I build computers. I repair my own, my families, my friends, coworkers. sometimes I just HATE computers. You would think manufacturers could do a better job meeting standards of function and quality.
I would have to take it to a repair shop. I had a bad experience with a neighbour of my friend he sold me a dud laptop and I returned it and he docked a bit of money I had paid for it - I'd only had it a week and the hard drive broke down and he said after diagnostics that it had been doing so for quite awhile.
I do my own
I've had to dismantle computers in the past to upgrade components. If I knew for sure what the fault was I would find out online how easy it was to access the part to remove it. Then if I thought I could handle it, I would order the replacement part online and fit it myself.
i fix other people's computers for $$$$$
I do my own. Occasionally I do jobs for friend, but that is rare since most of my friends are as tech-savvy as me. I would never consider doing it for strangers as a job because I would wind up weeding the less intelligent people from the gene pool and then going to prison. "It's not a cup-holder!!!"
I have friends that i can take them too. +5
I have a computer tech guy that does housecalls every four months. At a $100 an hour, I only have him do quick stuff. Anything lengthy requires a taxi ride to the shop. Fortunately the shop I did use got terminated by Commissar Newsom the Gruesomes shutdown, which forced me to find another one. This shop flips the Commie Commissar a big birdie, charges half the price of the previous one did, and is a shorter taxi ride.
I have a lap top and it has never had any problems with it., I have never had to have any it.
dell comes to the house
dell comes to the house
I usually don't have much in the way of repairs. My biggest issue was to learn how to clean out malware and viruses manually so that I don't have to pay big bucks for anti-malware that expires and needs to be renewed. I still use the anti-malware, but only to scan for problems - when it finds something, I go in and take care of the problem myself - for free.
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