I've seen it mentioned on the news and in some documentaries, though I get the impression its done illegally.
Yes they do. It has become illegal in many countries but the tradition still goes on. You can find much about it with a search on "eat monkey meat". Γ’βΒͺ ΓΒ¦Γβ’lΓΕΎΓΒΉΓΒq Γ’βΒͺ
Yes. My brother lived in Venezuela...deep in the mountains...and he said he had monkey meat. Yuck!
Last night I watched a film called Cannibal Holocaust. They took a REAL monkey, cut open it's scalp and began draining it's blood. The film crew then fried him up and ate him. No kidding. This film was full of real animal killings. It's crazy what people will eat, but I suppose it's a cultural thing.
mybe , i think so . u know in asian countries some ppl eat dogs , water snakes , bugs , i sweaaaar ! i have seen it on tv , travel channel and discover channel too .
Yes its a very sad fact..but monkey's are consumed around the world..
probably, i never did
I like mine gorilled, mangrilled or tamarin the oven. With a gelado side salad and washed down with a creamy capuchino.
In Africa they do.
If people eat monkey meat I am no longer a person
Of course. Do you think that there is anything on planet Earth that no person has ever tried to eat?!
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