Depends on the pain, I do have a high tolerance of it!! in some respects!! :-/
I have a very high pain tolerance because I get really bad migraines. I usually just bear it because I am used to it or take some ibuprofen.
For physical pain I either bear it or else I use EFT to help me deal with it. For pain that's sent me to the doctors office, they have given me some codeine in the past but I only use it when I'm totally out of my mind in pain. If it's emotional pain I talk about it with others and pray, maybe get out there and do things with others so I'm not thinking about myself but helping someone else.
I go nuts. I can handle lots of pain of certain types, like intense back pain I endured for several months, many times. I was also a major alkie for many years and only another drunk would know how intense the pain of that lovely passtime can cause on a daily basis. But, I cannot stand nausea or headaches. Thank God most over the counter things will get rid of the headaches for me, but nothing I have ever used has helped if I have the nausea thing.
You get used to it from time...
Physical pain is nothing. What I have to bare is mental pain that I've been carrying around with me for close to 10 years now. I put it deep in the back of my head until it decides to come back out again.
i try not to
hard one this polly,,!! allways been a `headache` for me questions like this,,,lol
I ignore it.
get stoned it works for both physical and emotional pain.
Pain don't bother me. Unless its my tooth. Then I whine like a baby. I absolutely hate the dentist.
vicodin every 4 hours and tylenol every 2 ..changing up..I handle it great..:(
Honestly...I keep everything bottled up inside and I act all cool and confident. Then I sit in my room and cry for hours
I have a very low threshold for pain, so I cry....lots.
I Ignore pain before It gets to me =)
Very well...I am a masochist.
Agression and anger
Like a good little slave
I enjoy it.
i dunno...i just bear with it intil it goes away
I clench my teeth and suck it up. It works for me.
i handle with care
When it comes to physical pain, I generally suck it up and keep going. Sometimes, I'll pop an ibuprofen to take the edge off. For emotional pain, I suck it up and keep going until I can get to a quiet place. Once I'm alone, I'll curl up and cry. Once that has taken the edge off, I absorb myself in something else (a book, tv, AB) in order to block thoughts of whatever is hurting me.
I cry like a little girly man ="(
In the begining i'll do find but towards the end I do tear up but just a wittle bit haha
Pain to self can bear, unbearable is when I see my loved ones in pain. Have cried and prayed for relief to see my two year old down with temperature
Badly. I'm a wimp.
Prayer! I pray for the Lord to either take away the pain or give me the strength to handle it. It works!
I have a high pain tolerance. So my view is if it can't be cured with bailing twine, duct tape or Ibuprofen then have your Will up-to-date.
Physical: Hardly feel it, it means nothing. Mental: Go by myself (as usual) think, tell myself it's all over nothing I can do about it, gather up my perseverance and will and just "Deal with it", by then it's usually over. I'm always told (yelled at) to be quiet, so I live in my mind. So when I get hurt, I just clean myself up, and not say anything about it. I'm tired of being betrayed by my "friends", so none knows when I'm hurt unless they see my cuts, or blood. And to top off not letting them know, I have a really effective "poker face". People say you can tell when a person is having a bad day/upset because of their body language- not always true. The only time they know, is when I let them. So my public voice, is on the internet. (or when I'm mad, then people cover there ears, lol.) I was always beat up by my older sister, so I hardy feel physical pain any more. (Yes that includes all types of headaches and all that stuff.) So I have a strong will, and a strong mind. (-You try getting hit in the head with a base ball bat and getting punched in the stomach every morning by your older sister- don't really) When just "dealing with it" doesn't work too well, I walk all over people in games that require lots of planing and thinking, perfect a certain move in a game, learn a new game, or solve the last puzzle in the hardest sudoku book I can find. By then I have no trouble dealing with it. If it's to another person: Lets just say the person who did it to them better get on last weeks plane to Antarctica, and not come back for a few weeks.
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