A good way to start answering this question is by looking up the definition for the word atheist, which by Merriam-Webster is defined as: "A disbelief in the existence of deity or the doctrine that there is no deity." (Where deity means God or as atheist would spell it: god.) Atheists are people who do not believe in ANY sort of God, not just the gods offered by the major religions of the world Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and others. Such a person often may say that she/he is a Darwinist, meaning that she/he believes in the theory of evolution and that man was not instantly created by a higher power, rather men are the way they are as a result of a continuous adaptation to the environment. On the other hand, a person who believes in some sort of a higher power (and this higher power does not quite fit in any mainstream religion category) is referred to as agnostic. Again the definition for agnosticism is: “A person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; in wide terms: one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god.” There are far more agnostic people around than atheist. Sometimes agnostics refer to themselves as atheist just because the do not know any better. Hope this helps. P.S. An example of how we have evolved as human beings is goose bumps. Goose bumps are useless to the modern man. In pre-historic times the human was a hairier animal and goose bumps represented a defense mechanism. They made hair stick up all over the body, giving the human more volume and an appearance of a larger animal, which might have made the bear think twice about making Mr. Prehistoricman its lunch.
"A" is a root word or prefix meaning "not"or "no" and the root "thie" means "diety" (i.e.god) and "ism" means "the belief of" or "ist" one who believes. So literally Athieist means one who believes there is no god. Athieists tend to believe more in people having power than in any diety in my expieriance.
The only thing that atheists have in common universally is that they lack belief in gods. Beyond that, the label of atheist doesn't tell you anything about the beliefs of a person. There are some religions that lack gods, such as certain sects of Buddhism. That said, atheism often goes hand in hand with empiricism. Empiricism is the belief that our view of the world should be based on observation and reason rather than intuition or faith. Not all atheists are empiricists, and not all empiricists are atheists (in fact, one of the important names in early empiricism is Saint Thomas of Aquinas).
I would like to add on to what somebody had said earlier. Atheists don't believe in the existence of a God or gods. Atheists also believe that there isn't an afterlife, and the soul ceases to exist. Atheists also don't believe in heaven or hell (obviously if they believe that there isn't an afterlife).
If i may be so bold as to give a final answer to this this question. The modern atheist would say to the question of weather there is or is not a deity is rediculas,The question is flawed. It is difficult to disprove the nonexistence of something. I wonder how many people died trying to prove whoes god is better. One set even says that woman fases oought to be covered and woman need not be educated and woman are not as valid as men. The god thing ought to go the way of flat earth. Old thinkin. We need another age of enlightment. We atheists BELIEVE the question is dumb at best.
An Atheist by definition does not believe in a Supreme Being, they believe that we just came to be, in all our glory, that BAM!! there was earth and all that lives on it. That through a freak of nature the Big Bang was just perfect to establish all there is. If someone says they believe in reincarnation and the soul lives on then they believe there is a possibility of a Supreme Being and therefore are Agnostic, not Atheist. God Bless all!!
What gross assumption did I make? What is your answer? Studying religion, as I have, I don't believe there is an assumption to my original answer. I also have friends who are Atheist and we have discussed what we as individuals believe. They believe that we just happen, that the timing was perfect and we became, I have had quite a few discussions on this subject in and out of class. Even the dictionary states that an Atheist does not believe in a Superior Being. Of course, if you have a better answer I would love to read it, I am always open to learning something new. At 47 years of age I've learned to not force my views on others, I never assume that someone else is wrong. It has a lot to do with being a Proud Free American, we all have a right to our opinions without fear of retribution. a·the·ist [ áythee ist ] (plural a·the·ists) noun Definitions: unbeliever in God or deities: somebody who does not believe in God Again, God Bless!
Atheists do not believe in a God or God Force. They are of the opinion that we evolved into being. There is no fact of this. Scientists don't even know the answer. Their theories are usually punctuated with : probably, maybe, could have, etc. I believe: God is the Living Spirit in each and everyone of us. All things on this earth plane has that Living Spirit. Atheists are at that level of knowledge where they should be until they evolve farther in understanding. They are not wrong in their belief. No one is wrong in what they believe. May the light shine where you walk and may the darkness be like the new day in each and every moment of your life.
