My Church does not , but I believe it is by far preferable than people living together in abject misery for the rest of their lives
Of course believe in it, it happens all the time. Sometimes, divorce is just best for both parties, not all marriages work, and staying in a miserable relationship hoping it will get better is no way to solve anything.
I know quite a few people who have divorced so I know for a fact that it exists; it is hard not to believe in it when the evidence of its existence is so strong... I would be surprised if anyone on here doesn't believe in divorce.
I believe in it because it happens around us and it has happened to me. Now whether I believe it is right or not that depends on the situation.
I do and I'm quite grateful that it exists too.
I know divorce exist, but i don't believe in it. I know demons exist but i don't beleive in them.It depends on both parties if they are ready to let it work it will. As long as there is a will there be a way.
Absolutley...Saved my life and my son's.
For me, for you, for others? Yes. Consider that marriages are no different from any other serious relationship. We like to think that marriage is special but statistically, close relationships break up about as often as marriages. Why? Because people have learned that the traditional reasons for staying married can now be compared to the multitude of reasons/opportunities to break up a relationship. Fifty years ago if I didn't stay married there was nowhere to turn and nobody to meet. Today I can meet hundreds or thousands of elligible partners who are already pre-tested (so to speak) by websites and friends and other sources. The reasons for staying married are not as storng nor as numerous as they once were.
I believe that getting a divorce is valid and appropriate in most situations. However, among young and famous adults, it seems to be simply a game to get publicity. In this era after the so-called 'sexual revolution'such people and their agents have learned that the media responded to their voracious need and hype it just as the agents want. Then, too many people can't get enough of their childish ACTions I do not count such marriages and divorce as either a marriage or a divorce---just a game played for money$ On the other hand, real life marriages don't always work out and wives aren't always happy and husbands are not always faithul. Children aren't always loved. Wives are too often abused violently. Children are often ignored. Husbands are too often abusive. Wives are often extremely abusive to the children (just read "A Boy Called It"). These and similar lives in any marriage are reasons that I beieve in divorce. Sometimes, love just fades away and dies. When the awareness of this becomes known to either parterner, or both partners, it is time for an amicable divorce---society and justice must always allow amicable "both agree without war" divorces. In the past when society beat and killed Gays in towns across th world, so very many gay men and lesbians married and had a family that they raised lovingly with their wife as their lover and best friends. Many of the gay-marrieds have come-out to their spouses in recent years then divorced while others have divorced before coming-out. I think that is good because it means that society in general has become less condeming of homosexuals---other than the radical right evangicals and Catholics who may never stop their homophobia; remember, divorced women before the 60's were branded as ungodly sinners by churches and as worse than prostitutes by society in general. Thankfully, that has changed and society no longer brands divorced men or women that way UNLESS the divorced person comes-out as gay. That will change too as soon as the Supreme Court determines that marriage is not a religious matter but simply a legal matter because the government does not recognize any coupleship as a marriage until the couple has a license from state or local government, NOT because of any religious or civil ceremony. Then, gay couples with licenses will have to go through the government (courts in the legal system in America) to receive a divorce. (Now, committed gay-couples and lesbian-couples who call their relationship as "married" often break-up and therefore 'divorced' during which time the situation can be one of those so-called "nasty divorces." Most are amicable divorces or separations. Although I was raised in a Southern Baptist church, I never accepted the teachings from the Bible about divorces either in the Old or New Testament. For one thing, the only person in the couple who 'gets a break from God' is the man. Even now, the woman is more apt to be critized and even ousted from their radical-right church than is the man when he is a member in the same church. Our pastor expected or asked one of the divorcing couple to go to another church...usually it was the for me, I gave my 'ex' the church and I kept the dog. My divorce was best for all 5 of us. M older children have had personality conflicts, religious confusion, and complex emotional issues while the youngest who was 4 at the time of the divorce says to me: "Thanks Mom for raising me as a single parent. I don't have the 'hang-ups' that my brother and sister do."
