• I guess the voters of Vermont felt he was the best option available...:-D... .
  • Why because the majority needs to take a stand on changing what has not worked here for countless decades, the monopoly of the greedy rich.
  • We don't get many real choices in our presidential elections. Almost anyone would have looked better than the angry senile old man who wanted to continue the policies of the worst president ever.
  • Because Republicans had power for a while and did about the worst job anyone could have imagined.
  • politics is a popularity contest, the job doesn't go to the best qualified candidate, it goes to the best liked.
  • We didn't. I'm going to be very, very straightforward with you for a moment. Have you EVER read a history book? Have you ever taken the time to even look up what the definition of "socialism" is? Or are you just spouting off the same ignorant hate speak that your parents and the media have spoon-fed you since the day that you were born? I can't say that I like Obama, nor can I say that I dislike him. But, Obama is not the problem with our country, nor is any other president. Our presidents are only capable of achieving what other people will let them achieve. The problem with our country is people like YOU. Yes, I said it, people like YOU, who are ignorant and clearly incapable of taking the time to educate themselves in something as simple and easy as a definition.
  • you didn't vote for a socialist. this country hasn't been really capitalistic since WW2. the bush / cheney administration overspent $750 billion a year on socialized defense and welfare programs, leading the country into the darkest $11 trillion deficit ever. i never heard complaints about socialized government spending that whole time. those pesky democrats have recently introduced a pay-as- you-go -measure that requires new spending programs to be offset by cuts to existing programs. that sounds fiscally responsible to me. the federal reserve loaned banks $2 trillion dollars or so under the bush administration and we never heard about socialized banking. the feds have taken over GM and LOANED it, what, $30 billion, 1% what bush loaned to the banks. i disagree with that loan, but, hey, it's still nothing compared to what had been done in the months before the obama administration began. in the end, i've gotta say, there's nothing magical about capitalism. that word is nowhere in our constitution. it was an idea advocated by adam smith of great britain in 1776. it took hold along with our fight for independence. other countries have long ago decided that pure capitalism is too cruel a product for the most destitute among us. the usa is the last bastion of capitalistic ideals. i believe that some combination of socialism - capitalism results in the greatest productivity and ingenuity, but offers a safety net for everyone. if you don't like the socialistic programs that the usa adopted 70 years ago, like medicare or social security, please feel free to send your checks to me. thanks!
  • Easy. The electorate tired of a president who, agree with him or not, told the American public exactly what he intended to do. The electorate had forgotten all about the "snake oil salesman" flavor of presidential candidates. They would have elected Huey Long if he were running in 2008. Like most socialists, Obama was (and is) lying constantly when he promises everything to everybody, with the only "sacrifice" to be borne by the ultra-ultra-rich.
  • You go to one tea party and you're branded a socialist.
  • Its pretty obvious you've not even read about a true socialist country... Obama is damn far from being a socialist.
  • People were deceived by Obama's preaching. In addition the republicans offered a weak old candidate. McCain was a horrible choice, but it would have been difficult for any republican since GW Bush did such a poor job defending capitalism.
  • Nice loaded question there. Pure "straw man fallacy"
  • Because people wanted to be a part of history. I hate that I truly believe in my heart that the man was voted for based on the color of his skin. No one even knew about him before it made headline that an african american was running. Sadly some people did believe the promises he was making and voted for that purpose. But mainly, to be a part of history. Think people, there were far more qaulified african americans to choose, the party chose the one who could dish it like a preacher, and it worked because he found his flock.
  • I bet we don't next time!!
  • to quote a favorite punch line of mine: What do you mean "we", white face?
  • FACT: At the core, Obama is a moderate conservative. FACT: The only thing the people accusing Obama of being a socialist really know about socialism is that it's a scary word for the average American (aka idiot), and that's the only reason they use it. Same with "fascist."

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