My children.
Living with no one but myself.
i live with binky and oops and i suspect a few dust bunnies.
my aunt, 2 of my cousins, my aunt's bf and my little sis.
i just let my friend move in for a week or two so he and his wife can work things out.
My wife. ;-)
My rents
I have two young children living with me.
my 2 beautiful daughters 2 sons and soon to be husband life is good
Both parents,I care for them.
I am living with my wife. My children have all grown up and they have their families now.
Three cats. I am divorced and my daughters are all adults. They frequently visit.
my parents, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
My husband, six cats and a lizard.
I've been living alone for over 40 years
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