I have zero time to think about him and apparently his son Michael didn't either.
An "insensitive" SCHMO!
I saw him on TV. He appeared very composed unlikely a person mourning the loss of an industrious son.
He is a jackass. He's got two minutes of fame again. Hes out in the street waving to the Paparazzi, Like hes a Celebrity.
Self centered A-hole, only lookin out for himself.
a cold human being.
I think there was a reason Michael Jackson was cutting his face up: he didn't want to see his father in the mirror. Most pedophiles were first molested by someone else. I'm not accusing Joe Jackson, it could have easily been one of his friends. You've got to wonder what kind of friends a man like that would have.
He's all about the money.
He looks like something left behind from the days of Al Capone.
he's a ignorant, uneducated, mean man that should keep his mouth shut to quit looking more stupid than he is already made out to be!
Butt ugly.
I am glad he is not my father.
Blood sucking leach, as if anyone will buy his music. The cheeky git is using his son to line his pocket. x
I get
A gravy training true piece of crap. there's a reason Janet hates his guts just like Michael did.
When I saw him being interviewed before the BET Awards, I was appalled. I then felt so sorry for Michael. His father is "some piece of work".
scum and a money hungry gold digger, he deserves to be bull whipped
Appears to be uncaring and self-serving. I was shocked when he was interviewed and asked about MJ, and he talked about his own company; and then later asked if he understood the question was about MJ, and he again talked about his own label? I wasn't sure he knew his son had died.
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