Yellow, they are traditional dusters.
Blue, green, red, white, i think that about covers them.
Shit Brown!
Old underwear colored. +4 (got away with it) :-P to monster!
Dingy white, yellow, pale green, gray, all sorts of colors.
White. +5
All colors. They are clothes that have fallen apart.
the color of whatever it was that i just wiped off the floor
Whatever colour cotton t shirt died last.White black blue, various really.
multi colors...I make rags from old clothes. +5
Some are blue and white, some are blue, and some are yellow =) We buy them, so they're not really rags!
They're all kinda brownish gray by now. +4
They all are white with blue stripes.
Every colour I've ever had as a teeshirt, plus old tea-towles and bath towels.
blue and white
White and light blue.
Mostly yellow, but a large number of mixed-color rags as well.
They are a rainbow of colours
I use my buggers to clean things.π
Old dish clothes, and nightdresses.
White ones for the kitchen. Brown for more dirty things and various colors for cleaning my body
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