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It's always nice to have someone to snuggle upp to in the wee small hours when it's cold.
actually it's kind of nice to NOT have someone else swipe the covers for a change!
Yes I do... and it looks like thats how its going to be for quite a while since my gf dumped me after two years.
once u know wats its like to snuggle in bed n its taken away from u u will always hate sleepin alone
i like to snuggle up, but on the other hand, having a bed all to yourself is nice once in a while.
I sleep in a twin bed. I don't want anyone taking up the little space I have.
YES it takes me so long to get to sleep without someone there. Im a big cuddle bug so when my s/o had to leave my sister and i shared a bed and when she moved out my puppy took her place. I know it's ridiculous, i hate it.
I know when I am cold I do.
YES,sometimes,but mostly it`s nice if I get the extra space.Plus easier to sleep without the noise of him snoring the roof off!
Nooo I love it, I cant stand sharing a bed, I fidget too much lol and have to spread out. I dont even particularly like it when the dog is on my bed cos I dont have enough room.
no. getting a king size bed to myself now and again is a luxury. you can lie any way you want, on as many pillows as you like and you don't have the quilt cover pulled off you in the middle of the night!
I did not know that could ever happen,,,,Trying to keep them out is a problem i have to face,,,,,hehe
No, I don't.
it is either alone or with my son and while I love him, he just does not fill the void of sleeping next to a woman.
No...sometimes I prefer it...but Im married, and I guess I dont mind sharing my bed with her...but if she tries to touch my food.......
In the summer , NO .. I actually prefer it . BUT; in the cool and cold winters ... I LOVE having someone to cuddle up with ... +5
Recently a little, usually no.
no gives me more room to move and i can move my covers anyway i please.
Yes, I miss it when my s/o is not in the bed. I can feel where he should be. +4
Don't hate it, but I do prefer being next to someone and spooning with her.....after we get done forking.:)
No not at all..
I hate it, when my husband would go away for months or weeks(he is military)my kids were real small and they used to sleep with me.
I've gotten so use to it that when I get back into another relationship it will probably be real hard for me to sleep. I have an entire queen size bed all to myself and I really do like it!!! +5
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