• god i hope not.
  • Sony Pictures has begun negotiating with Spider-Man writer David Koepp to write the script for a fourth installment of the franchise, Daily Variety said Monday. Koepp, who most recently wrote the draft of a fourth Indiana Jones movie that got George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford to reteam for Paramount, wrote the original 2002 Spidey film that launched the studio’s most lucrative franchise. Alvin Sargent wrote the second and third installments; all the films in the Marvel Comics franchise were directed by Sam Raimi. Spider-Man 3 opens on May 4th, with Thomas Haden Church playing Sandman and Topher Grace as Venom. Laura Ziskin produces with Avi Arad and Grant Curtis. If a fourth Spider-Man movie is to be made, new deals will have to be struck with stars Tobey Maguire, Kirstin Dunst and James Franco, along with Raimi if he decides to return to direct a fourth film. The studio would release the sequel in 2009 or 2010.
  • Not sure who "dey" is, but producers might make a Spidereman 4. It depends on the funding and on how successful Spiderman 3 was- you never know!
  • I heard the other day that, 'Will Dey' was going to make spiderman 4 also. I hope he does he's a talented director.
  • They better, or I'm gonna kick their asses to the moon!
  • i hope not 3 sucked
  • Someone'll make it. Even if it's a few years down the line. Spiderman is just packed full of special effects, huge stars and made with millions. There's no real art in it, it's just another blockbuster. As long as it will make mega money, someone is bound to make another and another and another...

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