing, food, attention). More likely to get cancer and other health problems.
  • simple: cats+ :they don't need much attention but like attention whenever it comes their way cats- :you can't really play with a cat outdoors and if you pet them they won't let you stop, and if you have hamsters or fish or mice or somthing they 'play' (attack) them dogs +:they come when they're called, don't scratch you if you stop petting them, little ones go under the blankets in you're bed and warm up your feet, and like o swim and fetch dogs- :bark when they see more dogs, people, and cats.And are over protective
  • Cats are way better than dogs. You never have to bath them...they dont stink!! THey are independant and can be left alone for longer periods of time. THey are easily litter trained and so you dont have to let them out to go to the bathroom. When you pet them your hands dont smell bad afterwards!! Cats are very affectionate when they like you nad a house just isnt a home without one. Cats are way better!!
  • True!Cats can be left on their own at home,and when u have a dog you need to be there at all times.It is how well you can manage your job and your pet at the same time be it a cat or a dog,they are your responsibility.Again you cant change nature,dogs and cats will always be incomparable and will always have advantages and is the pet that u choose to live with and what matters afterall your pet happy with u?
  • CATS pros: when toilet trained they can go out and do their business by themselves; they purr; they are happy to entertain themselves by sleeping and hunting; they quickly learn what they are allowed to do and not do (i.e. not allowed on the table, etc); they won't stray far because they know you will feed them when they come back. cons: if they are not neutered they can get into fights; some cats are not very affectionate or spend all of their time outdoors only coming back for food; you may have to clean up when they bring in a dead rabbit or bird (sometimes the prey will still be alive!) DOGS pros: they need taken for walks so it's good exercise for the owner; they can learn tricks, you can take them to dog shows; they can possibly detect the smell of cancer, they can guard your house. cons: they DO have to be taken out for walks, in all kinds of weather (that's a big disadvantage), a couple of times a day; they can't really be let out by themselves, apart from in the garden.
  • I'm a cat owner. I have a Manx- so it's a cat that acts like a dog. They come when I call. They are quiet, sleep at my feet, and don't chew on my furniture. As indoor cats, I never have a problem with fleas, or dead things brought home. They don't shed, they are clean and rarely smell, they don't bite and their food doesn't cost as much. Other then a yearly vet trip,shots and tags from the county, they are affordable. When I have to leave on business, it's easier to find someone who can come in once a day and refill their water, food and empty the litter. A big plus is, they don't frighten people as a larger dog might. I got mine from a shelter and they were already "fixed" and declawed. And I have two of them, so they don't get lonely when I'm gone. Never had a dog, but dread it when the family brings their dog with them on vacation-because my house gets destroyed and my kids get bitten and I find the poo/pee indoors after I've stepped in it. Birds are messy- have two and wish I didn't.

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