The common view of an atheist is someone who not only does not believe in God, but is also a person who lacks warmth and caring. This is definitely not true. I have several friends who are atheists, and while I don't share their beliefs, I have found them to be extremely sensitive and loving individuals. They do not believe in prayer, of course, since they have no object of that prayer. They do believe in what they call "white light", which is a type of benevolence bestowed upon people who are ill or having extreme problems. When these atheists send "white light", to you, it's the same as praying for your health, safety or welfare. I've got to give them credit for that. However, what they don't know is that the feelings of love and compassion they have, are (excuse me) God given! Well, here's another of my bromides -- I seem to have one to fit just about every occasion: "I'd rather live my life as though there were a God, and then die to find out there were not, than to live my life as though there were not a God, and find out after death that there was." Think about that one. Goldiemae
Before you rate, and I begin answering this question. I would just like to note a few things. I have been studying religions for years, and I have even aced a World Religions course. I have every intention of answering this question honestly. Thus, I will be pulling out my old World Religions course book which also teaches on atheism and the absence of religion. Types of Atheists: philosphical atheist-One who rejects the assumption that there is a God or Supreme Being. materialist-A philosophical atheist who believes that nothing spiritual exists. (Basically, everything is an expression of matter more or less.) atheist-in-practice-A person who has given no thought to the question of God, or one who displays a disregard for the question. Also there are emotional atheists, but these are not true atheists. They simply choose to not believe in God or hate him for a psycholgoical need. Ex: They may be laughed at if they believe in God. They want to get even with him. Things that should not be confused with atheism: agnostic-A person who believes one cannot know whether or not there is a God, Supreme Being, Ultimate Force, or Existance. Skeptic-A person who believes nothing can be truly known. Also, atheism should not be considered the same thing as being areligous, or having no religion. Buhdism for the most part is an atheistic religion. Also, a very few Hindus are atheists.(Yes, some Hindus are atheists.)
Atheists believe in themselves, because they are too cowardly and shallow to follow the rules of a being they cannot see. They ignore religion because what they feel and what they do maybe wrong or even aborhent, and they do not have the courage to do what is right. They cower behind proofs and go head deep into probabilities, which exist only in our collective minds, and will cease to exist when humans cease to exist - as it is our interpretation of how the universe works. Science and 'yourselves' cannot guide you morally. You think you are free, but you are free in your mind only, instead you are foolishly feeling around in the dark hoping you don't fall down the casm of evilness, in which everyone believes someone higher will light the room and hold us up when we are down. I ask on this site how you would function without God/Religion in your life, and all you offer is meaningless, useless banter filled with big words and no answers. People do care for you, yet you spit in their faces and push your unfounded foolish beliefs on all the rest of us, just because you can't be humble and realize that there is wrong and if you do it, you just might have to man up. Sooner or later, people will quit trying to help, and when that last hedonistic breath is taken, you WILL realize that 2 billion people of the rest of the world had it right, and you will ultimately face the music and no one will save you then. Wollow in your selfishness, and utter your babble. Rate me the worst you want, but you are all the spoiled brats of humanity and you will be punished in due time if you don't change your ways.
I'm an athiest, and I don't choose to believe in God. I choose to believe in people, or more the goodness in them. I can see it with my own eyes, I see the goodness of people. People of every belief do great things, so I don't think being religious makes you a great person. It can do I suppose but not neccassarily. I can't believe in God because too much has happened for me to do so, but I still believe in people
Everyone's different. I think that when you die, it's all over. No more. Hopefully, the memories you created with people were good and will last as long as they can, so people can remember you.
I wasn't asking anyone to do that. That was just my own personal belief. But I do appreciate your comments.
I believe in something?
Atheist believe in man or whatever science can prove.
The Human Race. In other words, I think that Atheists feel alone, but also content that there isn't a supreme god who is responsible for all good (and bad) things in the world. Religions believe in an ultimate power they can surrender to, whereas atheists kick away that crutch and face the world as the chaotic and apathetic piece of dirt it is.
Mostly, they believe they'll have another beer....;-D... . . .
