I sliced in on a piece of tin when I was putting a new roof on the Barn.
Bullet. It ricocheted from several blocks away while I was in a receiving line at an outdoor wedding.
I tripped over my tongue when I saw your beauty
Actually I have a few on my leg. I was bitten by a dog about 20 years ago. Not fun!
Playing Kick-The-Can when I was a kid. I fell on the street and flopped like a fish out of water. +++
during a training session on close quarters self defense I slipped and stabbed my own knife into my thigh.
Burned with hot water
Playing "Ring-and-Run" at night. We rang somebody's doorbell and went to hid in his bushes, but there was a sprinkler head sticking up about a foot out of the ground that I cracked my leg on and opened up a nice little gash. Ten stitches and a cure for childhood pranks all in one night!
one from my brother stabbing me two more from my other brother stabbing me another from my girlfriend shooting me with a 45cal.(MY 45cal.)and one fom a dirtbike when i was 9 etc. etc.
Accidentally branded my shin with a hot fire poker when I was stoking the wood in the fireplace.
What?!! Oh noooooo!!
As I was getting out of the pool from the side wall, one of my legs slipped and my shin cracked open from the impact with the wall. The dumb doctor thought he would stich it up (not enough skin to pull together) and the stiches broke three times. Now I have an indintation on my skin that is a pretty cool scar.
One of my dogs bit me whilst I was trying to separate her during a fight with another dog.
A knife fight with a nun in highschool. [she was adamantly against pre-marital sex and my squeeze was startin' to listen!] ;-)
She got a little frisky. The collar and leash routine was OK but I guess we pushed it with the "curb" and "pooper scooper" act.
Bullet holes in back of upper thigh, did a cartwheel from the impact. the street of Miami wer and still are nasty!
playing with my butterfly knife it flew out of my hand and scraped my calf open along the side... thank good it missed going into my foot... that could have been bad
Fell out of a tree
You know how sometimes a dog will try to hump your leg? Well, I had a Rhino.... yeah.
It's a chicken pox scar !!!lol +6
actually, i was wondering when you'd notice. i had hatched the plan with my homey...i waited on road beyond the wire, it was 2am, a time when the watchers are a little less diligent, see? i saw the flash in the window and knew he was on his way out and quickly scrambled through the tall grass, wireclippers in hand, clipped the strands and squeezed under. i shoulda made it bigger, i'd regret it later... i could see him, running low toward the inner fence, as i ran low to meet him. "go, go" he urged as i fumbled to clip the strands, then the sound of baying split the night, just before the floodlights slammed the field into mid-day brilliance. hand in hand we ran for the outer wire, there was only room for one at a time and i held back, pushing him forward. he hesitated for only a moment and them dove for the opening, squirming to freedom. "come on!" he yelled as he disappeared into the blackness of the heavy foliage. a warning shot rang out as i threw myself facedown in the dirt, shoving myself through. that's when the dog got me.... he got away, i spent 18 mos in. you asked......
When I was 7 years old, I fell while playing hop-scotch. My left thigh shattered in three places, and the doc put a steel rod through my calf to keep me in traction for several weeks.
Some from barbed wire - some from motorcycle accidents - and some from working construction in my youth.
Which one? LOL That half-moon scar is from when I used to be stock clerk in my father's store. Squatting and opening a box with a box-cutter. The blade was probably old and stuck. When I pulled to get it the rest of the way through the box, it did, and momentum carried it to slice my leg. Luckily, it also helped deflect the blade from my CROTCH! Went to back room, put a band-aid on it, and went back to work. (Wasn't deep... JUST deep enough to scar.) That long ragged looking thing that happens to show only when my blood-pressure is high and my leg's a bit tanned? Going over the handlebars of a 250 dirt bike. I was on a track about a foot wide, and doing pretty well. I cut corners. Between one pass and the next, apparently, the dew formed. The bike slipped out, then hit the track, and flipped me over the bars. I rolled, put my arm out stopped for a second facing the bike, saw it still rolling toward me, and kept rolling. Handlebars were parallel to the bike frame with the wheel straight. Twisted them back, and road back to our trailer. Had a "skinned-like" line down my inner thigh from the end of the handlebars. Right thigh? Boning a quarter of beef in my father's store's meat department. Cutting down. Held knife like stabbing. Knife slipped out of the meat, and momentum carried it to my thigh, between my pocket and ... Big Jim. Tip went in about 1/4". Went to the backroom, cleaned it up, put a band-aid on it, and went back to work. LOL Those two on my thigh, that scar down across my knee, and those two on my shin? Tore my quad tendon from my kneecap. (Description, elsewhere.) They reattached 2-3 months later, and put on an external fixator (I called it a "towel rack") to keep my knee in position and no pressure on joint while it healed. The two in the thigh and two in my shin where where the screws to the "towel rack" went into the bone. The scar on my knee is from something like 30 staples, to hold the skin together until it healed. I'm sure there are more, but that covers the big ones. ;-)
+5 rusty nail
I was shot in the line of duty ... +5
you bit me
well, there was this tractor accident...
Don't you mean the slashes on my face. +5
I'd have to ask you which one, first off. One of the ones I recall was from slipping off of the trapeze bar my grade school had instead of swings. They were just high enough to have those who swung from them wear a trench in the dirt from dragging feet. If it had rained recently that gave an elongated puddle to swing over like the ol' Pitfall Pete game if ya savvy? Anyhow one particular swing across had my hands slipping off the wet bar resulting in me fallin knees first into the puddle below. When I got up there was a rather large sharp rock embedded the width of my knee. I ran stiff kneed to the nurses station to discover my mother had just happened to be volunteering there for the day, so she took me to get the several stitches I needed to get it closed back up.
Which one? The one on the right ankle is from a muscle deep cut. There was broken glass in the trash, it sliced me when I was taking it out to the trash can. (stitches scar just above the ankle bone, about 4 inches long) The one on my left knee is from my cat. He was startled awake while sleeping on my lap. He started to fall off me and tried to save himself. (deep scratch, about eight inches long)
Knee surgery...and lots and lots of random cuts just because I'm a klutz :-)
A steel walkway fell over and ripped the skin from the front of the right shin open requiring 43 stitches .....twice(I ripped them open during recovery)
... ...Never...NEVER...EVER...think about sex when you're shaving your legs in the shower. ._. EVER. [True story. You'd think that I'd focus more on the sharp object in my hand.] -_-
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