I believe it happens. I believe it's good that it happens, I also believe that promising to have a good relationship until both die is the wrong thing to do. Love can't possibly last that long, and we should stop expecting it. Love is a ride, you get on it, then you get of it again, standing in line with another person.
In the words of Zsa Zsa Gabor (at least I THINK it was her)..."I'll take a good divorce over a bad marriage any day."
I know that divorce is legal in the USA. I think that if a partner breaks their loyalty to you than the marriage 'contract' has been broken and only the 'victim' can put it back together, IF they want.
I am going to answer this in total honesty, I am sure I will get tons of negitive marks for this but that's ok because you shouldn't ask a question if you don't want to hear all sides. A. Do I believe in divorce, Only under extreme conditions, Otherwise no. To explain further, If a woman is being abused, eg. the man is beating on her or being unfaithul to her or him, this is a two way street then yes. B. to get a divorce just to be getting one, no. The person who stated that love doesn't last is dead wrong. If that is true than you cannot truely say that you love your grandparents, Parents Etc. Developing and having true love for a person doesn't happen overnite like most think. It takes time and commitment which for most is something they refuse to allow. C. we have become a race of people that treat each other like we are a used car or something, I'll drive you for awhile then trade you in on a different model. That is not what marriage is about. If you arn't willing to go the distance with the one your with then don't marry them to begin with. For gods sake when you enter into a relationship with someone give it time so that you both can truly evaluate your feelings, are they really the one if not then cut it off that simple. BEFORE you get married. I think that laws should be made tougher so that it isn't that simple to just go out and get a divorce. both parties should be made to show just cause as to why they should no longer be married. He's or she's not the one or I don't love her or him anymore is simply not good enough grounds for a divorce in my book. You don't have to agree with my post but it is the way i feel and by the way you did ask.
Yes, I believe in divorce because the Divorce rate among atheists and agnostics is 21% vs. 30% for Jews, 27% for Born again Christians, and 24% for other Christians. Whether some people believe in divorce or not, it obviously happens and needs to happen whenever people are unhappy in their marriage and counselling can't help.
no. i do not.
Do I believe in divorce? Sounds like...Do you believe there is a Loch Ness Monster? I believe that divorce exists but do I think that it is the only solution to marital discord? Nope. I think divorce is permissible in extreme situations such as infidelity but the marjority of divorces that take place are for completely frivilous reasons by people that don't want to make the effort to work on their problems.
Yes. Obviously divorce happens. Do I agree with the practice? ABSOLUTELY. When we attempt anything, we must accept some measure of failure rate. This includes marriage. Marriage with no option for divorce regardless of how either party is treated is a prescription for sustained, institutionalized, life-long abuse. I think those who advocate no divorce are either grossly ignorant of this, or callously apathetic to it.
I believe in divorce only in the case of abuse and the person is unwilling to seek counseling. Marriage is not easy and takes a HUGE commitment to each other and your family. You will most likely fight, but fight fair.You won't always like each other all the times, but get over it and rekindle the flame. Life will throw you curve balls and hard times, but hang in there and don't give up. The damage you do when you become selfish and want things only your way, is so very hard to undo. I have had both types of marriages and if you could only see the broken pieces of little lives that I am begging God to repair. You would reconsider Divorce.
Let's see.. My parents left each other, they only communicate through e-mail, never want to see each other, my dad married another girl and my mom might so i'm not sure if i ACTUALLY know why my parents did all that...
Yes..its better than murder..(till death do we part)
I never did as a child but as an adult I have learned that its for the best at timesβ¦. I just hope that when or if I ever get married I donβt have to resort to that optionβ¦
Hell yes, I believe in divorce. I think life is too short to live in pain and misery and sometimes divorce is the ONLY answer. Marriage counseling or other alternative choices for fixing what's wrong do not always work. In cases where abuse or neglect are the reason, there is not enough counseling in the world to fix some men's stupidity. Yes, I know that's sexist and sometimes it is the woman who is at fault, but understand I am speaking generally.
