This is a good question, I dont think my mother kissed me on the lips after I was about 3 years old. I can remember the lipstick on my cheeck during primary school though.
I don't believe that children should ever be kissed on the lips by their parents or relatives. There is nothing more precious than a child's chubby cheek or forehead to kiss.
Well, I can only say what I have seen from others. Really, lip kissing stops when the boy gets all embarrassed about kissing his mum more than anything else, and starts grunting 'geroff!' That's when the comprimise is usually made and they get a kiss on the cheek or something.
Agreeing with BAM, I think the son should be the one to let you know when he is no longer comfortable with it.
I still kiss my 3 year old on the lips but as far as my twelve year old it is on the forhead AND NEVER in PUBLIC lol his rule not mine
Yes. Whenever he asks me not to...and hope that it will be never!
about pretten years
Never, I hope! Although I realize that at some point I won't be able to smother the kids with kisses in public anymore... but at home, what Mom says GOES! That'll be my number one rule in the house when the kids get older. It's my house, my rules, and kisses whenever I say so!
I kiss on the cheek. It's probably my own hangup but I don't think it's appropriate to Kiss a child on the lips at all. Just my opinion.
No, not anymore. My son isn't the 'kissy-huggy' type.
its upto the parents and kids, some are comfortable while others are not but either way its an expression of love and shouldn't be looked down upon.
I don't have kids but when I do I'm not going to kiss them on the lips at all. My parents kissed me on the lips 'til I was about four, but to perfectly honest it now seems creepy to me. For me, kissing on the lips seems just a thing intimate partners do - maybe I'll get over it by the time I have kids.
I try not kiss him on the lips because he is all gooey. LOL I mostly kiss the top of his head, but any kind of kissing from Mama really stresses him out these days. He gets real aggresive and shoves me off if friends are nearby. Minus the friends, he crawls up with me on the couch wearing his dinosaur jammies and nuzzles into my arms. My little guy. He's 8, BTW.
I am 60 years old and my mother is 84. We have kissed one another on the lips since I was a baby. I can think of no more appropriate greeting or farewell. It might be interesting to note that I am from an Italian heritage and kissing on the lips is quite common. Not only do I kiss my mother on the lips, I grew up kissing uncles as well. I think any "hang-ups" that accrue with this practice are directly attributable to Puritanical American mores. I wonder if anyone would even ask this question in Europe... (Just food for thought)
Also raised with Italian traditions. Mom kissed us on the lips and so did my older Sisters. And to this day when we greet and part with a kiss on the lips. As for Brother and Dad no.
Yes, I do. And their 2 and 7. But my fiancee wouldn't do it because boys don't kiss. I think it's up to the parents and the child what's appropreate.
I still kiss my 5-year old son on the lips. I suppose that this will change over time, and I suspect that it will be a natural progression.
10 or 11 yrs
My Sons are 23 and 25 I still kiss them on the lips goodbye and get a hug everytime i see them. However, when they were in their teens It would happen so fast they usually missed my face completly!
I'm the mother of an almost 6 yr old. I've felt kinda funny about kissing my son on the lips since he was about 4 (he's almost 6 now). He tends to get a little clingy and it just "irks" me when he tries to do it. I've made a little bit of an issue out of it now, so he's turned to some of his grandparents to prove to me that other people kiss on the lips so it's okay for him to do it... "see? Grandma says it's ok to kiss on the lips..." So I've trying not to say anything when he does it anymore, I don't want him to think he's weird for wanting to do that, or that I'm weird... I've really wondered about this issue and am concerned I'm making a bigger deal to him about this than it really is. I'm waiting for the day he's embarrassed by it. He's already concerned about issues of privacy so I guess it's only a matter of time.
My 4 1/2 yr. old son always wants to kiss me all the time. He's so sweet- always coming up to me and saying "I love you, Mommy" And 9 times out of 10 it's right on the lips!
I'm 38 and my mom stil kisses me on the lips. It turns me on actually! One day, I'm gonna open my mouth and go for it! My dream is to make love to her.
