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  • Simply put, no. The same amount of semen is stored in the seminal vesicle. Orgasm is simply the point when the semen is ejaculated out. Whether your pumping the stump or not, the semen is stored there. Production of semen maxes out when the seminal vescicle is full.
  • Damage, no. Discomfort, yes, possibly. Continued arousal in men can lead to an aching feeling in the lower abdomen and balls, rather like, but usually less intense than, the pain felt after being hit in tha balls. This discomfort is sometimes known as "blue balls". Women can experience a similar aching if they masturbate for a time without reaching orgasm. It's caused by the accumulation of blood ('vasocongestion') in the genitals which is normally dissipated after orgasm. The quick way to deal with it, for both men and women, is to orgasm. The blood vessels empty, and the ache goes away.
  • Friction burns; whether you cum or not. ?Is there meth in this question? There is some question of "Blue Balls", but that is mostly urban legend.
  • It could be possible if injaculation occurred.

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