Yeah, I believe it exists. If the country wants divorce, then it should be legal. It's what the people want, right? You don't have to get one if you don't want one. Personally, I hope I never have to get one. Why should I deny that right to others who don't have the same beliefs as me, though? Maybe I'm wrong, ya know?
yes, and abusive partners should be put in jail. my dad's a bastard and my mother's an alchoholic because of it. me and my sister turned out soft because they were together.. we didn't learn how to act in a social sense because we couldn't go out for meals and he was a bastard at home so we were shut ins
You're dam right I do! ;)
Yeah, I think it can be a good thing.
No and I never will although the other person did in my divorce.
yes definatly, two people dont get along who are married can cause all sorts of problems including violence, why stay with a person if your getting verbal and mantal abuse its not worth it, i definatly believe in disvorce.
No, absolutely not. Let me say that before you get married you need to know what you are getting into first. People get married for the wrong reasons and then when they have problems they don't know how to deal with them. Marriage is a very serious thing and is taken too lightly now days. It use to be a covenant between the couple and God, but a lot of people don't believe in God so they just make a weak promise to try and stay together. The state of marriages in the US is very sad.
Yes I do,There is such a thing as a spirittual death of a relationship.
Yes, I am divorced. I am not going to stay in a marriage and argue and fight all the time and be miseriable especially when there is a lot of abuse in it. The children should not be exposed to any of that it will effect them like it did mine.
yes!...and yes!!
I'll say! Divorce did absolute wonders for my quality of life. I am happily remarried and am endlessly grateful that a person can escape an abusive marriage and go on to better things. Unfortunately there are some people who think divorce is never called for. When I had just left my abusive ex and he was languishing in the county pokey my uber-Christian neighbors felt it was the right time to deliver a sermon about how they don't believe in divorce. I think I about lost it. I told them I didn't believe in The Easter Bunny, Santa Claus or getting my head bashed in to stay married and showed them the door.
no, not at all... you should know what you're getting yourself into before you get married.
Think of the Children. Think of raising children by yourself. Every child needs a Mom and a Dad who love each other and them. Society is so screwed up today because children are growing up with serious mental and emotional neglect. Divorce is horrible, at least wait until your children are out of the house for goodness sakes.
The longer I'm married the more I do! :)
yes defo! lifes too short to spend it with somebody you dont like or who doesnt fulfill you?
I beleive in using your brain before you get married. Be SURE that you realize eachothers strength and weaknesses, etc. Dont just rush into things. ~+~
I think that the people have spoken- if about 1/2 of the people who get married get divorced, then it is definitely an accepted process. And yes I do believe in divorce. Thank goodness that we are not forced to be trapped in loveless, nasty, and destructive situations like our sisters before us. I see it as a right- I have the right to leave, I have the right to equal pay, to vote, etc.
No I don't believe in divorce, perhaps my answer is quite selfish as I have never been through such a situation. Never the less there are many cases in which a divorce is more than acceptable I would say it is absolutely justified. For example abuse of any kind, cheating and others only push some people out the door to divorce. It is an extreme way to keep your sanity. Regards.
Absotively posilutely! People change, needs change, etc.
Yep. People can change with time.
No, it will destroy a country. My little sister grew up without a father and now she doesn't know how to act around men.
There are reasons divorce is justifable. But not all divorces make sense or are justified to me.
Yes and No, I am divorced with two children but there are many reasons and it was a decision that I had to make thinking of our children first, also was very hard, and now neither of us regret what I chose to do!
No, I believe that a marriage license should expire every year and if you want to stay married both people have to sign to get it renewed.
yes, it saved my family in a way. now we can live our lives peacefully, But at the same time, it broke my family apart and made my entire teenage life a living hell. If you are going to divorce, please take care of the children. I spent my whole life going from house to house, feeling i had no home that was mine, listening to my parents tell me how bad the other parent was, always worrying about which parent i was letting down and who to spend the precious moments of my youth with..... there was a point where i ran away...but a child needs their parents..or at least A parent. Just, make sure your children have a peaceful home. Sometimes, divorce is the answer to that. Just make sure that this objective is always priority. The divorce happened to make everyone happy, so keep it that way. Communication is also key. Communication and understanding of each other's feelings.
