• Critical! ;)
  • Ooooh...loaded question! Very important! :^)
  • Sex is a basic need for most living animals. Reproduction. nutrition. Essentials for living things. The reproduction part of it has become a more complex need for humans,psychologically. It is perfectly possible for Humans to remain celibate but if this is not from choice, it will affect them adversely. Some more than others. I make no distinction between the sexes as I do not believe there is necessarily a difference. I believe we were taught there was at one time, but I do not believe it personally.
  • When I was young, very important. If not for women and sex, I would be in a strait jacket now. Now that I am old, not too much unless for nubile Thai women. And for your info, nubile Japanese women. - I would settle for the maidens under your castle's roof. That is only to save my sanity. No more, no less.
  • I think it depends on a person's libido. Some people have a great need for it, others less so. Once you start realising you're missing it though, it can probably drive you just about demented worrying that you're not getting it.

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