Spouse or not I would like to keep my distance from most child molesters. They scare me.
I can certainly say that we would have to "talk." A violent talk. A talk to the death.
Not no, but HELL NO. I would kick his ARSE out so fast he wouldn't know what happened. I might not even have time to remove my foot from it before the door slammed. Then I would see to it that the rest of his life was nothing more than the four walls of a cell block with a bunch of men whom I had informed about his activities.
No. Definitely not if it were my child, and I wouldn't be able to be with someone who molested someone else's child either. It would be too hard wondering how many children had been hurt and if they wanted to do it again, and all of the questions that would be in my mind. I couldn't do it.
HOW COULD ANYONE???????? But there have been people who turn a blind eye or cannot accept it. I think i would just castrate him with a kitchen knife!
Hell no he better hope he gets a good head start because when I found him load does not even know what I would do.
Not unless I wanted to go live in prison, because that's exactly where they would be!
They would be lucky if I let them live after I found out. NO ON WILL EVER, EVER LAY SO MUCH AS A FINGER ON MY CHILD. I don;t care who they are, I'd rip their bloody head off if I had the chance, let alone fogive them! And same goes for any other child
I'd get my children away from her and warn everybody I know. I'd get a recording of her confession.
Having just discovered yesterday that my 3 year old daughter has been molested by a so-called close "friend" of ours, I agree with you all whole heartedly. However, it's not until you are in the position yourself that you truly know how you would react. Having been a victim of child molestation myself, I had always vowed that if I ever had kids, no one would ever touch my child and God help them if they did. You always think that you've done all the right things to protect them, but, as we have recently discovered, it still happens. I can't say what I would do exactly if it had been my husband that did it, but I know for sure that I would not have stuck around a minute longer for him to do it again. But being on the other end of it (i.e. it's not my husband that has done this to my little girl but a "friend"), as much as I would love to castrate him and string him up for all to see, I don't want to end up in prison. My baby girl needs me and my husband around to protect her. We will be telling his wife (they have two girls 3 years and another 6 months) and she can make her decision from there. I don't know what her reaction would be, and we may lose a friendship over it, but at least the doubt is there. I hope that she believes us and it would be hard not to, because we have everything my little girl said, either voice recorded or video recorded. I would also have to see that he got help one way or another (psychological help, that is). Believe me, there's nothing I would give more than to rip his face off, but I know that's not the answer. He has a problem and he needs help to stop doing what he has been doing. But more than anything, my little girl and possibly his girls need help and I will do everything in my power to see that that happens and that they never have to see him again. Just remember, it's about the child, not you and not the offender. The child will only think they have done something wrong if they see that you have gone and done something to the offender, even though it is a perfectly normal reaction. Just don't forget about the child - everything you say and do has an immediate affect on that child.
That would bring a whole new meaning to that till death do we part vow..I would personally kill child or anyone elses..he would have to die.
It is defenitly a hard question to answer, if I didnt leave them right off the back I would certainly demand counseling for my spouse. I would also demand that we talk out our plan of action. However, I would say that common sense says get the hell out of there. You will always be suspicious of this person. Im sure I would atleast remain in contact and be sure that they know they have my support in their journey towards fixing the issue,.
i would get a divorce so fast he wouldn't know what hit him. i would beat him up and curse him out probably too. get the police involved, take no chances.
If I ever end up in this situation, I hope that I would report my husband. No, I would not end it with him. You guys might hate me for this, but if I marry someone, I am signing up for what I am signing up for. If I'm not careful enough in my selection, I view it as my fault. I would still report him, though. At least, I hope I would. Would I leave him? Probably not.
Fuck no!!! I'd turn her into the police.
I would not say anything to them. I would look them straight in their eyes and then enjoy the sensation as the knife in my right hand plunges into them over and over again and then before the bitch died I would torture the fuck out of her. I apologise for my language.
I would get me and my childeren away from the monster as quick as possible. Also if it was someone elses child I would make sure the parents of the child knew.