No but I also don't believe in staying in an unhealthy relationship either. I think divorce should be a last resort after both parties have done all in their power to work out their differences and have failed at doing so
only if cheating or abuse is going on
Yes I do. Sometimes it is the answer.
I believe that there are some things a person can do that warrent a divorce. But, I think that it is done too lightly or liberally today. There needs to be some sense of commitment in relationships. Marriage is entered into too lightly these days. But with abusive relationships divorce is warranted.
No and I never will.
While I know that it definitely exists and therefore MUST be believed in, I do NOT agree with it and feel it should be avoided ... I recommend longer engagements and even broken engagements rather than mistake marriages.
it happens i wish it didn't happen so often and sometimes for stupid reasons but i do think at times it is necessary
Yes, if it really has no more chances then why be unhappy,we are all human and have feelings, divorce isnt as bad as staying together because you feel it is the right thing to do.
I'm curious how old everyone is that are giving the answers. Are more younger people for divorces? (not counting abuse cases). There are good reasons for divorces such as the abusive spouses. But I think a lot are more for selfish reasons. This seems to be such a "throw-away" society. It's cheaper/easier to throw things away, than to fix them (one of these days there won't be anywhere left to throw them..and no more raw materials left to make new things). And anyone who's been thru one knows divorce is NOT cheap!! No one is perfect. No family is perfect and no one seems to want improve themselves or their families. There is no one (or, not too many) raising emotionally healthy kids. How did all those abusive spouses get the way they are? With so many divorces, the traditional "family" seems to be becoming a thing of the past. They make people take physicals, drug tests, fill out questonaires( to determine mental stability) before hiring you for your jobs. You may even need special classes/training. But you just need to get a license to get married, which is too easy to get. It's also way too easy to get a divorce--just a lot more expensive. Seems it should be a lot harder to get married in the first place. There are too many people who aren't fit to be married--or, have children. Maybe those EHarmony type questionaires would help.
yes. i believe what the bible says in regards to the only reason for divorce. jesus christ's words were: "however, i say to you that everyone divorcing his wife, EXCEPT on acount of fornication, makes her a subject for adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery." (matthew 5:32) he clearly states the only reason for divorce is fornication, meaning any type of immoral behavior. the one with the right to ask for the divorce is the innocent mate not the one that has violated the marriage vows. the bible also states that there can be grounds for legal separation in the case of extreme physical, mental, and emotional abuse to the mate or in the event children are also being abused.
Not in favor of it, if that's what you mean. Nevertheless, I am a statistic.
I'm not for it of course, but sometimes it's best for both parties involved and sometimes for the children (if the children are suffering because of the conflict). But it's always better to try to make the marriage work, especially if there is a small possibility of saving it, and the children do not want Mommy and Daddy to split up.
Divorce exhists for a reason. I believe it's an option, but it's not what I want. I would make sure the person I want to marry does not want that it happen to us. So, yeah, I believe in divorce...for everyone else.
No I do not believe in divorce. I took my voews seriously. I loved my wife with all my heart. She did not and asked me for a divorce. She lied, cheated, stoled from me and was doing drugs. I believe in marriage cousneling and personal counseling before divorce and she would not do it.
I believe divorce of original couples happens, but it should not happen. God not only intended for marriage to be lifelong, but to Him, it is, irregardless of what we choose to do. We may choose to enter into adulterous unions with others (remarriage), but God, nowhere in His Word sanctions such relationships. It is because of our lack of honoring commitments made that the family is in such shambles..........We are in a very sad state and most will try to excuse why they brought destruction into their children's lives by "blending" them with other people's children. The divorce rate for 2nd marriages is 70+%, while 3rd marriages are 90%...........the best odds are staying together with one's original spouse and working out their problems........and if that is not working, to remain "unmarried" as Jesus commands. Blessings.........
