• Yes, you can be pulled over for appearing to young to drive. All an officer needs to have is reasonable suspicion that an offense has occurred (since underage driving is an offense...).
  • As per my understanding of the law, an officer can pull you over for anything that he reasonable suspicion about, ie being too young, being intoxicated, etc. It makes sense, as he would not necessarily know until he stopped you to evaluate
  • As a police Officer I can tell you that if I have a reasonable suspicion that a crime is, has, or is about to be committed then I can stop and detain you long enough to investigate the suspicious activity. So if I see a subject driving that looks like they are 8 years old and driving a car, I will make a stop to determine that the person driving is in fact just a very young looking person that is a valid driver or is somebody's child that though it was okay to drive car. So the answer is yes, the Police can stop you as long as there is reasonable suspicion. Reasonable suspicion goes back to the case law of Terry v. Ohio.
  • The duty of a police officer is only to check any suspicious movement or any thing that goes wrong. Police officer at least stop you and demand your DL and related papers lf found guilty then he will lnform to MVI (motor vechile inspector). That person will charge you as per motor vechile rules.
  • Absolutely - and this has happened to me on numerous occasions, especially soon after I passed my driving test. Since I stand at only 5 foot tall I can easily be regarded as "suspicious" and so used to get pulled over. All they did was check my details and ask me some questions and once everything was confirmed as legal (as of course it was!) they let me on my merry way. Also, my dad, who stands at just 4 foot 9 inches, used to get pulled over very often when he was younger. It got to the point to when my mum used to do all the driving to stop them getting pulled over all the time!
  • one thing you must remember ... the police in this country are able to do anything they want. they pull people over for anything. If they find a violation, then they just make up a reason. they were driving too fast, too slow, across the yellow line, acting suspicious, Its a joke. Our rights in this country are slipping away. Innocent peoples rights are abused every day by the so called protectors of our communities. Remember... dont ever, ever , ever trust a cop. he is out to put another feather in his cap and that is all. just look at the answer this cop gave... "if he looks eight years old" Ha! of course if they look eight, we know that. ugh! it just aint right, the things they do and the excuses they use. So the answer to your question is a definate yes.
  • What would you expect the police to do? its the officers sworn duty to protect all citizens from the violators of criminal and traffic laws. lets ask, what if? what if the officer did not stop a driver that appeared too young to drive? if the young-appearing driver ran over your son or daughter and had not been stopped by the police for questioning, what would your thoughts be? absolutely, the police should stop any driver that appears unsuitable to operate an automobile. whether they are too young or too old, does not matter. the safety of all citizens comes first and that's the purpose of the police.
  • yes they have the right to do this especially with all the fake id's and underage driving!
  • I think law enforcement in this country is a joke. Cops think that they rule the world and they think they are soooo above us, 'normal' citizens. My brother is a police officer so I know a bit more about how US law enforcement works!!! Although I love my brother to death even he admits that the system is just not functioning right. I was pulled over once as a student because I was driving my BICYCLE on a wrong side of sidewalk (I wasn't even on the street) and they wrote me a ticket for it!!! Who in the world teaches you on which side of the SIDEWALK should you drive your bike?!?!?!?! These cops are so borred and so eager to rip people off that they are even pulling over students that ride their bicycles to class (those are the students that cannot even afford a car - like myself). By riding my bike I wasn't bugging anyone besides obviously that police officer! For all the cops that read this remember what goes around comes around! Don't think you are the best things in this world just because you have that badge and you get to carry a gun!
  • I don't know what the law is where you live, but I suspect it's pretty much the same the whole world over and that the answer is YES.

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