Strangers, I say hello in the passing but that's about it.
Well, I met them once and I'm too busy to talk to them and go over and have tea and stuff.
great friends +5
I have 7 neighbors and I only ever talk to 2. My 1 immediate neighbor has really serious mental health problems and he scares me so we don't talk as much. He is a sweet guy but he's an alcoholic and he gets violent when he's drunk. But I talk to 2 of the 3
I rarely talk to my neighbors. I can't see them, can't hear them, and I like it that way. Lived way too long in the city with neighbors that were loud and rude, and that's why I moved to the country!
The neighbours to our right are nice. We talk to them, and occasionally make them dinner. My mum goes to their house for coffee and a chat all the time, and occasionally helps walk their dogs. The neighours to our left... They are horrid. They flick their cigarettes over our fence, they make noise through the night, they glare over the fence at us when we go out to our yard, or they make a big show of packing up and going back inside whenever we go out, like we are diseased or something. I never talk to them unless I have to.
Strangers!! I've lived on my road for almost 4 years and have never talked to or met my neighbors
we talked yesterday.there is a mother bobcat with a cub in property between us.we are close to the time when a panther usually moves through the area and there are only around a 100 or so of them.
I do talk with all of my neighbors. We are a pretty close community!!! +5
definitely all strangers haha
nope not ever talk to them!! o xcept for this doc across the street.
Yes, but not all of them, some of them i don't even know. +5
Strangers. Even the one who I always invited to dinner never showed up after he said YES to the invitation.
We say Hello and Goodbye.
one is silent and doesnt talk unless spoken to. the other has been overly friendly. i had to tell them to chill. it made them mad, so now they dont talk to us at all.
i talk to one of them. we've come home to a mowed & trimmed yard twice thanks to him! just say hi & bye to the other neighbors.
yes I say hi to them - but I prefer that they mind their own business while I keep to my own. We will support each other in time of trouble yes - but we don't mess with each others business. Ah - the American dream!
I have nice neighbors and I always say hi, but not much else. They are a lot older and we don't hang out.
They are all strangers to me. I prefer to keep to myself.
My neighbors are like family to me. We take good care of one another...+5
We talk at times - My wife is outside more than I, but most are pretty friendly people, if a bit strange. ;-)
Kinda but leave them alone.
We live in 3 story building condo where every floor contains 4 units. I talk to my next door neighbors because their g'daughter is a friend of my daughter. We also chat with the few other neighbors in our building when we bump into them. LOL
Yeah I know them reasonably well. +5
I live in a townhome community. Most are working people who exit their unit when they back their car out of their garage so no one is out front often. Lived in a neighborhood where my children were raised before this and it was much friendlier; however, I think that was because the kids got the parents acquainted.
I try to keep it like strangers..
only the 3 guys that live on my left from me the other neighbors are stuck up and arrogant so I avoid them not one of them have come over and said hi and we just moved here a while back except for the guys next door
Yes we talk! :-)
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