I think it should be up to the child. I'm not even a guy, and I don't like the idea of my parents kissing me on the lips.. I'm pretty sure I have never liked the idea of this. =/ It's just something I wouldn't be comfortable with. AT ALL. So, I think it should definitely be up to the child.
i'd say that by age 12 or 13 mom ought to start giving him tongue
Ha.....I still kiss my sons on the lips to say goodbye...they are 41 and 36...and no there is nothing wrong with that! It is not like a sexual lingering kiss...geeze
My son is almost five and I still kiss him on the lips. I also kiss him on the nose, cheek, head and toes! He's not gonna let me do that when he's a teenager! I don't think there's an appropriate age to stop kissing on the lips. I am 27 years old and I still kiss both my parents on the lips.
twice a day and my son is 17. never stop
I never did and I don't think it is appropriate, period. I think a good kiss on the cheek or forehead serves just as well and the best of all is a good HUG!!! I believe a good HUG displays the best good night, I love you ..... of all!!! I am sure most here may not agree, but I think no kiss on lips, and HUGS FOREVER!!!
I do not agree that kissing on the lips is appropriate. I never did. I think a kiss on the cheek or forehead serves a good night or I love you just as well. But the Best of all is a good HUG!!! I know most may disagree, but HUGS ARE FOREVER!!!!
I never did. My parents never did with us, so I just never did with my son.
YES, and my son is ok with it and he's 9. Most kids, especially boys will let the parents know when they want lip kissing to stop. Some boys won't even kiss their moms on the lips by age 7. Others are ok with it until later on. We are a very affectionate, loving family. I grew up in the same environment as I have raised my children. We have 3 kids, ages 9(boy), 8(girl), 3(boy). We kiss them all on the lips. I am 35 and I still kiss my mom on the lips. My dad gets a cheek kiss now, but a great big hug. What age should the lip kissing stop? I say you should let it be up to your child. As long as the kiss is not uncomfcortable for either of you...then go ahead and kiss away. Nothing makes my heart smile more than when one of my kids gives me a kiss, a big hug and tells me how much they love their mommy! :~) EDIT: I just want to add. Kissing your child on the lips could help you teach them what kind of kissing is appropiate. A quick peck only for kids and something longer only for mom & dad's kiss. You could also teach that kisses aren't for everybody. We save them for the people we love, for family.
My children are 3 years and 15 months old when they were able to understand and I kiss them good night or even kiss them anytime to let them know I love them. I told them from the start you never kiss anyone on the mouth.
I am neither a mother, nor a parent of any sons, yet I have my opinion, obviously. (smirks) I would say you need to stop at least around the age of 10, for the closer he/they are to puberty, the greater the risk of AWKWARDNESS.
My sons are 39 and 37, and during their teens, we were more into hugs. But now when I see them, which isn't often enough (one lives in CA and the other in VT and I live in the middle) you bet I kiss them on the lips. It is a mother showing affection and love to her child and vice versa--nothing wrong with that.
I have son's who are 28, 24 and 20. The 20 year old and I still occasionally do this. My older two sons are not comfortable with it. My two daughters and I do this, too. Nothing wrong with it.
Yes I do. And now it is my grandchildren who live with me. My grandson is now 12 and is still very comfortable. He and I are very close but he is comfortable with telling me everything. I know it will stop and will be replaced with kisses on the cheek but I will be fine with that. I MEAN HOW MANY GRAND DADS EVEN HAVE THEIR GRAND CHILDREN CLOSE BY. I am very blessed.
My son is four months old, and he grabs ME by the face and lays it on me. ^_^ OK, so it's more like a slobbery, drooling, open mouth, suckerfish kiss, but it's still hilarious. ^_^
I hear the moms but what about the dads? When do you stop kissing your sons on the lips? I'll stop when it becomes uncomforetable to them. We have always been an affectionate family. My son is 12. Not as often but sometimes. I think time will be soon.
I never do that with my kids. A kiss onthe cheek or a hug:)
Also raised with Italian traditions. Mom kissed us on the lips and so did my older Sisters. And to this day when we greet and part with a kiss on the lips. As for Brother and Dad no. Although the last time I saw Dad before he died he asked for a kiss.("I guess you wouldn't want to kiss your Father, would you"?)
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