• No, hon. I don't think they even keep accurate stats on it.
  • maybe some do however the law states in criminal cases that the burden of proof is 'Beyond all reasonable doubt' as opposed to 'On the balance of probabilities' in civil cases. The law therefore provides a much stricter rule when convicting people of criminal offences and so there would have to be an awful lot of circumstantial evidence to secure a conviction in a criminal trial
  • Scott Peterson. Not saying he is innocent, of course, only he knows the truth, but his was a trial based mostly on circumstantional evidence.
  • I don't know the exact number (nor do I think anyone will ever know that either) but it's a lot. However, the prison complex is growing at an accelerated rate and the ones involved are making exorbitant amounts of money out of it. It's spinning out of control and more innocent people are paying the price so that the corporations in charge of this racket can make more money. It's absolutely sickening that everything in the US is a money-making machine for the corporations that running and ruining this country and innocent people have to pay with their lives, their health, their sanity and their freedom to make that possible

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