RAP (sorry homies)
Mr PantsFellDown
I think you meant "Homos".
punk rock, but I'm really not a fan of neither.
rap sucks. punk is THE BEST!!! DONT DISS PUNK MUSIC!!!
tough one... I like old rap and old punk rock, but the new stuff in both categories is horrible...
Neither. I respect different music tastes. Both styles have very good and awful exponents. As for my taste I'm much more familiar with punk music so I listen to it more.
That's like asking: Do you want to eat 1 week old road kill or 2 week old road kill!!! :)
I'd have to say rap. Punk rock, for the most part, is at least artistic where as the majority of rap is just fast talking to a lousy beat that always sounds the same. However, all the mainstream junk out there just plain sucks in general.
Can't spell CRAP without RAP. =)
It all comes down to content for me. Styles vary, and I like a little bit of everything, but if the lyrics are worthless (and vulgarity is worthless) then the song is too, regardless of the beat. If it's focus is sex, drugs, profanity, or violence, it doesn't matter the genre, I dislike it.
I think punk rock is worse; At least with rap there is some sort of recognizable beat, and the performer doesn't claim to be a singer. With punk I've never been sure if all the band members are even playing the same song!
i cant understand punk
With both genres, I have to say it's mostly garbage, but there are some good artists.
rap definitely
rap because i just cant stand it
I appreciate music in all forms, but i love rap to death. The old school stuff & current underground stuff has a meaningful message to it. Whereas punk rock is more of a rebel type thing. Its ok to be a rebel, but punk rock really pushes the limits sometimes. Plus i cant stand electric guitar.
I'm not a fan of either. Sure there are some Punk rock groups that do have some good song like 3 Days Grace. But I'll have to say rap all rap is a bunch words that ryhme
It's a tie.
i c=don't like none of them i like country
I like both, although I suppose if I had to choose I like punk a little better. I'm not a big fan of rap when they are just talking, but I like it if they have a bit of a melody going on (I love "Get Low" with Little John & the East Side Boyz).
I don't particularly like either. IMO, they're equally as bad. But that's only MY opinion. :-)
oh geez thats a hard 1.....not. RAP obviously its crap and punk rock is allright but not any of the new mainstream punk rock, that is mostly crap
What are the grounds? What are we comparing? These two genre's are completely different and sit opposite on the spectrum.
they both are ok. both have their own attributes.
Neither qualifies as music. Its just loud, intimidating noise.
The worst is either kind of musician who've been told they are that kind of musician by a manager.
Comparitively speaking: Rap And for clarity, ill take it youre reffering to old rap and Old punk... i cant stand either with the way theyve "evolved" My reasoning: I can understand and even appreciate where rap comes from. The pain and suffering these people go through, or at least the people they are referencing. But i havent heard any rap that encourages anyone to stand up and change things. It acctually seems to encourage and glorify their dillema. To where as with punk.. REAL punk music; a group of people hated the way their government was running and societies complacancy. their music encouraged people to make a diference. Though that message has been lost... mostly in translation from britan to america as americans saw it as an excuse to rebel. but anyways, theres my thoughts.
Good Rap, is a true art, I still prefer Old Punk, it has more punch and is more serious about social issues than most Rap music.
rap is worse
as long as it's not 50 cent i dont mind
i think they are both the same thing. both exist because of the injustices in the world. if you listen to some kinds of rap (hip hop...) and punk they are both fighting an injust system that oppresses them. i would agree with an answer on here that i like both old school but the new stuff SUCKS! it no longer has any meaning.
DEFFINATELY RAP!!! punk rock is awesome
Hard to say. They're both equally awful.
Rap, by far
I must be weird...I like both rap and punk rock.
Punk rock because Rap has some really good poetry
Rap :)
Rap in my opinion.
Rap definitely worse than punk.
definitely rap.
Both have their low points (e.g. Anything from P-Diddy-Puff-Daddy, or mall-punk) and their high points (e.g. Ramones, Nirvana, NWA, Public Enemy). Neither have really expanded music that far. Rap is highly derivative off older music - wholly stealing the backing music, 'sampling'. Punk isn't any better - same chords, different song. So, they are similar in that the artistry comes in the message - the story, anger & emotions - when that's real, it's good. When the message is mall-punk/madison-avenue-rap, it's crap. What is worst/better? They are both valid art forms. I'll tell you what songs and artists I like more, but I don't think there is any medium of art that is better than another.
definatly rap i cant stand it!
for me, rap. If i wanted to hear a soliloquy, I'd go watch a Shakespeare play.
I like them both...and they both can suck! theres nothing worse than the new pop-punk crap thats all over the place...and the same goes for rap.
Rap aka Crap
RAP by far!!! punk is AWSOME! wel in my opinion at least! but i dont mind what other people think and i wont agrue with you..
both are cool, i think what most posters are judging on is the mainstream crap, and they both are lousy! i prefer punk, but can hear the artistic aspects in most music out there. but if it's on the radio the chances are only 50/50 at best that it's going to be worth listening to.
neither. they're both depressing "music" old school is A LOT better, no matter what genre it is however, if i had to choose one to listen to for the rest of my life, i'd rather listen to rap... old school. lol
most of rap promotes the very lifestyle that its talks down on
ummmm, country ;) because it's so hypocritical.
Rap is definitly worse... espesially the new stuff
why the f r most o u peepz jumpin on rap/ it rocks! i just kant figure out. i <3 rap, and SOME punk rock sucks. SOME is ok. but, i listen to 103.5 wut duz dat tell ya? (ull kno wut i meen, if u got HD, or u live in the chicagoland area.)
Punk rock (and I mean REAL punk rock - the Ramones, the pistols...) was horrible. And it was SUPPOSED to be horrible. That was the entire point. Punk rockers played the way they lived - destructive and anarchic. Rap started as a political statement, then became a joke, and then morphed into this delusion that it's serious and portraying a real lifestyle. Newsflash - it isn't. Rap is definitely worse.
i listen to a bit of everything, but there's very little rap i enjoy form the last three or four years. i listen more to rock, old and new, including punk rock.
both but rap is worse than punk rock.
RAP= Retards Attempting Poetry (saw that on a bumper stick)
Punk Rock is like having my ears bleed.
YOU PILLOCK. YOU COMPLETE AND UTTER PILLOCK. you posted this in the punk section. you are going to get i biased result. only people who like punk are going to be here. i like punk........obviously otherwise i wouldnt be here. but i hate new punk as much as i hate rap. stuff from around the clash and sex pistols era i lie.
Rap is the worst music ever I hate it can't stand it
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