• I don't know about God dictating about marriage; I'm agnostic.I take my marriage vows damn seriously as a commitment to the lady I love. People shouldn't marry if they don't feel that way. +5
  • I do not believe in God but take my vows very seriously. When I married my husband it was for life, not until I got bored or something better came along. For better or worse, richer or poorer, we are a partnership.
  • I think our society is ignorant about what composes a marriage. No education on how to maintain a relationship, raising children, finances and everything else involved in sharing and caring about another in the tough times. People enter it with the idea we can always get divorced.+5
  • Well... that really depends on your perspective. Some people believe that marriage is from god, and others don't. Until there is some serious proof that marriage is part of a specific god's "special plan", I don't think we can begrudge people for not believing such. People can treat marriage however they wish, it won't effect my relationships in the slightest. I don't understand why people get so hung up about things like this. If someone wants to get married, and then get divorced in three days, isn't that their business, and not ours?
  • Most marriages were for economic reasons, The notion of marriage as a sacrament(Religious) and not just a contract can be traced St. Paul who compared the relationship of a husband and wife to that of Christ and his church (Eph. v, 23-32). It is way to easy to get a divorce, and it isnt considered a SIN to divorce a person.
  • So says you. God could have done a lttle better planning sometimes. I'll DR myself 261 points for that one - help out if you wish. +5 to you.
  • I think people are really ignorant when they have the need for a god that tells them monogamy is good, gay´s and polygamy bad! Why do you HAVE to be married? Because your god dictates so Why do people marry so young? God and therefore there society expects it from them. I have friends around me that married at 20-21 (most of m because there parents condone pre-marrital sex) but I can bet you that a lot of m will divorce to and those are excactly the religious ones.
  • God had nothing to do with my marriage. Except for trying to prevent it. At least God in the form of the RC Church did. I planned this "journey of a lifetime" and 28 years into it we're still going strong. All of my friends who let God do the planning are on, at least, their second marriage and one is even on his fourth. Not a very good planner in my book, that God guy. Hope this helps.

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