• Better how? *see my comment for the edit. I am the gaming expert bc of the sims on here =)*
  • Umm, use the cheats, or buy the expansions? I just bought Pets for mine, It's way cool.
  • I am a Sims 2 nut! Haha! I just got the newest Expansion pack, Seasons :] What do you mean by better though?
  • the expansion packs make it a lot better! I have sims pets, nightlife, and university and it's way cooler, they also make one so you can make your sims run small businesses. All the expansions also come with expanasions for clothes, hair styles, and stuff for your sim's houses. They're kind of expensive, but you can buy them at any department store or online. You can also download free patches so you can set furniture diagonally, set things off the grid, or, if it tickles your fancy, make your sims au naturel. You can find stuff on as well.
  • try these sims 2 websites FIRST you need to download CEP file so you can see the downloads in the game. GET IT HERE. copy and paste the web address in your google browses. and travel to your sims 2 downloads folder. start/mydocuments/eagames/downloads this site is the BEST SITE EVER. it is all the pay custom content.

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