As little as possible. 'Working basis' is a better term.
"I believe in using words, not fists. I believe in my outrage knowing people are living in boxes on the street. I believe in honesty. I believe in a good time. I believe in good food. I believe in sex." - Bertrand Russell
Let him explain: Watch the whole thing it's kinda in the end...
You'd have to ask each of us, since we only agree in one thing we DON'T believe in.
Evidently some sort of magic. Certainly, not science or rational thinking.
That which is proven to work. Such as that computer you're typing on which was NOT prayed into existence.
I believe the sun will come up tomorrow at the expected time. I believe my family loves me. I believe that I'll manage to solve difficulties that arise. +5
Atheists have their own belief that there no God.
Evidently, some sort of mindless magical pixie dust that can do amazing things for which they have no explanation, except to insist that no intelligence was involved. They've said to me that they have no idea how it did happen but are still convinced how it didn't happen.
Impossible to say as we dont have a shared opinion. I suppose the best I can come up with is we believe in the most likely theories.
They think God is a myth.
They believe in non-intelligence. No matter how complex and exacting the universe is, an unintelligent, unguided, random process was responsible. They have no evidence for their belief, but they are sticking to it. They believe that by sheer random chance, each one of the four fundamental forces just happened to somehow get created precisely tuned to enable the universe and life's existence. Even more remarkable is that they believe that, again by sheer random chance, all 4 forces just happened to be created and form in the exact same trillionth of a second.
Nothing I use to be an atheist and thats what I thoght.
Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny -just a guess, some may not believe in either or both.
That there is no god. Everything else is undefined in atheist's beliefs.
You can believe there is no guiding intelligence that is aware of us and still be athiest.
They believe in themselves and the good will of other people -- if they are lucky. No invisible man needed.
Some of us believe in searching for realistic answers as an alternative to the dead end of ancient supernatural beliefs.
How come you can ask all these questions biased towards secular minded people, but you can't read the duplicate questions to the right of the screen as you're typing your answer?
real things .
Science, reality, and Social Darwinism are popular atheistic beliefs...
the individual conscious spirituality that inevitably links us all back to source, which is creation ! :) No need for religious dogma to block that path way of enlightenment, :)
Theirself and materialism, and the ETheory. That's all they got or gonna get.
Many things.
No God
I am an individual and can not speak for all atheists. What I know is that the only way I will live on after I die is in the memory of others. I want that memory to be a good one.
The almighty dollar.
lots of things ..... just not that ;-)
They don't.
Life and living.
Atheists prefer to keep searching for proof instead of cutting right to the chase.
I've been athiest in my life. I believed that if there were a God it was nothing anyone could prove. Then I thought how could there be a God, we are all alone here. Then I gave up. Then I felt empty, depressed, drunk and alone and I felt that I had to find something, anything to prove God did exist. That we were not all alone, and I found it. I would ask questions that needed verification from God and I got answers that could only be God.
Humanity among other things
I am an atheist and i believe that relegion was based on the adoration of the sun and other celestial bodies, and it got outta hand and people made elaborate stories about it and it became a tool to control peoples behavior. I dont know where we came from but i know that some never before seen or heard of or proven invisible man cant tell me neither. The most likely thing is we are the product of extraterrestrials mixing with earths aborigines
Atheists believe in a Philosophical Assumption, what darwin and huxley taught. No facts, just belief= nitwits. A mind is like a parachute, it don't work unless it's open.
I believe in my Hawaiian shirt collection.
They believe in what they can shake in front of their face, not much if you ask me.
Living life to its fullest.
I guess that would be to live life happy and do what the Hell you want, since the narrow road of religion has less options compared to the wide road that has more freedom!
whatever we feel like! its awesome, you should try it!
$$$$$ +5
Usually themselves, although many "christians" are guilty of the same thing.
Earth. The thought that such an amazing thing could happen randomly and they are apart of it. Thats worth my worship. (if anything really needs to be worshipped that is)
Why do they need to worship anything?
Me. I am God.
They (we) don't worship anyone as a group, but as in any group of people I guess you will find some who worship things or people of fame, but not in the same way Religious people worship their God. (structured)
That's a silly question.
