• Are you happy with it in Canada?
  • No idea, since 87% of all working US citizens already have health insurance, and so this plan would have very little effect on them. Perhaps some take the opinion "I have mine, too bad," which is incredibly selfish.
  • Republicans... Simply unhappy that everyone other than them are happy. I can't see it in any other way.
  • Because a black man is President...:-P... . . .
  • The majority of us do . The problem is the noisy,loud,yelling/shouting down,drowning out minority. You can't hear us through their noise. Happy Sunday! :)
  • Because when the roof is leeking you don't demolish the house and build a new one. When there is a problem with something in this country we fix the causes at the source, not rebuild it wrong from the ground up. I don't know about you people but if my car needed a fuel pump, radiator, brake pads and rotors I wouldn't tow it to the dump and buy a Yugo to replace it. We have the best health care system in the world regardless of what you think of the insurance companies, why would I wan't to trade that in for something thats been proven not to work all over the world?
  • Many are opposed to the "Give me something" culture that it flows from. Personally, I don't think it's the government's place to provide health care, or many of the other things that government takes upon itself to do. As a Libertarian, I am opposed to an overly active government.
  • The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775 - you have had 234 years to get it right; it is broke. Social Security was established in 1935 - you have had 74 years to get it right; it is broke. Fannie Mae was established in 1938 - you have had 71 years to get it right; it is broke. The "War on Poverty" started in 1964 - you have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor"; it hasn't worked and our entire country is broke. Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 - you've had 44 years to get it right; they are broke. Freddie Mac was established in 1970 - you have had 39 years to get it right; it is broke. Trillions of dollars were spent in the massive political payoffs called TARP, the "Stimulus", the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009... none show anysigns of working, although ACORN appears to have found a new birth: the American taxpayer. A perfect 100% failure rate and a record that proves that "services" you shoved down our throats are failing faster and faster, you want Americans to believe you can be trusted with a government-run health care system? 20% of our entire economy? With all due respect, Are you out of your mind??
  • Most do. But a sizable bunch have let the $2.6 trillion dollar a year healthcare industry bamboozle them using code words designed to rile up any self respecting conservative. To hear them tell it, health insurance reform will cause America to become a socialist, Nazi and Communist nation all at once, The Democrats somehow hope to win a stunning majority of votes by killing grandmas across the nation, offing our veterans, denying everyone decent healthcare and destroying private industry.
  • Most are tired of paying for others yo...
  • And don't be mad at us for using tacticts you started back in the 1960's
  • I am not against public health care, I am against our backwards, bloated patchwork of executive orders and loopholes we call a government trying to make a public health care system.
  • Personally, I don't see where it is the business of GOVERNMENT to be involved in providing 'universal health care'. In fact, there is a great deal of involvement by the government that I do not see where it's any business of the government to be a part of in the first place.
  • because I don't want my kids and their kids and anyone else to have to wait in long lines, wait months for operations,tests, appointments, etc. , like at the state hospitals ...not knocking them, they are a very good system, but slow .... i don't like the idea of what the government will dictate, sooner or later, what they will and will not pay for.....we will not have the options of risky treatments or surgeries, that may or may not save a life..... i suffered with my friend on military ins.(government) for 3 months ,while a tumor grew bigger and bigger, until they could do a biopsy, it was malignant.... i have many reasons where many have not experienced and do not realize.....
  • They want it, but the Democrats want to give it to anyone who makes it across the border. Joe wilson may have been foolish for yelling "You Lie!" But he sure wasn't wrong. The Republicans wanted 1 or 2 amendents which simply require those seekign free care to prove their citizenship. The DEMOCRATS REFUSED!!!
  • Why would I want to pay for someone to get health care for free, when I work hard and pay for the health care I get. You earn and you get it. If you don't earn it, I don't want to buy it for you.
  • Maybe its not the ordinary citizen who doesn't want it! Could it be the health insurance companies are lobbying politicians that they are going to lose big time if it gets implemented and they will lose their financial backing.I think its worth thinking about? Our national health service in the UK works very well and you do not have to worry about getting treatment whatever your complaint.We pay a per item prescription charge,but when your 60 its free.People with life threatening health problems get their medicines free too.
  • i oppose socialism, it would create an unjust system here in America. below are some of the many reasons it is a bad idea. 1. the government would then dictate our treatment options, we would lose our freedom to choose our own treatments. 2. Less people would become doctors, as the government would dictate what they could charge and which procedures they would pay for. 3. A doctor shortage would result is worse care than we have today. 4. Where would Canadians go when they needed treatment ? 5. America has the best health care system in the world. Why would we copy the socialists nations which have worse care? Our standard of living will drop to their levels. 6. pharmaceutical firms will stop developing new drugs, as the government tries to reduce costs by regulating what they can charge. The government already covers the health needs of the poor with Medicaid and Medicare. More people would buy health insurance if the costs were lower. But the politicians have added more and more regulations, pushing the costs higher and higher.
  • οΏ½οΏ½ΒΈΒ­Γ¦Ββ€˜ Γ₯ΒΊΖ’ Hiro Nakamura 4 president.
  • 1. Cost. 2. Government involvement.
  • some Americans might believe Rush Limbaugh that they'd have to go to the farthest ends of the universe to get their health care. maybe that's why he's so against aliens, too? ha!
  • We have it already. Even indigent care in USA has no months-long lines like in Canada, UK, and other countries where they send patients to USA for lack of rationed space or rationed equipment.
  • Universal??? Now they want to contorl the universe? Please all you finger pointing geniuses you've screwn up the earth leave the universe alone.
  • I want it. Many do. I have done my own research and the "conservatives" are painting a huge scarey picture that doesn't resemble the truth of the situation at all.
  • Quite simply, it isn't the American Way and if it isn't the American Way a lot think it must be the wrong way, especially if it's a system that's in place in any country they consider to be 'Socialist'.
  • Because from what I understand, it carries the "death penalty" which gives the government the right to say who is ALLOWED to live or die, and who is ALLOWED to have healthcare...based on their health issues and social status. In other words, only the RICH, YOUNG, and HEALTHY get healthcare-others have problems even getting their prescriptions filled, long waiting list for surgeries, and if they have to have surgery, then they have to worry whether they will actually wake up from it. A friend of mine lives in a country where they have it already, and he is terrified to go to the doctor because of his age and health issues.
  • We do want health care. We do not want this plan. Why is that so hard to understand? Read this and see what you think about the plan...
  • I don't need health care. If I decide to get it, I will pay for it myself. Why should I be forced to contribute to the luxuries of strangers.
  • I have never understood why. So many like me and my child need it and yet the selfish Congress votes it down.
  • maybe cause of the rules that go with it
  • Because Americans are largely fuckwits who end up in hospital with stupid and mundane injuries. Not to mention the munchausen syndrome issues most have, Hence why they deserve the profiteering health system they have

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