large,they can feed more
Any kind, I go based on personality :)
Large... just love 'em!
Large - none of those rat on a string dogs for me; who wants a dog you can put in your handbag!
Large, don't like those little mouthy things.
I love all dog!!!! I love my dog My little jack and KC witch are little but I LOVE BOXERS!!!! I could have 10 of them there so great!! I love huging big dogs!!! So I'll have to say big
Medium to large ... sled dogs ... Malamute, Husky, Samoyed, etc.
The smaller the better!
Large dogs...if I'm gonna get a dog I want a real dog
I like little dogs they are easier to control and also I have a very small apartment.
Large, German Shepards are great :-)
I have had all three, but prefer small lap dogs.
Small with mustard. Two for a dollar down the street.
small dogs cause I have a hectic life and they are easy to care for
i personally have a soft spot in my heart for big dogs because most of the time they are soo clumsy and goofy!! they are also soooo cute when they try to sleep in bed with you!! my 100 pound lab/Shepard mix thinks that he is a lap dog.....i love him!!
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