Anyone who does not worship ACCURATELY...whether they claim to be religious or worshiping Satan. Who is the opposite of God. God is good, Satan is bad. And inaccurate worship is bad.
Buy a dictionary, no one, that is the point.
Thank god they've advanced intelligently and don't feel the need to worship anyone
No one and no thing. At least that is how it is for me.
Themselves. Worship is the giving of ones time, talent, and treasure. EVERYBODY puts those things where their hearts are. And even the greatest philanthropist only gives away his own if it makes him or her feel good.
Nobody in my case.
Worship is a word with no meaning if you do not have a God. Your question is therefore meaningless.
No one thank God
Absolutly No-one.
Their ego!
"Whom" is the objective case. "Who" goes where the subject goes. Just trying to help. Guess I don't worship anyone. What the hey. Worship is not a requisite for anything, right?
We make more productive use of our time.
I worship no one. That's why I'm an atheist.
Whom do non-stamp collectors worship?
Since atheists don't attend any church, they don't worship any person, place, or thing....
- Please try to keep up!
I believe in Father Christmas, in miracles, and if I fall in love this time, it will last forever.
Beliefs are ideas that are accepted as true with inadequate evidence, so I have no beliefs.
anything but believing in god
By definition, beliefs have inadequate to no evidence in their favor, so I don't want to merely believe anything at all. I want all of my ideas to have supporting evidence, and that isn't mere beliefs.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Nihilists believe in nothing (not even nihilism), atheists just disbelieve whatever God you believe in. -
A nihilists belief is a sincere logical atheist belief, anything else requires one to still fool the self into thinking life can have meaning in the meaningless.
They believe in the pleasures of the world. 1 John 2:16 "For all that is in the world-the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life-is not from the Father but is from the world."
Most will say the only common denominator is "without a belief in God," which is intellectually dishonest, because most believe anything science, or atheist writers, tell them. Hence, they believe the universe began for no reason, it was random chance. And of course it will then end for no reason. Hence, there is no objective meaning to our existence, no matter what we do in this world it all adds up to ZERO. Hence, without any objective measurement, then there is no objective morality, no objective good or evil, just indifference. So really there is no argument to be had over anything without any objective reference. Also, the human is a collection of firing neurons and chemical reactions, there is no ghost in the machine, no soul to be had, just a reactor to it's internal and external programming, so really nothing to boast about because they are pre-destined or programmed, the outcome inevitable. Love is reduced to a bunch of chemical reactions, and everything suddenly becomes very cold very robotic. True atheism is nihilism, as Nietzsche said, before he went mad and believed he was the god Dionysius. And here is the danger, science asks the question "Can we do this?" It doesn't ask "Should we do this?" Hence, without objective morality or right and wrong, we end up experiments in some sick game run by those at the top. They have managed to talk us out of believing our lives actually have any meaning, or exist for any reason, how on earth can you make an argument for your existence? So in comes eugenics, you are now just a bunch of cattle to the farmer. They don't believe in God, but they do believe in subatomic particles, which pop in and out of existence, and where all calculations reduce to math, which cannot be seen. No matter how much science tries to pin existence down, it can never get hold of it. I've nothing against science, I actually enjoy it, but without objective morality, or the excitement or the thought we are examining something very profound, and asking the questions whether we should or shouldn't, then it becomes very clinical to me. I don't know many humans who do anything without any meaning behind it, so then to believe that our existence has no objective meaning, is contrary to how we live. Plus, Charles Darwin's father who gave him the theory of evolution, was a 33rd degree freemason, they are not atheist, they believe in the Magnum Opus, so here's the question, why would they want you to believe differently?, why would they want you to believe that your just an animal with a limited lifespan?
too stupid to read the dictionary are you?
Spontaneous generation.
I am a firm and proud atheist unaffected by religious bull$hit therefore it is not about what I believe in. Atheism is an awareness and not a belief. Religious weirdos think atheism is a belief when it is not since they are stupid to think that. Atheism is based on the conscious mind that religious weirdos fail to understand. Atheism is about knowledge through logical thinking.
Logic. They believe proof comes from facts, not coercion.
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