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I've never been married. I have had 4 long term relationships, but never wanted to get married. I should have because I have a daughter who lived with her dad because we split up, but that is in the past and my daughter lives with me now. We are both adults.
NEVER .... Once you get married there are too many issues so rather stay together and be happy than get married and be miserable
Yes I have
yes, and happy NOW! +6
Im glad I stopped inhere cause I NEED a divorce, and having read these im sure itll improve things
I have been married and am still married.
Married yes, divirced... not quite yet.
yes married and divorced and then remarried. after divorcing i swore i would never ever marry again and then 2 years i said i do again.
Yes! :-/
nah-huhn!!!... :D... peace!!!
I'm married and Getting divorced, as soon as I can get the money together, see, the divorce left me sleeping on my moms couch while his cheating ass lives comfortably at home. (it was his apt. anyway)
2wice...It's not my favorite thing to do, but it happens.
If one should have been married one would be able to divorce!
Married, screwed it up, divorced, married again, doing it right this time.
Yes to each.
Yes and yes.
Married, divorced and married again.
Yes to both.
Yes, I have to both.
Twice each. +5
Once and currently getting divorced (1st time)
Once each.
1 and 1,,not going to repeat that either.
Once,never divorced.,
Once each.
I've been married once and divorced once.
Married once, divorced once.
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