• No I don't, because I have fell in love with 2 people at the sametime. That hurt. PS: Just cause I'm 12, it doesn't mean I can't fall in love, if you were wondering how I would know.
  • I believe that you can fall in love more than once.
  • Do you only love one of your parents? I love both of mine. And my sister. Plus my friends. Not to mention my current boyfriend. Some past boyfriends too.. In fact, I love my shoes also. And my new haircut. (you get my point)
  • For some people, once is enough. For others, once is too much. But there is always the possiblity that it could happen again. The experiences could even overlap.
  • No! I think your taste in partners change as you grow older and wiser. I have found myself falling in love again and again with new people every time. You could say that you can only fall in love IN THE SAME WAY once.
  • No. I believe we (all people) can fall in love many times with many people in their lifetime. That said, I believe that falling in love and *being* in love are not the same, and that there are fewer people with whom we can find who we truly will BE in love with for the rest of our lives. Falling in love I see as the first step to actually *being* in love with something, whether it is a pet or a person. From my experiences and reading and research, *being in love* lasts much longer.
  • No. I'm working on reclaiming my heart and loving again. It's just going to take a long time.
  • No. I believe you can fall in love more than once.
  • I used to think so, but I have since changed my mind. Not that I have fallen in love more than once, but since it didn't work out the first time, I can only hope it wasn't my only chance.
  • Hell No. Im goin out with a really cool girl but i also love this other girl......its very hard to try and not like her how i do
  • I believe you can fall in in love multiple times throughout your life, and love more than one person at a time.
  • you can fall in love many times but once you'll meet your true love
  • No, I don't. Falling in love is easy, and many people do it multiple times. Maintaining a relationship wherein both parties can STAY in love is the hard part.
  • No. I do not believe in a single soul mate, or Prince Charming or whatever, though I have a soul mate and a prince charming in my life now for 28 years (27 years of marriage). I believe that life in God's will (I am a christian) is like a spider's web. There are any number of different ways that are holy and good, and they might lead to different people, any of which might be a soul mate. For example, I met my husband after I returned from Indonesia, during which time I was investigating going there to work. Had I not met up with him again, I might have returned to Indonesia, I might have met a Christian man there, or I might have remained single. Either state is equal to the other, although I prefer to be married. but, as things went, I did meet my husband again, and we did marry. And that was very very good.
  • No. I believe love is a essential like air, food, and water. Imagine "once" being a condition imposed on breathing, eating, and drinking.
  • Just once or many times over ... If the first one lasts your whole life ... then that is all you will need If not you could possibly find love again and again ...
  • I used to, but I got over it.
  • As just about everyone has answered this question no, I shall too. But we must also question were the idia of only being able to love once came from.
  • My ex wives can attest to that. You can also sign pre-nups more than once. If only they'd hold up.
  • No, you learn more from your mistakes that way :p
  • you can fall in love as much times as you allow yourself to do so.
  • We fall in and out of love all the time. Real love comes from inside you and you decide who to love and who not to love. And if your love is real, once given it can never be taken back.
  • No, anything is possible
  • Yes you can, but depends how deep was your love.Time heals everything.
  • No I believe you can Love many times . If you can truly be IN love with more than one person I do not know. I am sure that if you do truly love again or a different person , the love is different.
  • You can experience what you might think is love many times over and over but true love the one that gives you butterflies and makes your heart stop only happens once in a lifetime!
  • No. Wouldn't it be sad if a widow or widower never to love again.
  • I beleive you can fall in love,over and over.If you had true love once,and it didnt work,sure you will find another to love the same..but in order for that you will have to be totally over the first.Or it will never happen!!!And the only way to get over that is time and patients!!!And every time you fall you learn more and more not to fall the same way!!!
  • I beleive you can fall in love,over and over.If you had true love once,and it didnt work,sure you will find another to love the same..but in order for that you will have to be totally over the first.Or it will never happen!!!And the only way to get over that is time and patients!!!And every time you fall you learn more and more not to fall the same way!!!
  • I think you can fall in love again, but your just more cautious the next time. You must trust another person again. All walls must come down. Your heart has to be willing and open.
  • Love is an emotion like everything else, you can fall in love and out of love and back into love again, to say that you can only fall in love once is like saying you can only be happy or angry once, granted its more complex and hopefully less common i think you get the pt ! <3
  • no,i believe that a person can fall in love,and be in love a number of times during their life.even a persons first love could find itself taking second place in some peoples lives. my second real love was twice as hard recovering from than my first love.i think humans are just loving creatures,we love and we lose and we love again,we can t be happy without love.