If he were still alive to do so, I would turn him in, and hopefully he would be in prison so I really wouldn't have to worry about it. Once he got out? Hell no I wouldn't be with him, I would never trust him to not do it again. I have seen a lot of times where even if they don't do it again after they get caught they still have the urges. Do you think I really want to be married to someone who fantasizes having sex with a little boy or girl? Don't think so! Also you would suffer from your husband being on Meganslaw, sorry I wouldn't want to add to my kids grief already, and make them explain to everyone why Daddy is on there. They wouldn't have any friends becase their parents wouldn't allow it, and they are right. I wouldn't want my child staying the night at a child molesters house. So in all, No, I would not stay with this sick bastard!
I love my spouse, so before I did anything drastic I would find out if she commited these hideous acts on account of a mental condition that she had no control of, then I would seek medical help for her; and no! I would not abandon her; I would help her in any which way that I can.
Ewe, no. This type of person is a monster and should be put somewhere for the rest of his life.
Absolutely not - that's an unforgiveable act.
Of course not. No. He/she has committed a crime against an innocent person, many times weaker in strength than he/she. Unbearable thought, staying with someone who commits this thing
Long enough to kill him. You can visit me in prison.
Absolutly not. As a parent you are obligated to protect your child. If you are in a marriage and your spouse has abused your child you need to protect that child no matter what. If you are considering staying you need to have your head examined.
Stay no, Kill yep :-)
No i would not.
Well, heaven forbid such a thing should happen. But, if it did, one school of thought, a very small one perhaps, would say spouses should support each other through thick and thin no matter what. When this tragedy happens, forgiveness and acceptance is usually a rare commodity, but if the marriage vows mean anything they do not allow jumping ship even when the unconscionable occurs. The spouse may be the only one prepared and able to pilot the offending spouse through the judicial nightmare that surely follows, and on through whatever long-winded series of treatments are necessary to rid the spouse of his/her odious tendencies. In the event of course, the treatment may not even work, but there should be no-one more committed to doing the best possible than the more innocent of the two spouses. Some individuals don't have the capacity for child abuse, or to kill, or to steal, or to lie or commit adultery, or to be mean to anyone. It is just not in their nature. They couldn't do it, nor can they even underdstand how those who do can bring themselves to engage in such activities. Are they then in any position to judge something they cannot understand? The child molestation, the killing, the theft, the lying or the adultery? The bible says, 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone'. Biblical crap, yes. And whoever believes it or lives by its crazy, unworkable injunctions anyway? Not me! So we needn't bother with bringing religion into the discussion. But then there is simple humanity. Humanity and religion, not to mention the law, are often at loggerheads, aren't they?
No. And no.
I would kill him and no one would find him. To quote a great song, he'd be "A half a mile out, a quarter across beneath those wheat field rows, and no one knows who put him there but the blackbirds and the crows..." Then I would focus all of my energies on my child to prove to him/her that this does not have to define his/her life.
No I would and could not be with him. My first reaction would be to kill him, but hopefully my scences would come to me and I would contact the police before commiting murder. Our number 1 job as parents is protecting our children no matter what. I also believe in my marriage vows, but my children always come first.
no and you can lose your child that way
Why would you harm your child? Staying in that situation makes you an accomplice?
No. I'd turn him in.
definitely not, hed be in jail for doing that
"I don't know, detective. She left a note saying she was leaving and never coming back and don't bother looking for her. I don't think she'll ever be heard from again."
I would beat them to an inch of death
Linda Joy
I agree they deserve it. But how do you know for sure where that inch is?
My mother did. She was mentally damaged at 12 when she was hit by a car. She believed his lies. I'm finally o.k. with letting God handle it. I refuse to let any of them take away my present by allowing them to manipulate my feelings now. I guess you could say my 'revenge' is living the happiest life I can choose for myself and not giving that moment in time or anyone else the power to make me feel what I don't like to feel. I choose to leave it in the past and choose happiness most of the time now and I need to choose it even more in the future!
Knowing my partner molested any child including my own I'd leave him asap.
never stay
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