[b]The shock value/distraction of divorce statistics[/b] By Wm Tipton This writing is more of just an observation than a study. Itβs purpose is to inform our readers of a diversionary tactic used by some false teachings to divert the conversation from a legitimate breach of covenant and the subsequent lawful divorce and possibly a remarriage and bring that conversation instead to the horrid divorces statistics. They do this in hopes of causing enough of a distraction so as to make the person feel like they are part of a problem and committed wrong/sin when in fact they did not play any part in frivolous divorce or commit any sin. Firstly let us remind the reader that we do not promote divorce. Our stance is, and always has been, one of βpermittingβ divorce where all other avenues have been explored and failed and an ongoing covenant breach remains, or in cases where the person is in danger. We do not dispute divorce statistics and that they are horribly high in many areas of the world today. We agree wholeheartedly that there is a lot of divorce, adultery, physically and sexual abuse, and endangering of lives of a spouse that is going on day to day in a huge percentage of marriages around the globe. But we will not permit those divorce statistics to divert our attention from the fact that divorce was permitted for these very types of sins in the first place. The Jews had been permitted many centuries of easy divorce with no guilt, no actual βsinβ being assigned to this terrible act of putting away their covenant wife simply to take another (as we see with Herod and Herodias) When Jesus spoke to the pharisees in Matthew 19 we see in verse 19 that He changes all that. He has not ended the allowance for divorce, He has assigned guilt to the entire situation where the man has callously cast out his wife for no just cause by showing that, even though the man has put this wife away, adultery is committed against her still (see Mark 10) even though she has been put away. Moses had pretty much left it so open that these men not only created a situation whereby they believed they were actually βcommandedβ to divorce her for βeveryβ cause (some uncleaness) but because no βsinβ was assigned to these frivolous divorces they could get away with it no matter how many times they married, used her until they were tired of her, and then cast her aside to take yet another. (one has to wonder if the woman who had five husbands might not have been a victim of this sort of thing, being cast about from one vile husband to another hoping that eventually one of them would be true and just). So Jesus assigns guilt to the matter in His ministry. These men who callously cast aside their spouses cause a terrible chain of sin and guilt and so they ought not do these things. But Jesus was speaking about divorce βfor every causeβ...for no just cause at all. He also knows mans heart, that many men are evil, and many women as well. And so He gave exception in a case of an actual covenant breach. When we get to an actual breach of covenant, then divorce is lawful, Jesus shows that these, in His exception, do not commit sin against anyone when they put away a spouse who has actually sinned against the marriage covenant with a legitimate breach. And so we end up with two different scenarios. In the first, the man has tossed out a wife for no cause and most likely simply to take another (a man divorcing so he can be alone with himself is quite rare indeed ) In these cases Jesus has assigned the guilt that Moses did not and Jesus shows just how far reaching it is. It affects everyone in its path and so should not be committed by anyone. In the second we have a man whoβs wife continually plays the harlot and has gone so far as to move from her home and into the home of her lover(s). This is a case whereby she has made herself the adulteress and so her husband might put her away without causing that sin himself. Or there is a case where the wife puts away her husband because he is cheating on her and abusing her as he feels to abuse. She causes no sin on her part by divorcing or even remarrying later if it happens that way. Coming back to these divorce statistics, we see that some of these false ones, when the truth fails them from Gods word, will use high divorce rates to try to shock the reader into believing that they are part of all that. Let us assure you, dear reader, if you have divorced for a JUST cause, such as we have mentioned above, then while you may be part of those statistics, it is completely irrelevant that you are. Statistics are numbers and have no bearing whatsoever on the lawfulness and justness of your divorce. If 3 billion other marriages were frivolously ended, that has NOTHING to do with your valid, lawful divorce for a legitimate and ongoing breach of covenant. Do not let these false ones distract you from the truth, dear reader. If you had a just cause for divorce, divorce numbers are not relevant to your lawful divorce and even subsequent remarriage.
Absolutely but probably not over the truly trivial things. Some marriages should never have happened in the first place.
yes if your husband is a drunkard divorce him if he is a doper divorce him if he dont work divorce him if he is abusive divorce him what kind of example is he setting for children and dont be in a hurry to marry again theres plenty of fish in the ocean
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