• Found a site that has tips for many odor removal techniques: However- smoke is stubborn, disgusting, and quite an offensive smell to those who do not smoke. The easiest way to eliminate the carpet odor would be to replace the carpet and the carpet pad. However, the walls and ceiling may still smell... in that case you have to scrub the walls and repaint everything. You will probably have to scrub all the surfaces in the house, as smoke leaves a nasty smelly yellow coating on everything. Replace all the filters in your heating/cooling systems, clean the counters, bathrooms, windows, etc... I have never seen the smoke smell completely removed from a house. It's just gross.
  • I used coffee to rid my car of smoke smell. A friend told me to put trays of fresh coffee under the front seats. I did and the smoke smell is gone. Don't know if this would work for carpets though.
  • Febreze works.

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