  • We all fall in love but i think every love is totally different. My boy friend at the moment is the first person i have fell in love with. I have never felt this way about some one and i have never had some one love me this way. Its a great feeling
  • I don't believe that love has any kind of barriers. It's the most tangible thing out there.
  • I think you can more than once, they say youre "first love" never ends to some extent i think thats true. but who would know
  • ive only been in love with one girl ive just never had an intrest in these things till her
  • no!!! whoever started that rumor needs to be punished. they should share a cell with paris hilton or something.
  • Falling in love is hormonal and repeatable. Building a lifelong relationship is a matter of commitment and choice. You can fall in love many times in a life time, but if you are interested in an authentic relationship of deep intimacy, honesty, and trust, you will stick to one poerson at a time.
  • no,not at all.
  • Nope. I believe people can fall in love many many times.. although the strength of the love may vary from person to person. At the end of their lives, they may look back on a specific person and say "That person was my TRUE love.", but it doesn't make the other loves any less real.
  • No, you can definitely fall in love again. But when youre truely in love with someone it IS hard to imagine the possibility of ever loving another! But trust me, you can eventually.
  • im not sure ive been in love once and as much as ive tried to get over the guy in question im not sure if i ever will love anyone half as much
  • nop, not at all...
  • sadly no, i have a friend that falls in love soooo easily its sad! personally i have only been in love once and thats a current thing, but as for the rest it was just pure lust when i muse over it now! but at the time u think its love!
  • No.Humans have a great copasity for Love.We love many people at one time,spouse,children and parents..ect.Even friends.The human heart craves love.
  • Nope. If that were true, why would someone get married 4 times? I have been in love more than once, so I know it's possible. ;)
  • No, I fall in love everyday.
  • by some mischief of fate, we might only truly fall in love once. though many lovers would get into our lives but there is only one person with that 1 smile, 1 kiss, 1 hug and 1 moment that our hearts will never replace.i believe that there would always be that one great love, that even through time and after all life's ups and downs, we know that we will never fall in love that way again... ;(
  • Alot of people confuse "falling in love" with genuine LOVE. I do believe you can LOVE more then one person and that you can fall in love with many. The thing that sets them appart isnt if you can but if you have to be willing to work at a relationship because love(real love)is self less and unconditional.
  • no. i was in love for my first time. we broke up and i fell in love again with another guy. now me any my first love are back together and happier than ever.
  • Hell no. I fall in love at least once a month.
  • No, it is very possible to fall in love with many people.
  • Yes and no, some people are lucky and it only happens once, with others it happen more than once.
  • no i believe you can fal in love morew than once but that your first love always stays with you
  • I believe you can love many people, but falling in love is different. To fall in love is a special thing that happens very few times, for some people only once.
  • No. Because that would be boring.
  • I believe you "may" only fall in love once if at all.
  • No, because lots of people fall in love many times.
  • No way! You can love many people truly. Maybe when you're IN love, you don't see that. But if you're forced move on.. then you see that you can love again.
  • No that is not true you can fall in love how many times your heart allows you to. Some people think that when you fall in love and get hurt they think that everyone else will hurt them just because that one person did so they try to hide or ignore the feelings that are growing with the other person and ends up exactly hurts that person because they're still stuck on getting hurt which is the past. Some people actually make themselves miserable for the pain that their past has caused them.
  • No, we start loving people when we are born and continue our whole lives hopefully.
  • No, the number of times you fall in love depends on you and the person you chose.
  • Absolutely not.
  • No, I fall in love many times and fall out of it many times as well. falling in love is infatuation and infatuation is attraction
  • I use to believe that it was possible to fall in love repeatedly over a lifetime. But that was before my Vicky and I fell in love with each other. She was my best online friend and saw me through one of the most difficult times in my life, becoming in the process my very best friend, period! The very first time we met face-to-face, it was as though we both thought, "There you are! Where have you been? I've been looking all OVER for you!" We fell in love almost instantly, and getting married was more a formality than anything else. Now I believe that there truly ARE "soul mates" with whom we are destined to join, as if the halves of a whole found each other. If someone had told me a few years ago that I could be so deeply in love as to almost lose myself, I would have laughed. Now, if someone told me that, I would simply smile and nod wisely. : ) So yes, I now believe that you only fall in love, real love, once, if you're very, very lucky.
  • What's love anyway? Love and infaution r both very similar with a fine line of difference. Rather hard to tell no?
  • i have fallen in love whith many of my buds but we have made the conclusion that it was just friendly love, although we do have fun every now and again. :]
  • once a year more like!!
  • No! I fall in love all the time. Whether it's with a person, an animal, or even a thing. I still love them/it.
  • No. I was in love more than once so my experience is speaking. Someone can believe that only if he has a limiting believe that there is only 1 person on Earth that he can be happy with.

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