I fail a test at school
My mother in law calls!!!
your professor says "pop quiz" and you have a hangover. when you wake up at 4 and cant go back to bed you wake up in a place, and dont remember getting there. when you wake up to a VOLCANO of a zit on your chin, and you have a hot date that night. i can think of soooo many.
you see the police lights in your rearview lol
you shit the bed.
the cops bust through your door. invis +5
- write a very long email to someone and hit send and then can't stand the waiting for reply...
Wake up with an instant headache Wake up on your day off and work calls to ask you to come in
you can't find your pants.
you drink your lunch.
There is no Toilet paper left in the roll, Or on the Back of the toilet. Its downstairs in the basement, and you are um, "finished"
you have a bad headache
You started drinking at 10 am.
You poop your pants while in your car...
When.. Certain people say, "Can you do me a favor?" or " When you get a chance I need to talk to you.." :/ Lol...
your parole officer says, "this won't do at all-please extend your arms, wrists up"
you don't know the name of the person you wake up with
You are already late, there is a train on the track. Then you get to work, somebody's taken your parking spot. Then you get to the office and first thing you spill your drink everywhere. Time to cancel your appointments and just go home. :0
*knock knock* I open the door and it is the mother in law Yikesssss the day is SHOT
things are not going the way there supposed to be!!
You fall down from the bed!
when you feel too sick to get out of bed +5
+3 You walk past a homeless person and try to give them some change but they refuse to take it saying that you look like you need it more than they do.
You find four flat tires on your RV.
you find yourself feeling drowsy 😪 throughout the day
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