Unfortunately, the father has very little rights regardless of the age of the mother.
Your question is confusing. is this your daughter or your girlfriend? your questions makes it appear to go either way. john
I would assume that the father had rights. I think as long as the teenager is living under his parents roof, the parents have most of the say until the parent gets of age.
Well, the biological father always has rights unless deemed to be a danger, and so forth. If he wants to enforce his rights, a paternity test should be ordered (on his dime).
she is girlfriend of 2 1/2 years she is couvered on my work insurance but the baby only until she deliveres i can add baby to my insurance withtemporary guairdianship how and who has to sign?
at the age of 16, it is legal (in the U.K) to have children anyway, although what you have to remember is that you'll be parenting forever !!! and dont abondon the mother once the baby is born
In the US, the male has no rights until he becomes a father (the child is born). Then, he has paternity rights. The female has rights over her body (whether or not to carry the baby to term) that the male cannot infringe.
he should
he should since he made the baby too
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